What would you say was the closest thing a "War of the Ring" type of event in human history?

What would you say was the closest thing a "War of the Ring" type of event in human history?

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the finno-korean hyper war

This, pretty much. There was never a war on the same scale and with so much at stake until WW2, and that's being generous to WW2.

Can't wait until the day that posting this is enough to get you banned.

Three kingdoms era, with the 'ring' being the imperial seal.

>Another day, another faggot denying the hyper war

I hope your shitposting gets you banned back to [s4s]

prefer it over
posting any day.

>denying history to this scale
Fucking Hyper War denialists. You are worse than holocaust denialists.

I dread the day they filter "finno-korean" and I can't talk about the finno-korean pottery culture continuum anymore

Better yet, the Genpei war, that ended with the losing side throwing the imperial regalia and the fucking child-Emperor into the sea.


Except there's no Sauron equivalent. MAYBE you could say Go-Shirakawa or Kiyomori are like Saruman but that's a stretch. Retellings involve magic objects and sorcery so I guess that's one similarity, and the monks are shown as kind of like warrior wizards.

>shameless historical revisionism

>A Tyrannosaurus Rex

lost it

I'm convinced that it's just one dedicated autist shitposting about this

One Fin, one man to remind the world of it's forgotten crimes.

The autism isn't what's reminding us. Its why we're forgetting.

We are in it now.

Marx is Sauron
Islam/Africa is mordor
Soros is Saruman
Merkel is Theoden
Europe is Rohan
Obama/Hillary is Denethor
Trump is Aragorn
America is Gondor

Marxism & Feminism are the one ring.

>Trump is Aragorn

Battle of Vienna. LOTR was actually heavily inspired by it.

Trojan or Kurukshetra Wars

Who/what is Gandalf?

Meme magic





>posts a retarded comparison thread
>gets memed off
