post tattoos
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here's mine, posted it 2 weeks ago. My first one, waiting for color
Pretty sweet
Consider suicide
Looks cool but kinda out of place
would this look cool in you're opinion thanks
thanks man
why the fuck would you get this?
You arent a sailor from the 16th/17th century that has been press ganged into his majesties Royal Navy..
you have never discovered new worlds whilst kicking the French's arse across the 7 seas, coming into port in some backwards bone nose, bowl cut wearing country and fucking the shit out of the chocolate skinned women with their breasts exposed.
You have never sailed on a Man O War and sung Spanish Ladies with your mates only to have the captin' give you a knowing nod as if to say
"that'll do lads... that'll do"
who then himself joins in heartedly whilst you swig from your tankards.
Have you ever signalled with flags to other ships of the line that
Have you done any of those things? no.
Then why the fuck do you have that tattoo?
you land lubber cunt.
Ship wrecked.
does anyone have any recommendations for tattoo artists in nyc that specialize in dark/gothic tattoos? I'm trying something like pic related
This is a sketch of what i want... Ill probably draw a new, better version with a background inside the circle, but what does Veeky Forums think of the concept?
Thoughts on this hella Effay tattoo??
I've been thinking about getting a sleeve that transitions from the ocean to the beach, desert, plains, forests, mountains, and caves. I'm an avid outdoorsmen and have worked/played in all those environments.
What do you think Veeky Forums?
looks good, user
has a weird sexual vibe
owls are the new elks
i always laugh at those tattoos
white people love getting lame tattoos like ships deers owls etc
I agree, but yours is even lamer
Looks like one of those wire dog kennels that got destroyed
Got a tattoo of the word Tao and a tattoo of the Buddha, gonna get a sleeve starting at my right foot and going up my leg, across my pelvis/lower abdomen, up my side and down my left arm to my ring finger.
It will start as a tree, with the roots going into my foot. Around the tree, on my shin will be a deer head and antlers, a cross right side up, a skeleton wearing a tux playing a double bass, a Greek ring around the whole leg, a moon, a confederate flag, and a few other things, such as a marijuana leaf.
Starting at my thigh will be a huge depiction of a dragon, possibly shenron, snaking its way across my waist and up my side. On my back waist will be my families crest/motto.
On my shoulder will be a sun, and an upside down cross. And I suppose I will let the artist mainly improvise my arm, ending in a weed from the tree branching around my ring finger.
The plan is to make it entirely black except for a few hints of green, to match my eyes.
this would look better if it were done by a less talented artist on a chubby pale autist
>why the fuck would you get this?
probably because he likes the way it looks you abominable faggot
Wow why the fuck do all these emo fags get all thes nautical tats
lame af. are you in highschool or just have the taste of someone who is? if you're going to get a mindless doodle for a tattoo, then have it be an actual stick n poke doodle, not some pre-planned, over designed embarrassment
Wow what a response lol
>pssssst we can see you are gay
more like he likes the way he thinks it'll make him look.
and unless he likes looking like a tryhard dork, he's a little mistaken
if it means something to you then go for it. just make sure you find an artist who's style you like that you think can bring it all together the way you've envisioned.
you sound like a wizard.
Love underboob tats on women
those are supposed to be under the boobs, not in the middle of the desert.
holy fucking shit this is me
post all tats michael
k sounds good morgan
low res as fuck
Official Veeky Forums Tattoo Justification Tier chart
God tier
>reflects you, your taste, your art at the moment of acquisition
High tier
>commemorates life event
>no conscious reason
Mid tier
>tattoo fetishism
>accentuates aesthetic of your body
Shit tier
>tattoo itself looks aesthetic
Forever Pleb tier
>"means" something
eww yellow toe nail wtf
>implying brad philips isn't Veeky Forums
>anime tattoos
>doesn't think yung goku is Veeky Forums
it's not really mindless and the drawing is just a concept.
here is the "inspo" for reference. before you call me an edgelord or emo satanist, though, just research what the shit means, it's not some cringy edgelord dark dragonviperlord shit.
this is the grossest picture of the internet
this shit garbo baka
how would it make you feel if i told you that i've only seen like three episodes of dragon ball
(i work at a radio station, had to get it for a fundraising challenge)
I wanna get a plant or something behind my ear. Like a laurel or simple flowers. Does that spot hurt much?
his forehead line is best tat itt
Got on Saturday
shit b8 m8
Only tattoo i've ever seen that i actually liked
i want some shit like this, the entire arm and maybe half body
what shit lines
Consider shading over color
t. normalfag who barely know anyone with tattoos let alone have any themselves
i like your stuff
Not bait, it hasn't even healed yet
wtf i was banned
for having shit taste
how can you say that when we got this fucking aborted joke the only tattoo meme it's missing is sailor motifs and the more contemporary neo-gothic clean line shit ie add that add in some other session and you'll have a great pastiche going. tribal patterns, timberwolf, americana shading/dot work. fucking masterwork of deconstruction
not a normie but i would never get a tattoo. i just dont like them and most people i meet with excessive tattoos are annoying
t. normalfag who barely know anyone with tattoos let alone have any themselves
Just because other people have shit taste, doesn't mean you don't have shit taste. You got banned because you have shit taste. How hard is that to comprehend? Pay attention you downey fuck, you're falling behind the rest of the class again.
>implying I'm that user
You have shit taste t.b.h.f.a.m.
This too weaboo for a white guy? Japanese doll meant to bring good luck and inspire goal-setting. You fill in one eye when you start a project and the other when you finish it. Not going to include the characters.
the god tier one is why ninja's tattoos work so well
have more close ups of his?
mine & plans. thought sticking w the eye motif could b cool
i considered getting the daruma from punpun but think im settled on the eyes
yea man incoming
is the back tat from pun pun? the eyes on the bottom left look great.
personally I don't believe in seeing tattoos taken from media as "references," rather than as appropriation. as in, you just happened to source it from the work. it gains its own meaning and context on your body, though being informed by the original context might contribute more as well as the act of appropriation itself.
I read pun pun just a couple months ago but I wouldn't draw the connection just seeing the eyes. but that's not really important, is it? imo what's important is that how that set of eyes seen on your body would evoke some of the same feeling and imagery that they did when they're seen in the manga. it's a lot more than just a subtle reference
My boss has the Seele insignia, it's great.
Who gives a fuck? That's nothing compared to the amount of niggers who get tattoos of the stupidest fucking shit, especially on their face.
And at least you can see the damn thing on white skin.
I know someone who got a tattoo of a Mac Miller quote right across their chest 5 years ago, lmao
Fuck you user, I didn't need these feels
sounds great user, I just can't help but think that you don't have enough space, may need to cut a few biomes out or something. Don't let it get cluttered
watkin jones is a fucking fascinating artist and its such a shame people wrote die antwoord off as a couple of meme jokers so early into the project. the evolution of his personas, from constructus corporation (probably my favorite hip hop project of all time btw) to max normal to wad:e/early ninja to the person he is now is such an interesting process to piece together. at first ninja was just another character, but i think the person he was before and the ninja persona have met somewhere in the middle, becoming his best, most idealized version of himself. dude is effay af and criminally underrated
heres an article on his tattoos:
and here's a great primer for anyone who wants to dig a little deeper:
yo, this is a good post. the one on my back is the mask of lillith from evangelion (its also the logo seele uses for stuff). if you still havent watched it you should, despite all the memes its p much as good as it gets for anime. the philosophy and symbolism in it is absolutely amazing, but it never really overshadows the characters and the phenomenally deep lore (lore being a weird word for scifi but i cant think of a better one so w/e)
dope senpai what do u do to have such a dope boss
just get a mini version of this tbqh
i got this last week
>the one on my back is the mask of lillith from evangelion
ah, yea it looked familiar.
>die antwoord
bruh you better be careful, you're starting to sound like you're only into meme media.
>god Tier: reflects you
>forever pleb tier: Means something
lol are u in my politics class
but why is this a bad thing? the concept of meme media is kind of ridiculous. theres nothing wrong with liking popular stuff, as long as you don't just like it because its popular (id say those three things, in the states at least, are far from having any kind of popularity off the internet)
its not about what you like, its about why you like it
i think he means shit like an arrow or a compass or something that symbolizes where you're going. basically a weak explanation for something trendy?
haha shitnerd you still come on here
was just thinking of you some time ago
post fit
would this be cool? really considering it.
on the odd occasion. thanks bb I appreciate the sentiment.
They're not the same at all. Might be clearer if you replace 'means something' with symbolism
it's not a bad thing if it's sincere, but it just makes it seem like your taste is insincere. like you're a poser trying to fit in. but who gives a fuck, they're only even memes on places like Veeky Forums and they ARE good shit
why didnt you come to vancouver meetup
I think it's insane that he was commited enough to get most of his "Ninja" tattoos at the same time. Watkin is a fucking genius.
I work at an art school print shop. Boss also has "Gods in his heaven etc." around bother forarms and the Seven Samurai flag opposite Seele.
and also considering the fact that it's a russian prison tattoo? I've been thinking about getting it done for almost a year now, I don't even care what anyone thinks of this but I'm curious what Veeky Forums thinks.
It's cool. can't go wrong with it and it's thematically on point but it's nothing really stand out either.
it being a russian prison tat is really cool though. where'd you source it?
it's in one of these books about Russian criminal tattoos. I have yet to find a photo of an actual person with this tattoo.
are small simple tattoos effay?
they're trendy. fuckboys will think they're effay but you'll look dumb in 10 years
I like it, go for it dude. Personally I'd get it too, perhaps without the devil (assuming thats what it is). V cool.