Lead armies over victory against imperialism

>lead armies over victory against imperialism
>only took land that was beneficial towards Russia
>increased life expectancy and eliminated illiteracy
>expanded country to heavy industries
>mourned by millions of workers by death

Why is he despised by pseudo-socialists again?

Other urls found in this thread:


yeah the life expectancy after stalin was higher than during his time :^)

Because he "ruined socialism". Not totally sure what they mean by that.

>>increased life expectancy

Just goes to show that the World War 1, The Russian Revolution and Lenin's Purges were so brutal that not even Hitler's war and Stalin's purges combined could wreck that kind of havoc on Russia. He is pretty damn sexy though tbqh.

Because he merely exploited it as a way to turn Russia into an authoritarian hell on earth to secure power for himself.
And it was Communism not Socialism.

>lead armies over victory against imperialism
>only took land that was beneficial towards Russia
Lenin did this. The whole reason the USSR was a thing rather than Russia was because of Stalin

Even as an anti-communist, I have to give him credit for fixing the steaming heap of dogshit of a country left by Stalin and Trotsky.

*Lenin and Trotsky

God damn

how can socialism prevent the rise of such people to power?

the main danger of a totalitarian regime, even a beneficial one, is that there is no civil way to prevent a malicious leader from rising to power.

from lenin to stalin, from chavez to maduro, from the fall of USSR into neo-USSR... totalitarian shitholes never change.

>authoritarian hell on earth


Isn't that true about every communist leader?

Besides maybe Tito.

I still think Stalin was a total badass though. He purged the kikes, sent homosexuals and other degenerates into gulags, and deliberately starved dissenters. He did what had to be done to whip his shithole of a nation into shape.

I want to know more about Stalin as a person. He seems so mysterious

>how can socialism prevent the rise of such people to power?
By not forcing a Marxist economic system into society by force like Communists try to do but instead move towards it gradually and legally through democratically promoted social reforms.

Therefore achieving a fair and Marxist economic system in a democratic society*
See: Social democracy

Who's this retarded guy on His that thinks Stalin was a good at anything? Stalin killed people then Hitler did. The Germans should have given Stalin a medal for almost defeating the SU itself.

>haha he was so badass he killed all of those innocent people xD i love linkin park!!

Actually one of my favourite communist personas. Because of his monastic upbringing he was actually very quiet and reserved, living a life more minimalist and fitting to socialism than any other leader.

>Isn't that true about every communist leader?
For the most part yes. And that's why a Marxist can't be achieved with the use of authoritarian regimes. Nobody should be trusted with that amount of power.

only killed tens of millions of people and ruined half of europe.

Marxist society*

So what if i do?

The weak should fear the strong.

This thread is cancer. Plz delete this garbage

He transformed a country with an economy absolutely destroyed by retarded Leninist policies into one of the most industrialized countries in the world. Say what you will about his character or ethics, but don't deny he was an incredible organizer.

>Why is he despised by pseudo-socialists again?

I think that it's him that would despise the new left

Glad to know that Stalin is being chewed by hairy Satan in ice cold ninth circle of hell.

Damn, Stalin was cute.


This is a history board. If you want to do nothing but spout your personal biases, please go to /pol/. If you wouldn't say it to one of your professors, why would you post it on here?

Because a historical fact that hell does exist.

Dem facial aesthetics though. 9/10 would succ

>Stalin getting credit for a bunch of shit that would have happened anyways

Didn't take a rocket scientist to know Russia needed to industrialize and it probably would have gone better with someone who wasn't a paranoid maniac in charge.

Imperial Russia was very well developed, its grain fed almost all of Europe. Following the civil war and a decade of Lenin, just about every factory was dysfunctional and productivity came to a halt. Following Stalinist reforms the economy made an incredible recovery and surpassed its former prime many times over. And this is only before WW2. If you argue that this was only natural and attribute these things to the People, fine, but by that logic you would have to also attribute the success seen during the reign of Augustus and Philip to the destined evolution of their nations.

Then again, what would a rocket scientist know about history?

He's a retard don't mind it

>muh ethics!
Stalin killed more commies than Pinochet and Hitler combined, which makes him a hero.

Pol Pot gets similar praise.

>Not using force

Pick one and only one

How can any popular revolution prevent the rise of a dictator?

Usually you need multiple power blocks or a Cincinnatus.

This is a problem inherent with revolutions, not so much specifically socialist or communist ones. Take Napoleon for example.

He Genocides Ukrainian people, killed thousands of Poles and Russians and wasn't even a Slav. Really Hitler is an white angel compared to this steaming pile


Hitler destroyed his own country while Stalin turned his into a superpower. Please don't be so sensitive and try to look at things objectively.

I've always had a great deal of sympathy for Stalin. Psychologically speaking he's a fascinating figure.

Hitler made Germany a super power. Hitler made Russians military break. Also Hitler was a better speaker and more intelligent.

Hitler was literally a rothschild zionist kike plant who purged his own race of undesirables to prune their ranks and scare the rest into Israel. Look it up do your research.

> x is that way pinko

We're talking about end results here. History books don't stop at 1942. Well, maybe yours do.

Furthermore, why did you bother bringing up their personal attributes when addressing their accomplishments?

Hitler was unironically and publicly Zionist. He wanted Jews out, and the people without a nation to have their own nation to fuck up.

Hitler's grandmother was literally a maid in a Rothschild mansion who got knocked up out of wedlock.

You do realize Stalin died at some point. Are you saying Hitler's succession plan was better than Stalin's?

I think what I'm saying is pretty obvious. On Hitler's death, Germany was completely destroyed. On Stalin's, the Soviet Union was a superpower rivalling the United States. These results are the product of their lifelong efforts. Is it really so difficult for you to acknowledge this?

Trotsky would've done all of that but better and with less casualties

Trotsky had extremely low IQ and was incompetent to boot. For heaven's sake he couldn't even beat Poland. POLAND!

Poland was a bunch of hussars

>You do realize Stalin died at some point.
You seem a bit defensive on this point. Could it be that you're Stalin?


Even young trotski wasn't that bad looking.

That's not Stalin.

He didn't have to. The objective was to take Ukraine, it was accomplished.

he looks like a 40 year old Jewish woman

He lost Western Poland

Who's that fuccboi

Cuz it aint Stalin

It was Stalin few years earlier user. Like a decade.

But user once told me that the guy n the OP was just some male model. Did he lie to me?

gibe proofs

I'm pretty sure OPs photo was photoshopped to hell because stalin was pockmarked to hell at that age.

He's right.

>Skeletonmode Stalin

>only killed tens of millions of people and ruined half of europe.


He was insane.
But hey, we're on Veeky Forums, so why I'm so surprised?

Compare with this photo. Definitely Stalin.

He was a jokester.

>Why so thin Michail Ivanovich? / I'm engaging in work. / Onanism is no work. Better engage in marxism! Hehe! J. Stalin

>Don't sit with your naked ass on those rocks! Go to the komsomol and the rafbak. Give the lad some pants. J. Stalin

You may be surprised but eastern europeans in general don't age very well.


>Ginger brat Radek. Wouldn't been crapping against the wind, wouldn't have been so evil, would've been alive. J. Stalin

>One thoughtful fool is worse than 10 enemies. J. Stalin

So Google thinks OPs pic is Amanzo Wilder, the husband of the "Little House on the Prairie" author Laura Ingalls Wilder.

The other sight has an interesting possible match (pic related).

This changes everything.

>Plehanov! Why are you calling back? Coward and lishenets

>Fool! He's completely forgotten what to do. There's a model lying down there - she (he?) was cut, simply

>The strongest tovarisch! The soviet David is preparing to beat down the world imperialism. We'll help him!

>Just afraid of the sun? He's a coward!! J. Stalin

>This one could really whack out the truth [out of anyone]!

why are there so many naked men in this thread

stalin was a homo

>A thinker. He could be dangerous, he could be useful. A screw pin!

>One who was born to crawl cannot fly.

>Almost like in Turukh! He's preparing for a false prison break. Little of his kind have remained. In memories. J. Stalin

>Go timurovets study with what to dig a wall!!

>Slackers like this one we've got plenty. Philosopher! ("fillo-sos", a wordplay on fellatio and sucker)

> stalin is shitposting on Veeky Forums
I doubt that, user.