Are there any good arguments against transhumanism?

Are there any good arguments against transhumanism?

Is there a good argument for it? It's a meme.

>start talking about politics or philosophy with somebody
>whenever they say anything it's about post-scarcity, automation, self driving cars, transhumanism or some other sci-fi bullshit

>eliminate ageing

Also, implying that plebs won't simply kill you if anything approaching the optimistic fantasies of transhumanists becomes a possibility for a select few only.

Theres not really much to talk about since we cant modify our bodies yet enough for it to be a significant enough boost to be worth it.

Is that you?

Not really, but transhumanism isn't relevant yet. We can't put chips into our brains to make information processing fast enough to justify an actual discussion about the subject. We can't put laser beams into our corneas.
There is no point in discussing the topic yet for a vast majority of people.
In 50 years we will find that we are unequipped to have a real discussion and it will become Trump/Hillary tier debate material

no it's a pretty well-known picture

Transhumanism already exists though. What do you think wheelchairs and prosthetic limbs are?

Many people also have hearings aids and cyborg eyes.

Yeah but most of them arent really worth replacing limbs and body parts over yet.


>hearing aids

That last time I heard AIDS was when I tried reading your bullshit out loud.

Suck my dick faggot.

"V'ger is that which seeks the Creator"

Should have said yes, she probably had a crush

Because i don't want M$ controlling my body.

It's literal cancer

transhumanism is like the opisate of wat we r doing

we are to busy creating technology to dumb down and destory the minds and bodys of our fellow man as opposed to improving

anyone endorsing transhumanism has problems with their ego, and mainly a lack thereof.

clearly compensating for something.

Complete ego death isn't all that great,

taking consiousness out of the box that its your head, and putting it into a box that probably has much more limitations

also depending on 3rd party software
and 3rd party hardware.

>automation, self driving cars
>sci fi bullshit

That's one sure way to get AIDS.

Its going to happen, just not like the terminator shit.

It would indeed be a much more human like robot or a human clone.

>tfw you transplant yourself into a eternal 12 year old qt loli

inb4 feminists cry MUHSOGGYNEE

Not at all if your comfy with the thought that half of your body will belong to Apple and your bionic arm wont stop punching your dick unless you pay treefiddy every day.

It will end our consciousness. We're already getting there at a fast clip with current technology.


If you're a materialist, then no there is no reason you should not go transhumanist.

I think we're suppose to die though. I don't want to be in a body forever, and transhumanism will basically trap you on the material plane forever. Some people believe that this is the hell that so many people were talking about since one of eternal fire may not actually exist.

A cyborg body sounds pretty shit. I'd take an immortality booster shot although I'm not sure how you'd stop the cancers.

Not really eternal if you can die outside of aging.

Good point. I was thinking that perhaps your consciousness could be in the cloud or something. So you would always be alive somewhere.

It's a perversion of the human form and a sin against God.

First off, what kind of transhumanist future are we talking about here? Cyberlimbs for the general population? Genetic therapy? Vat-grown organs cloned from your DNA? Robotic automation for menial tasks?

I mean, all of these things have great, obvious positives, the issue comes from conditions that aren't suited to adapting them. For example, if we could replace all workers with robotic slaves, we'd essentially eliminate 2/3s of the workforce or more overnight in the US and Europe. This would lead to, at best, the old population sitting on welfare and doing nothing for society because they don't know how to do office worker and technical jobs, they can't compete with managers and executives, and the majority lack the ability to produce compelling art. At worst, these people would instead sit around in squalor, growing in dissidence to the point where there'd be rebellion to return to the old ways.

Replacement organs and limbs for those who can afford them? We already have something similar in place which is the subject of much debate. To be able to give everyone who needs such treatment care would put a massive strain on public resources or create debt slaves as people work their whole life to pay off their treatment. And if these treatments actually created people more fit and capable than people without them to a significant degree, you'd create two classes of people far beyond an economic divide.

Genetic therapy also opens many doors. We could seek out and eliminate undesirable genes within the population and either force their removal or brand those that carry them. Imagine having to list on your medical file that you were born with a gene carried by 15% of the population which said you were prone to several genetic diseases or were at high risk for the development of offspring being born with severe deformities or hampered mental states.

Society is not at the point yet of supporting transhumanism because social structure isn't developed enough.

>If you're a materialist, then no there is no reason you should not go transhumanist.
If you're a materialist, you basically have no possible explanation about how you can preserve your mind in non-brain form.

I checked with God and he said it was just fine, he doesn't have a problem with it.


>thinking he speaks for God

How's Hell looking?

That does sound pretty hellish so I certainly wouldn't volunteer. At least in the long long term the heat death of the universe would end any potential afterlife.

WAAAAY more than two thirds, the problem with robotics is we haven't developed a robot capable of using reason to overcome issues. They're also not as flexible or reliable as people.
If you fixed all that then there wouldn't be a lot of doctors, builders, lifestyle magazine people, soldiers, surgeons or accountants and so on.

No, just a bunch of tiresome religious moralizing. Ignore the imbeciles.

Why would God send his prophet to Hell?

its not that the technological development will not happen, its happening right now, its just that transhumanism is rather a naive set of concepts, mostly centered around personal body augumentation and the like

things will probably function somewhat different, and its probably not gonna be about making superhumans, just regulating the metabolism, fixing bad kidneys, implanting new eyes, maybe grafting some extra brainpower at great risk, that kinda thing

collectively the technologies involved will have a much greater impact in terms of communication and control, for example, erasing the boundary betveen a users mind, the interface, the system used, all the minds of other users

also its a great way to control and manipulate a human population, check out chinese biotech institutions

besides mtf transexuals and steroid laden bildos have pretty much started it allredy, so it kind of gives you a idea about the mentality of it all from a personal perspective

It doesn't even address the issue of what would happen in other nations that didn't have access. Imagine China losing all US trade because now instead of outsourcing all production to Chinese workers who can work for pennies a day, you can cut them out too for automatons. Suddenly, China's got a humongous set of unemployed, and pretty much the only paths available to them are rebel in the homeland or have their government ship them out as soldiers to start a war.

Any sort of "transhumanist" society will certainly come about over time as our technology and understanding improves, but to simply push it forward to now because we can will be met with disaster, much like Europeans disseminating their technology to peoples of the world who haven't gone through their own line of thought to arrive at their development. We'd have the ability, but not the sense on how to use it.

>OP hasn't responded to any of the posts against transhumanism
>its another "OP shitposts about transhumanism then leaves" thread

I'm a materialist and I think there are plenty of arguments to be made against transhumanism. There's simply no way we will be able to implement it fairly across the world which will lead to even greater wealth imbalances which in turn is a powerful destabilizing force. Secondly while I can see the benefits for an individual to never die (though I think we'd all eventually kill ourselves out of pure ennui). Transhuamnism simply has to many horrible implications for society as a whole.

its nothing but Protestant eschatology with some of the terms switched up to make it sound less "religious"

its a load of utter rubbish either way because its built atop utopian fantasies and supreme egotism

self driving cars are a load of rubbish
they will never be commonplace

>Automobiles are a load of rubbish
>they will never be commonplace

>Aeroplanes are a load of rubbish
>they will never be commonplace

>Computers are a load of rubbish
>they will never be commonplace

>Portable cellular phones are a load of rubbish
>they will never be commonplace

>living forever


They will be commonplace by the end of the decade.

ok m8 I'll bite since its obvious you've never given the prospect of a self-driven car much thought.

there are two major reasons why they will never be commonplace

the first is in the event of an accident (which there will be) who is at fault?
is it the owner even if he wasn't driving?
is it the manufacturer?
is it the programmer?

its ripe for a ton of abuse not to mention plenty of insurance issues.
and secondly in the event of a crash such a car must be programmed to kill the driver if the scenario is similar to the trolley-lever one

if there are a bunch of people in the road, and the car has the option of swerving which would cause a crash and kill only the owner, or just plowing through them, it would obviously choose the former.
no one wants to buy a car which is programmed to sacrifice them.

there are other reasons as well but these two are the biggest.
Humans must always be the ones making the choices.

until the lawsuits start rolling in

ok m8 I'll bite, since it's obvious you've never given the prospect of a train much thought.

the first is in the event of an accident (which there will be) who is at fault?
is it the engineer even if he's doing fuck all?
is it the manufacturer?
is it the programmer?

They are already testing early self-driving eighteen--wheelers in Germany. They need a driver to manage them, but they handle speed and keeping in the lane all by themselves.

I always see transhumanists as just sad lonely people who think technology can save them from their dreary lives.

these are the sorts who in 70 years will be broken down cyborgs left over from the fad years prior and now living on disability due to being outdated heaps of rubbish desperately clinging onto their horrid rusting lives as everyone else around them has embraced genetic engineering

Lawsuits wouldn't go anywhere unless insurance attributes the fault to the automation.

a train is driven by a person and on rails
it can only go one way and its path is very clear for all those around

not even close to comparable to an automated car among thousands of other automated cars on the road.

If the machine were at fault, rather than a human driver, it would just be like with faulty breaks or something like that. The idea of a machine accidentally crashing into something is highly unlikely though.

That is, with faulty brakes, the company gets sued, but they do a recall and correct the problem, they don't just stop making cars because of possible brake defects.

you say that but once such situations happen they are inevitable
and juries will always have a sore spot for "rouge tech"
how do you ensure this? only by further limiting human freedom

in order to make the roads safer for robot cars, by necessity all cars will have to be robotic and hooked up to a singular cloud network in order to organize traffic.
more than that, robot cars will only go down certain roads as prescribed for them by their programming further constraining us along such ridged lines.

honestly the fact that people see such things as a "good" outcome is astonishing, I can only imagine what strange sorts of people are being birthed now to be so desperate to operate on binary lines.

How is the issue of how many cars on the road specific to automated vehicles? Those cars are still on the road and human error causes most accidents. Countless lives would be saved through automating motor vehicles.

And when it comes to a fully automated roadways, lawsuits and crime would decrease as well. No more DUIs and no more drunk drivers. I'd take one death through the trolley/lever issue over thousands of preventable deaths caused by simple human error.

I suggest you go look at the stats anywhere in the world at a developed or undeveloped country. Deaths due to car accidents are one of the most significant causes of early death, the largest type of death by accident and uniformly higher than the murder rate. The vast majority are caused by human error.

There is no reason to think self-driving cars aren't going to be considerably safer.

Technology tends toward avoidance of risks by investors. Uncertainty is ruled out if possible. People generally prefer the predictable. Few recognize how destructive this can be, how it imposes severe limits on variability and thus makes whole populations fatally vulnerable to the shocking ways our universe can throw the dice.

You don't really need to make one. It will either become a thing, or it wont.

so it comes down to us sacrificing yet more freedom in the prospect of some lives being saved through our own further automation and degeneration into becoming mere robots ourselves.


>limiting human freedom
What, to drive drunk and too fast? To get lost on backroads with no way to communicate with help?
A car is a tool. A tool designed to move me from one place to another. My human freedoms are being limited by having to operate the car. I'd rather be reading, or drawing, or doing work on my laptop.

except in this case you no longer decide how to use that tool
the tool moves on its own and you are frankly superficial to its working

fears of terminators rising up and taking over are unfounded, we are giving everything we have to the machines without a fight anyways.

>“All of a sudden, we’ve lost a lot of control,’ he said. ‘We can’t turn off our internet; we can’t turn off our smartphones; we can’t turn off our computers. You used to ask a smart person a question. Now, who do you ask? It starts with g-o, and it’s not God…”

― Steve Wozniak

>the tool moves on its own and you are frankly superficial to its working

Good? I already explained I don't like driving and when you have to make 11 hour drives you learn to hate driving. Do you get pissed off by ATMs, factory robots, and electric pencil sharpeners? I'm superficially operating the sharpener in that case too. I just plug it in and it works. No manual control.
Our whole lives are essentially automated at this point already. I'd rather have my freedom to focus on more important things than the manual operation of a car.

No freedom is being sacrificed. Trying to crowbar a Franklin quote in randomly is no point at all.

This quote could apply to seatbelt laws too. Do you wear a seatbelt? Why? Isn't that limiting your freedom too?

>Do you get pissed off by ATMs, factory robots, and electric pencil sharpeners?
I like being able to interact with a human when getting my money
factory robots kill jobs
and pencil sharpeners take away my ability to control the sharpness of my pencil

w i t n e s s e d

how can it apply?
one straps you into your chair

the other is taking away not only your ability to choose your own destination in life, but also the skills required to operate a vehicle yourself

I'd say automatic transmission is similar in effect, though obviously not as limiting
today no one can fix their own cars for even minor issues, and few people know how their transmission system works
everything is becoming more and more detached from humanity

You literally said: "I don't care about the future, I care only about the past."

He's right, fuck the future.

future =/= fantasy

Because it has very little basis in science and is espoused by brainlets who only know pop-science?
People who think that robots or computers will one day make mankids lives perfect, become sentient robo-waifus, make you live forever, and/or take control of society and all the work while we get a set living wage because we've made a post-scarcity society only show they know almost nothing about computers or robotics

On the self driving car:

Apply the trolley dilemma to a self driving car.
Should the self driving car sacrifice the driver, who did nothing wrong to save a more numerous group of pedestrians who did something wrong? /g/ had an interesting discussion on this.

I don't see that the self driving car has any data on "who did nothing wrong" or "who did something wrong".

Ten kids are jaywalking in the middle of the road. Car sensors detect them and think "OH SHIT, it's either crash into those kids or swerve into that oak tree!" The wrong in this case is the illegal/foolish/dangerous act.

Transhumanism willl just come in many subtle ways. Retards cannot understand that we put the impossible on movies and films to dream about something else that may not come.

This is what i meant with wrong Probably should have phrased it better.

>>humans flying
>>humans landing on the moon
>>humans harnessing electricity that we had only seen occur as lightning to light their homes and shitpost on the internet

Implying amaright guys

implying amaright?

I'm not sure I want people to have the freedom to get drunk and drive several tonnes of steel around and I think heroin should probably be legal.

Only materialists believe that is possible since they don't believe there is anything supernatural about the brain such as the mind or the soul that can't be replicated through other physical analogues.

You prophesied the wrong one, so the right one is pissed, just like all the losers in the old testament who thought their god was hot shit.

>taking away not only your ability choose your own destination in life, but also the skills required to operate a vehicle yourself
First off, come off it, most self-driving cars will always keep a way for the owners to take control and drive whenever they want, as technology will never really be fool-proof and you'll want to be able to save yourself in the off chance something goes wrong
Second, to be honest, there's not really a reason WHY we need to know how to operate a vehicle once they're all self-reliant
We only bother in the first place because:
A. We like driving
B. We need to get from point A to point B, and a car's the fastest way to do it
If you're in the A. camp, guess what, you'll still be able to drive, and if you're in B., then all it's done is just make your commute easier, plus if you want to argue that it's bad, then you're pretty much saying any transit system where only the driver is doing any driving is robbing people of their important freedom, and that shit's been around since before this country was even a gleam in Britain's eye

legit science and medicine is better than scifi and feddoras

Why? These are all inevitabilities, will have profound impacts on society and humanity as a whole, are within the realms of philosophical and social discussion and are extremely interesting to discuss. Genetic modification in particular, this is going to be the largest science of the next few centuries and is going to completely change society.

But google is god. He is what weve been waiting for centuries

Transhumanism is letting a toddler get a tattoo. It will win though, I am afraid. 'The hands and brains of soulless men destroy what time will never build again'

You sound like a YouTube comment

>ethical issues prevent technology from becoming commonplace
Yeah, nah.


playing god is a death knell

what don't fucking liberals understand about this

>letting yourself get spooked by the idea of "playing god"

>muh liberals

Right wingers play god all the time, my dear /pol/fag

absolute lies and falsehoods. The right believes in nature as it is.

>"It is the common doom of man that he must eat his bread by the sweat of his brow, that is, by the sweat of his body, or the sweat of his mind. Every attempt to fly from it, and to refuse the very terms of our existence, becomes much more truly a curse, and heavier pains and penalties fall upon those who would elude the tasks which are put upon them by the great Master Workman of the World."

liberals need to stop eluding the tasks the great Master Workman has put upon them. It's getting out of control.

1. You lose your humanity. 2. Fear and emotions are barriers, so those MIGHT leave. 3. Biological reproduction takes too long, so more cloning and less sex. 4. Screw it, basically perfection makes you a robot. That is the idea.

You're an idiot because every technological development since agriculture has reduced the amount of labor necessary for people to sustain themselves.

>>liberals need to stop eluding the tasks the great Master Workman has put upon them. It's getting out of control.

Fuck that shit, you can take your superstitions and shove them. I look forward to our glorious transhuman future.