What are the real names of Christopher Columbus three ships?

The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria are said to be nicknames. My professor said one is nearly impossible to find and only one student has ever gotten it.

Nina = Santa Clara

Santa Maria = La Santa María de la Inmaculada Concepción (yeah)

Pinta = name is unknown


I'm from the town where the Santa Clara was made. Santa Clara is a monastery in a town called Moguer and the Niño brothers, who lived there, were the boatbuilders.

Tell me they're not still teaching that crap in school. What did your professor tell you that he discovered America? There's no reason for Columbus to be taught in any primarily English speaking country. The guy shipwrecked in a place called Santo Domingo.

>There's no reason for Columbus to be taught in any primarily English speaking country.
Other than the fact that he's the guy who set the stage for several hundred years of trade and colonization of the New World...

It's not like that permanently altered the world economy, Western agriculture or anything else.

>historical classes should only teach about admirable people

> The guy shipwrecked in a place called Santo Domingo.

And thus rediscovered the Americas.

How is that not relevant history?

>admirable people exist

>>historical classes should only teach about admirable people

instead they teach fantasy genre

No you're right user, we also shouldn't learn about anything that had to do with any kind of violence.

At the end of the day it's a wash. What flag did he plant when he arrived? Every picture is different.

>The guy shipwrecked in a place called Santo Domingo.
>And thus rediscovered the Americas.
>How is that not relevant history?
You should learn to read. The question is about the English speaking world. He landed in a country that speaks Spanish. It makes sense that he is relevant to Latin America. Why was he relevant to the United States in 16th,17th, and 1800's so much so the US named 20 cities after him and much more? When there are a handful of explorers, you probably need me to name them for you, that landed in North America on the mainland (Canada and the US). None, but two streets a road, shopping mall and two towers named after these people.

The Panopticon, the Abiogenesis, and the VALIS.

Cause the US were first colonized by Spaniards.

Because only one of them was the fucking first.

Are you seriously not getting this?

How many people can you name that landed on the moon? Probably only the first and the second one.

How many people can you name that climbed Mt. Everest? Probably only the first two, or maybe just one of them.

Doing something first is a big deal.

You are idiot

>a painting represents how Columbus is taught

He's a guy who discovered the Americas and so everyone else started going there's. That's not very fantastic.

What do the languages spoken in present day countries have to do with anything?

he didn't even discover the americas. spain already had colonies on south america for a while

Most progressive Americans believe that Columbus was a criminal and genocidal maniac and therefore should not be depicted in a positive light in any curriculum.

Holy shit you're dense

Have you heard of Columbia University? The Columbiad? Did you know that the capital of the United States is called the District of Columbia?

What difference does that make?

Teaching History in schools isn't about who's wrong or right or what we think should have been done. It's what happened and the importance of those things that happened.

Columbus discovered the Americas for Europe. There were other civilizations living there, and that can be taught too. But the fact that Columbus started hundreds of years of trade, exploration and colonization isn't countered by the fact that he lied, cheated, killed, raped and pillaged.

It's like saying that Hitler isn't important because he was evil. Fuck that, he single-handedly changed history. It's not our place to judge wether he changed for better of for worse, that's what a historian do.

Fuck political correctness, there is no such thing in History.