What television shows and films will stay stamped in history forever?

What television shows and films will stay stamped in history forever?

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a literal masterpiece

Well you nailed one with TZ.
Roger Sterling was a frigging genius.

>television shows

None. The very name is synonymous with 'low-quality trash'.

Much like novels, and plays.

Well what do you do in your break time and when you want to relax, user? And why do you hate all TV shows? I'm sure there has to be good ones in the span of a century of its existence.

star trek

>what do you do in your break time and when you want to relax, user

I masturbate. Doesn't mean I think my dick will go down in history.

I'm actually more curious about why you call television shows synonymous to low quality trash. What are your reasons?

Rod Serling's twilight zone is as far from "low quality" as a television show can get.

>as far from "low quality" as a television show can get

That's not very far.


this is apparently the best television has to offer

Forever? Probably nothing. Or nothing you would thought would stay remembered.

I'm afraid we are coming to an age, where censorship will be growing, but maybe not in form of censorship itself. Even now we have abundance of entertainment, that is slowly pushing out valuable works of cinematography into oblivion. For the sake of future generations, access to entertainment passing some moral values or ideals will be slowly restricted and replaced with media fulfilling agenda. Think "Brave New World", by Aldous Huxley. We can see such trend already.

Since you asked about about films that should be marked in history forever, I think one of such titles should be Chaplin's "Dictator".

I don't think there are any such TV shows, not for the message passed. Maybe marked in history only for their novelty or popularity.

As this user says forever is most unlikely.

Examples that will live on for a good amount of time are
>The Triumph of the will
>Birth of a nation
>The eternal Jew
>All those ones made by Einstein ((Commie one))

The Human Centipede

have you seen the entire episode?

The Dark Knight Rises is a pretty big movie.

Baneposting was predicted by Umberto Eco and points towards the future of religion.

I have. It was alright. But it clearly won't "stay stamped in history forever" as OP claimed.

Impossible to know. You can't tell what the "classics" will be while immersed in the present day.

This desu. Television is a Jew industry. Rod Sterling was a Jew himself, therefore nothing on television can rise above being hackneyed trash.

Definetly one of the more schlock episodes but a classic twist nonetheless.

regarding DKR: "symbols abound, implying as well as defying meaning in a kaleidoscope of confusion, which can make watching the opening scene 'very painful'"

- Eco "Semiotics: Behind the Mask of Meaning"