post effay films
Post effay films
great film
I guess most of Wes Anderson's
entry level hipster garbage film
entry level hipster garbage fashion
Nah my man
>not posting the title of the film
k, bra
>not knowing the film
lurk more
watched this last night and it fucked my shit up, i never watch scary movies however
i've never seen this movie and i knew it/confirmed with reverse search. leave newfag
that movie is such garbage
Here, Then
It was okay. Nice to look at at least.
I really wanted the kid's hat. Looked a little too modern compare to the rest of the costumes.
>Black Dynamite
darjeeling and life aquatic were shit and not effay at all. moonrise and budapest were pretty solid but I'm still not sure why they would be effay.
If by effay we mean stylish and minimalist, lotta Christian Bale movies fit the bill. Equilibrium and American psycho are good examples.
Tom Hardy shit should also be considered. Inception.
John Wick is pretty effay imo
Most effay.
Films with Joaquin Phoenix
NoƩ's films are usually pretty effay
Come on you plebs, I know you can do better.
Le rayou vert
>Le rayon vert*
Mein Langsames Leben
They truly are.
90s heroin chic and neotokyocore are 10/10
damn good movie too.
too lazy to get a good screencap, but it's a good movie
>darjeeling was shit
do you want me to fight you
I bet you like the films of Wes Anderson.
What are some other good comedies?
I love the style of humour in movies like In Bruges.
the apu trilogy
Barry Lyndon
Gumbo sucks. Garbage with a "cult icon character" (that stupid bunny boy) pasted on top to give it some type of superficial cult charm.
so fucking boring. couldnt keep my attention watched a second time to try to pick up on under lying shit but could not fucking do it
wears cps tho so i guess its good
The movie still sucks
I know, user. Gumbo was just funny to me.
Anyway pic related init.
which one should i sew on this color crewneck
also this one
Saw the previews, it seemed kind of goofy and self-insistent. Liked Darjeeling and Grand Budapest, though.
Fun fact: they used live ammunition for some of the scenes and that kid was under so much stress during the filming that his hair started turning gray.
someone say it and get it over with
Budapest. Also w2c budapest
noir is very Veeky Forums
The scene where he's in the field with the cow is one of them, supposedly
my man
Wasn't that same location used in Pride and Prejudice?
These are both correct
>darjeeling was shit
>darjeeling was not effay
Let me guess, your girlfriend left you for someone smarter and more cultured than you?
Either Grand Budapest Hotel or Her
Just because of how amazing the shots and scenes were
hey fuck you man
>Baby's first alternative movie.
didn't see her, but GBH was pretty good whether it was popular or not
Yeah this movie is effay if you're a pedo
good choice
weird to watch when you recognize parts of the city
absolute kino
why do gooks always have to make such creepy art
Anything by Wes Anderson
Absolute fucking garbage
La Haine
Theres more fashionable Japanese films, but this is the only one I could get hold of
This a better pic senpai
More effay
Not a film, but goddamn I loved this man's comfy ass fits.
w2c those
what movie? reverse image search doesnt have it
there is no film more Veeky Forums than Zoolander
this desu
absolute trash