Almost saved up for that rhinoplasty Veeky Forums? What's stopping you?
Almost saved up for that rhinoplasty Veeky Forums? What's stopping you?
because im not a insecure faggot
You're just an regular ugly faggot?
Damn what a difference. She became a qt post-rhinoplasty
what are those forehead lumps?
how much?
I've been thinking about it. What's the actual process like, like the heal time?
I have an overbite I've been meaning to correct first, but a nosejob would be nice.
doesn't even look like the same person in the before picture? how did her eyes get bigger and her lips get smaller
Already got one a few years ago. Might post pics later
yeah a regular ugly faggot with money since i didnt waist it on plastic surgery like an insecure and selfish idiot. just imagine when you have a kid with a qt girl or guy , only to have your child is ugly as fuck. thats because your spouse secretly had plastic surgery . i also am against makeup on women because its morally wrong, as well as ethical.
>what are angles
she'd probably look similar in the before if it weren't for the unfortunate lighting and bottom-up angle (seriously, anyone who takes a picture of someone from that angle is intentionally trying to make them look as ugly as possible)
underage b&
>muh child
>implying you'll ever lose your virginity with that attitude
Nope, my nose is fine.
Because my nose already naturally looks like the after picture.
I can't afford it and I've got other shit to spend it on. But my nose is very prominent and has become a part of who I am. Even though it is pretty fucking ugly, removing it wouldn't really fit me because I've grown so close to it. I will, however, get a hairline surgery (so I can pull off more hairstyles) and a chin surgery for my receded chin. It's not like noses are the most important thing in male attractiveness, that would be jaw and overall head shape
I have a regular nose :)
le tip xD
First pic looks worse than it was in reality because of lighting, after probably isn't as good in comparison in reality
have you ever seen a hairline surgery that shits crazy
Don't like my nose but don't know if it's worth spending thousands to fix it.
Pretty sure she's also had forehead contouring and chin surgery.
You probably need jaw surgery tho. Recessed jaws often make your nose look huge even when it actually isn't.
fuck you
Mah m8. My jaw is godly, at least from the front. Girls compliment it all the time.
I'm already that pretty nigga
I had a rhino/septoplasty 18 months ago ish, ama.
PS, it was mainly for health reasons and the GUBMENT paid for it
"She" is a man.
The only thing stopping me is that I'm happy with my own nose, but if you aren't then good on you. And good luck with your new look, hopefully you can feel happy about it.
And personally, I don't really see an issue with making yourself better. There are things you can improve by eating well, exercise, studying, etc. But there are things that can't be improved without surgery or medication, like a bad nose or baldness or illness, etc. It's part of being human to go against what was given given to us and challenge that and improve ourselves.
obviously not the same person!
OP pic is a tranny you retards
Why do you need a rhinoplasty? I understand if septoplasty. But why does changing the shape of your nose do that?
How are all of you this oblivious haha
Opens up the nasal passages
how will she explain her children's fucked noses, tho?
I have a nice nose.
A nose job is probably the 3rd best thing you can do for your appearance after getting fit and orthodontics.
What about breast implants?
Nah. Nose is more important than tits.
Can you describe everything they did?
They they get rid of a dorsal hump? Fix the tip of your nose? Etc
Any info cuz I'm getting rhinoplasty next year and I want to know what I'm getting into brev
Flat is justice
It was an internal procedure, they stuck two metal bars up my nose and aligned it.
To get rid of all the bumps and stuff it has to be an open procedure where they actually shave stuff down
Is there anyway to shape the nose at home? I mean, a lot of it is cartilage, so maybe? Do broken noses change after they heal?
My ears stick out too, since those are cartilage do you think I could wrap a cloth around my head at night and they'll slowly go back?
Not doable at all.
Cartilage isn't malleable like that.
There's a reason for why plastic surgery for protuding ears first removes a good bit of cartilage, and then uses a bandage to heal and fix the ears into the new desired position.
Danke tripfriend
first pic has a light right above her creating shadows all over her face making her look worse
dunno why she would do that, maybe to make it look like it was worth the money
bandage nose qt is kinda the best tho
I've been told women like my roman nose, apparently it evens out my puppy face fat and gives me a "strong but young" look
>Tfw have a Roman nose
>Tfw I'm a girl
If you're a girl you already won genetic lotto dude
I've seen plenty of girls with noses like mine, and noses larger. Maybe it's a psychological "We share a feature" thing, but I find it attractive when girls have the nose.
like your body is wanting your kids to have fucking huge noses
I'm going back to korea in august!! along with nose i'm taking out my chin implant and doing a sliding genioplasty.
don't know why people automatically assume PS = a completely new face. fear from the media? i like my face and features, just wanna improve what i already have
evolution wants our noses to be larger. helps us smell all the bullshit around us these days :^)
this picture is making me rethink my stance on superficial plastic surgery....hmmm.......
as long as id never find out id be fine gettin to know this qt
>I hate plastic surgery it's superficial
>says this on board dedicated to FASHION
Oh hey. I've been looking for the Tasmanian Veeky Forums meet up photos.
all jokes aside look at all those angels, get a tear in my eye.. born without a chance yet theyre still all happy
what a sweet thing to say. you're qt user
mfe crooked nose :\
to be fair, being happy is one of the most notable traits of that disease.
your nose is fine cunt, remove that moustache though lol
other than that looking groovy !
i only tolerate plastic surgery if your nose is REALLY bad, and not if your just insecure about it or whatever. most people probably just have some body dysmorphia shit going on.
>remove that moustache though
thanks but nah
i look like a fagola without facial hair
whatever you say jihad john
He means to not swirl it and style it like a fucking faggot. Just because you saw someone with it, doesn't mean you should. It makes you look cuntish.
>Just because you saw someone with it, doesn't mean you should
what are you talkin about m8
Exactly what I said. Just because you saw a magazine cover, or a can of pomade with some hipster fag with a twirly mustache doesn't mean you should ever copy them.
And don't act like you never saw that dick ticklerstache you have before.
you sound upset m8
look i have no idea what youre talkin about
ive worn my mustache like this for 5 years innit
It was not a rhinoplasty, that was Facial Feminization Surgery
My nose is good enough. Not opposed to plastic surgery though, I just don't know what I would get done. There's nothing wrong with my face imo but I guess they could find a way to make it better.
I would however love penis enlargement surgery. My penis is average sized but I want to be able to brag and make other men feel bad.
Fucking kek.
you're in the wrong place friendo
I've battled with this decision my entire life -
I'm a girl with a really big nose.. I got made fun of it in school a lot so now I'm really self-conscious about it and sort of feel like it's the one thing holding me back from being really pretty.
But at the same time I'd be equally afraid to change it. As much as I hate it, it's a part of me. I'm also afraid of how the people around me would feel. I don't think my parents would understand.
Anyone else struggle with thoughts like this?
Also - any general information or advice from those who have had it would be awesome. Like typical costs, recovery time, possible problems, etc?
unless your nose is horrible like hers it's not worth doing
>its morally wrong, as well as ethical
Getting my deviated septum fixed soon hopefully
go buzzcut !!! + normal moustache pls
The thing is if it does end up looking better people will probably say good on you.
I once suggested to my mother I was thinking of getting a nose job and she responded with something that was pretty much
>yeah your nose would probably be better but I'm your mom and everything about my son is already perfect to me
the only reason why I'm not getting one is basically money and that my specific procedure seems to be hard (I have a potato nose, my profile is fine but its way too bulbous and wide idk how complex that is too fix)
Your nose is fine, Kiana
leave her alone, bitch
leave my gf alone, slag
Stop posting pictures of your facebook crush.
im warning you
im not afraid to backhand a bitch innit
i love that nose
Yo i told you im a monsta
thats why i be rappin nonstop~
this dude is fuckin nasty
>mfw having kids
What the fuck, are you stuck in the 80s or something
Having kids nowadays is only excusable if you're a multimillionaire philantropist or it happens by accident and you can't abort for some reason
Does anyone's face look different depending on what side you see them from? I swear my nose is uneven and so I look different from each side.
i don't want to change my nose, but years ago i developed a habit of twitching the side of my nose and now that side has a different shape. i just want my face to be symmetrical
Mine cost me around $9,500 here in Canada
Recovery was honestly easy as fuck. Hardly had any pain whatsoever. Just slight discomfort.
My face didn't get bruised up like some peoples' do so I was lucky with that.
You have to constantly change some of your bandages, using q tips to clean the inside of the nose and outside of it with disinfectant. That's for like the first week. Then you get the stitches out around a week or so later.
Your nose will also be really sensitive to touching. Especially for the first several months. Even up to a full year, there's still some sensitivity. Specifically the bone.
My before/after. It's an improvement, although I'm still self conscious about it.
Got it 2 years ago. The after pic (right obviously) was taken recently. It can often take up to 12-18 months for the nose to take its "final form".
I should also note that I never had anyone ask me about the difference.
from these pics before looks better wtf u doing
I like before of
You're insane if you think the before looks better.
if your the guy who got the nose job, your an idiot. nothing is wrong with after but before looks better
normal nose vs le pinched snub nose
this guy agrees before is the winner
I'm not him. I know because I was studying to become a plastic surgeon at one point. The before picture has no structure to it. The nostrils are flared and flat. That isn't desirable. The after has some more structure to it and isn't as wide.
looks like your nose is perpetually pinched
qt piggy look too