ITT: trends that MUST die
Fucking straps everywhere. Please stop this. It doesn't look good, it looks like you saw a bdsm picture and took inspiration from it. Also coachella basics.
ITT: trends that MUST die
Fucking straps everywhere. Please stop this. It doesn't look good, it looks like you saw a bdsm picture and took inspiration from it. Also coachella basics.
All fashion must end.
Nomadcore in the north, bedouinwear in the middle-east and loincloths in the tropics. All else is degenerate and a waste of time.
Street wear wannabe kids
sailor cosplay and beard culture in general
why the fuck do all girls pose like that
Draws attention to figure? Idk
I haven't seen Supreme shit since 2012 nigga
she has a body like a refrigerator
Its meant to be flattering, pulls stomach back a bit, pushes boobs out and arms look less flabby. The leg positioning is meant to make legs look slimmer too
holy shit her torso is shaped like a rectangle
it blows my mind thinking about the extents girls go to for shallow stuff like that. Stuff like this especially, she slips it right under our noses- it seems impromptu and normal- but this pose is calculated and precise.
If your only value was your sexual appeal you'd probably be the same.
yeah dude why would anyone take rational steps to attempt to present themselves well?
>you say as you lurk a fucking fashion baord
What, you want her to slouch and be hunchbacked in all photos or something? It's not like its hard to pose, once you do it once or twice its pretty much natural.
I have some bad news: you sound like a crazy person.
I was going to make a list of things I hate, but then I realized that I am glad they exist, because it gives me a smug sense of pretentiousness about what I wear.
Was his name o
*tips fedora*
This shit needs to die
Goddamn i hate all that faux-hippie shit. So much of it where I live, all those ugly patchwork hoodies and shit like that
Needs to come back pleb
>stealing from the gays
what a cunt.
shiftknob and thigh highs.
Black skinny jeans with identical cuts across the knees.
Not sure if this has taken off in North America too but I only really started noticing it when I got to the UK for my study abroad term.
Stupidest fucking trend ever.
>thigh highs
>Posts this is a board that's about shallow shit
thigh highs SUCK dude. i'd rather girls wear bellbottom jeans .
Jesus Christ stop talking anytime
i just wish less girls wore thighighs. why do you like them? are you a weeb?
>jacket has zip
>zip has no purpose
>zip is there for decoration
fucking right, some fat kid in sk8-his tied too tight with black joggers and some zumiez shirt
or the light wash denim fuckers
its just an SLP/UC rip at this point
>thigh highs
muh dick
They all deserve to die like real chavs.
I'm so sorry you're trapped in the 60s I hope you can rebuild your hot tub time machine
They need to give it back
It seems to also be in trend in Australia but so many guys who I see wearing this have red knees like they've been sucking dick aggressively on pavement
Thank god girls don't have to listen to your opinion
Like fake pockets, they're of Satan and need to go back to where they come from
Is... Is that shit still around. Fuck me.
Fat chicks wearing body hugging clothing. Actually fat people in general wearing that. It doesn't suit you- you look like you're wearing a fat suit with a midgets head.
Stop with that fucking stop fake grin, you know that pose isn't making you look thin Latonda! You know what'll make you look thin? Losing weight.
You're not curvy. You're morbidly obese. Your knees are the size of your face. That's not normal. Get your shit together Latonda.
>low test
At my uni posh cunts are dressing like chavs 'ironically' despite having gone to Eton.
>self resoect
dressing like mac demarco
please stop
Gold watches, so very few watches look good in gold and fake MK are not one of those
This. Shits like a disease where I live
this so much
seen a bunch of people on instagram from LA pullin this thrift hobo look
I dont get what dressing lazy is about
Wearing boots when its not snowing and you're not doing construction or in the army
>ironic dad hats
The easiest way to spot a fuccboi or a trend hopper
pale pink anything
definitive sign of a fuccboi
Better than bucket hats and snap backs
thats everyone here bro...thats like saying you hate snapbacks in 2009... its a trend live with it, itl be here for a while m8
nothing intrinsically wrong with low crown unstructured hats, but the blank white/pale pink, nasa, big cartel pithy slogans (do nothing club, etc.) polo, and overtly 90s (seinfeld, wavy 90s cup design) ones are overplayed and trite af
saw this in another thread, i cant find it. w2c?
just call them baseball caps jesus christ what the fuck is a "dad cap"
The thread is called trends you hate. Its easily the most overplayed trend around these days. The thing that annoys the most is it's always the same stupid shit on every hat
"hurr my hat has a little avocado on it"
"Mines got a little pizza slice, I'm so funny"
"Yeah well I took a cheese grater to the brim of mine so it looks like I've had it for a while"
"Mines got a palm tree and slacker club written on it"
"We're so cool let's all squat and take a photo for Instagram"
A baseball cap would have a baseball team on it, when I say dad hat I mean the stupid 'ironic' shit
then what is an okay cap to wear
God I hate people who always complain. Like chill dog just enjoy the ride. The fucking accuracy - especially the wrecked hats. Why do people want to look homeless, not my cup of tea but I side eye them.
frankly wear whatever the hell you want. the type of hat you wear wont materially change the quality of your fit, and wearing the "right" hat wont automatically make you dress better. it should just be noted that the people who wear those types of hats tend to also dress in similarly derivative, uninspired ways, which really isnt that big of a deal since thats true for most people
looking laid back probably makes u more approachable. Maybe ull find friends.
nothing. dont wear a hat. all hats are memes. all hats will make you scum immediately.
Not him but I just need a hat to hide my hair during the awkward phase. What do I buy to avoid being a meme?
Just get a cat or carhartt hat and don't ever think about headwear again
this would be 10x cooler if it was the actual mac logo, not with a funny tweest. Why do normalfags have so much trouble handling any form irony? Is it because you need a degree of self-consciousness and critical engagement to handle ironic critique? I guess the normalfag is defined by their lack of those two things.
Like those "ironic" facebook meme pages that try to claim self-consciousness about memetics yet still try and maintain authorship over their OC.
low waist
Flat brims are never flattering and will always be the domain of tasteless fuckboys. Baseball cap is only acceptable normie hat. Fitted and wool if you dress in more classic styles (prep, workwear, american traditional etc) - i.e. ebbets field.
Otherwise just get something basic and simple - canvas or corduroy. Don't touch meme brands but institutional wear with good design (i.e. pictured or IBM for example), thrifted or not, are fine.
scha & yohji make good designer wear. Military caps and techwear (arc'teryx, y-3 etc.) work if appropriate to the fit too.
I love Ebbets wool caps
There's low waist and then there's a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting for you.
If it is for functionality then just wear something bland without any logos or with a small logo and a plain colour. It doesn't need to stand out. That's what normal people. But you're not normal now are you?
Its not a trend. Its a normal fucking hat. Buckets and snapnacks are the trends. Normal hats will always be in style
You are literally a homosexual
Are you autistic? He's clearly describing specifically the new trend of designing an ironic mundane graphic onto normal hat.
It used to just be thrifts and dad's hand-me-downs. This shit is the last degeneration of the trend, like the loser who hears a good joke, then repeats it incorrectly, too often and loudly.
For you
Graphics aren't a trend either. People never stopped wearing graphics or hats
it was some sweedish sounding bigcartel.. Fucked if i can remember the name of it
Calling your shithouse Instagram shop "high couture" or "couture" or "classy". Please stop. You stole that design and your shit comes from China. Do you even know the definition of Haute Couture.
Hot cooter
The point is what the graphics are of
For example, weeaboo moonscript on tees is a trend, even though they've also had words on tshirts for a few decades too
It's not complicated
You're still arguing about this shit
yeah faux-hippie shit is annoying af
He's still right
It's still a baseball cap. Polo shirts aren't just for faggots horseback riding with sticks.
japanese text all over everything, although it's a great way to instantly out yourself as a fucking twat
This type of shit right here pisses me off and I'm not sure why.
It's not terrible and it takes some effort to pull off, but it makes my blood boil.
in a way, i dont really hate any fashion trends
all the un-effay dumb shit just makes my fits that much better.
>listens to mac demarco once
you mean
>any music festival
Well, what was a real one?
*wealthy parents
*enthusiastic drug user
*questionable hygiene
*led by commies
*lazy, don't want to do real jobs
*hate traditional values
Yeah, I've got no problems with these kids calling themselves hippies.
>and will always be the domain of tasteless fuckboys
that's funny because every fashion victim teen here sports those fucking Ralph Lauren caps
>institutional wear with good design (i.e. pictured or IBM for example)
jesus christ surely you jest
Anything bohemian or boho
ur not hesh, ull never understand :/