haven't seen a general for longer locks recently.
also, do I need to get my hair textured/styled at a salon to get this style? I don't think sea salt spray is getting the job done alone.
haven't seen a general for longer locks recently.
also, do I need to get my hair textured/styled at a salon to get this style? I don't think sea salt spray is getting the job done alone.
Been growing my hair for 2 years.
burn it
Straighten it if you have never done it. Maybe you'll like it better also that way you would be able to see how long it really is.
what do Veeky Forums? I have long hair that parts in the middle and I hardly style it/use product. To keep it out of my eyes I tuck it behind my ears like this but then it looks feminine. I was thinking of getting an undercut but keeping it long on top and styling with a hairdryer in the morning.
>hardly style it/use product
maybe start with that you dirty philistine
what now
where's molly ringwald and emilio estevez am I right haha
don't you forget about me, user hahahahaha
past shoulders is most Veeky Forums imo
Oh how I miss the Humbug hair.
hair is nice
everything else is absolutely disgusting
maxmoefoe tier
y u mad tho
How do I get rid of dandruff?
Wash your hair
go @ dermatologist
Some people really struggle with dandruff.
shake ur head over a toilet bowl and flush it flakey ass nigga
Well, stop then.
>But then it looks feminine
If you look feminine with long hair then don't grow your hair out. Man yourself up, grow a beard or get some muscle i don't know, then grow your hair out
this, i havent even been to a barber in years because my dandruff is so bad and im super emberessed for them to be cutting my hair with flakes flying everywhere...
is that bad
looks good to me pham
Ever since I've let my hair grow out I've been noticing hair falling out when I comb it/ or when in the shower.
just wanted to know if this is normal or should I be worried
Me too, idk if it's normal but i guess since I got more of them then more fall out
i think its normal because i dont notice any loss in my actual hair
I like this one, but I don't think I'd look on me because my hair and eyes are brown.
It is normal. Interesting thing however is that I noticed it started falling 4-5 years ago, but I've had my long hair for more than that. Still I haven't noticed any decline.
Cut your hair man. Your hair does not look good long.
totally normal. Happens to girls so it must be fine for guys.
school shooter tier
exactly what i was going for
yeah your hair is gonna fall out a lot more, it deals with a lot more shit that short hair doesn't so it will fall out a lot. I recommend to wash your hair with cold water, really helps with texture etc, also it will grow faster
I feel like you would suit shorter hair desu
i am fucking boring about my hair, in this pic it looks pretty cool but it's dry and too thick, I have them in my face all time...
is this even considered long hair yet?
Seems like you need to condition more or get better conditioner or shampoo less
I honestly like the fit but the glasses + hair look tryhard
My hair is so fucking disgusting right now. I give up.
I want to cut that piece of shit, which medium non-meme haircut do you guys recommend?
My hair is similar to that Trump guy.
pretty as fuck
I had the same concerns as you have, I cut my hair off one week ago. Feels good desu.
half asians do it best
I've been losing approx 300 hairs every day since 3 weeks, don't know why. If I cut it, will it stop? That shit is depressing.
who is that guy?
his aesthetic is fucking great
his name is Lee Hyeon-jae
and hes a half korean actor and musician
thx senpai
np (senpai)
unless you actually meant senpai :p
shit it still corrects f a m
to senpai with the brackets
Bones is one of my main inspirations for growing despite having a different hair type
ignore the haters, it looks great
Coconut oil pls
looking good man
Why are you ppsting yourself everywhere you dress like shit and look like shit seriously fuck off
>samefagging this hard