The self is a illusion

>The self is a illusion

How do i attain self transcendence?
There is something i'm not really grapsing.
Anyone here have experience with this?
Will losing the ego completely make me less depressed?

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>How do i attain self transcendence?
Meditate or take LSD.

>Anyone here have experience with this?
I did dabble with mindfulness meditation for a bit.

>Will losing the ego completely make me less depressed?
Yes, momentarily. You have to apply the same concepts to normal life - let negative thoughts simply fall away from your consciousness and pay no heed to them. The cycle of negative thoughts is the main reason for depression in so far as it isn't chemically induced.

Anyone have any insight in this?
Documentaries, Books you recommend on the topic?

Start with marajuana and find an Alan Watts talk whose title tickles your fancy. Good journeys to you, user.

Alan Watts

>mindfulness meditation
How do i do this. What kinds of things do you think about.

>cycle of negative thoughts
I think this is the source of my depression. I have heavy cognitive dissonance on the daily and i am now just understanding the concept of just letting them fall away.

>take LSD


>They found that the participants' visual processing was no longer restricted to the visual cortex at the base of the brain - all kinds of regions contributed to what the participants 'saw', which is pretty odd, seeing as their eyes were closed.

"We observed brain changes under LSD that suggested our volunteers were 'seeing with their eyes shut' - albeit they were seeing things from their imagination rather than from the outside world," explains Carhart-Harris. "We saw that many more areas of the brain than normal were contributing to visual processing under LSD - even though the volunteers' eyes were closed."

>Not only that, but regions that usually don’t signal to each other suddenly started connecting, while regions that usually form a network became segregated, Ian Sample reports for The Guardian.

This could explain why LSD is associated with intense, dreamlike images and a sense of 'oneness' with the Universe, but also a loss of personal identity, known as ego dissolution.

"Normally our brain consists of independent networks that perform separate specialised functions, such as vision, movement and hearing - as well as more complex things like attention," says Carhart-Harris. "However, under LSD the separateness of these networks breaks down and instead you see a more integrated or unified brain."

>Alan Watts
Does he genuinely have good insight in this kind of mindfulness or is it just new age mystic stuff?

he's a meme

>How do i do this. What kinds of things do you think about.
Boiled down to its very essence, it's very simple. It's not easy to do, which is why I just dabbled in it.

You -stop- thinking. You focus on one thing - your breathing (easy mode), a sound (easy mode), an object (medium mode), or a feeling like DUDE LOVE LMAO (hard mode) - and do literally nothing else but focus on it, letting all other thoughts fall away.

I'm really bad at explaining this though, you should find a book on it and read it. Sam Harris' "Waking Up: A guide to spirituality without religion" comes to mind.

Negative is not to be ignored. Your depressed self is yourself telling you something is off. Your ego is not to be ignored, but worked through. Just remember that you are not isolated little you, you are the universe in motion and your thoughts feelings and actions are no mistake. Nature does not make mistakes and you are what nature is doing, bound by and binding everything this universe has to offer. Esoteric nonsense? Basic common sense.

Lol, food is food. The question is whether or not you have the teeth with witch to chew.

I understand the discomfort your brain makes you feel when you are hungry so you would stay alive and that discomfort should not be ignored. But my depression is caused by heavy cognitive dissonance.

>Alan Watts
>New Age mystic

Pick one.

Really though, he's good stuff.

Which texts do you recommend?

"Psychotherapy East and West" and "The Way of Zen" are his best. But if you're dabbling I would start with his lectures, they're all on youtube.

I would recommend "The Art of Meditation" and "The Taoist Way."

By dying

In relation to ego, I'd say a good starting point would be one of his most popular, "easier" books, "The Book: The Taboo on Knowing Who You Are"

I also highly recommend his lectures; he was a fantastic speaker, and, personally, i think his enthusiasm and wit are much more easily gleaned from his spoken recordings. You can find a good number of them online--try to find the uncut recordings if you can, look for the Out of Your Mind lecture series, compiled by his son.

Try these:

Good luck, and have fun.

AYY lmao Hinduism made you dumb.

It makes you think getting depersonalized and inducing social autism means spiritual enlightenment... good for you m8.

Go to India if you want dumb shit like that to be practiced by everyone and be the social norm.


The reality behind "the self is an illusion" is that the meaning of your life is a construct of language and cultural memes.

Somehow New Age hijacked the "LSD kills your ego" and made it one with the "kundalini awakens" bullshit.

LSD kills your ego before that moment of despersonalization, that moment of despersonalization is just a posterior illusion bring through because of excess, its like saying real drunkeness is vomiting or passing out. Those are just examples of what happens when you go past the limit between drug and poison, every drug has this limit and what lies beyond its "im dying" reflexes.

The real ego killer is that when no unbelievable high, you realize your brain is distorting your perception.

The brain always does this, its just most noticeable under psychedelic drugs, it makes the repressed more visible because ou are just too unfocused to engage in repressing your thoughts and feelings, things come and go very fast and you are stick with the first impression those things generate in you and you are then experiencing sth different before you have time to rationalize anything.

It depends on how you take it, which is his point.

I was a jaded fuck whose hippie friend showed him to me. I found him annoying at first.

You listen and realize he doesn't take himself overly seriously-- he would argue that we should all take ourselves less seriously. If you let it sink in, a good bit of what he says can be applied to daily life. It all sounds overly simple or simple minded at first though.

Here's a good example: