Who was objectively the best US president and why was it Andrew Jackson?

Who was objectively the best US president and why was it Andrew Jackson?

Other urls found in this thread:


-Lincoln Tier-

Roosevelt (I Fight Bears)
Roosevelt (Horny Cripple)


-Meh Tier-
Everyone else

-A monkey throwing shit tier-

The Dubya
Harrison (B.)

-Zimbabwe trier-
Bush junior



2. Jefferson
3. Jackson
4. Lincoln
5. FDR
6. Washington
7. Polk
8. Adams
9. Truman
10. Wilson


11. Kennedy
12. Monroe
13. Madison
14. Lyndon "Big" Johnson
15. John Quincy Adams
16a. Bill "Surplus" Clinton
16b. Bill "Stroke Shaft, Presidential Nutsack" Clinton
16c. Bill "Bomb em" Clinton
17. Van Buren
18. H to the Dub
19. Hoover
20. Coolidge
21. Carter


22 - onwards: irrelevant


9040. James "I accidentally the union" Buchanan
9041. Andrew "JUST" Johnson
9042. Ronald "we promise, the wealth will trickle down" Reagan
9043. Richard "Edgelord" Nixon
9044. George Dubya Bush


9000000044. George "I accidentally the economy" Bush


900000000000000000044. George "I accidentally the entire nation" Bush

You rang?

Shit list

>ctrl f polk
>1 match
What the fuck is wrong with you people

I approve of this list.




T. Roosevelt






Van Buren





>George HW 'you will literally never have someone as good at foreign policy as me in office again' Bush that low


″Humanity has often wept over the fate of the aborigines of this country and philanthropy has long been busily employed in devising means to avert it, but its progress has never for a moment been arrested, and one by one have many powerful tribes disappeared from the earth. … But true philanthropy reconciles the mind to these vicissitudes as it does to the extinction of one generation to make room for another. ... Philanthropy could not wish to see this continent restored to the condition in which it was found by our forefathers. What good man would prefer a country covered with forests and ranged by a few thousand savages to our extensive Republic, studded with cities, towns, and prosperous farms, embellished with all the improvements which art can devise or industry execute, occupied by more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the blessings of liberty, civilization, and religion?″

tl;dr - Fuck Indians

where is the trump :DDDD

I'd also call him one of the most genuine people in politics. That second grouping is all pretty close

Bush as the worst ever, really? Not a Bush fanboy but there are certainly worse candidates.

This is Veeky Forums not /sf/

I'm sure that if the US miraculously comes back from debt and rebounds FP-wise he'll be viewed more favorably, but as it is right now he fucked up. You can say he inherited a lot of the issues but he completely dropped the ball on the economy, foreign policy, and how the US is perceived worldwide. A smarter leader could've at least negated some of those crises from overwhelming the US. The more I read about him the more obvious it is that he had no idea what the fuck he was doing -- especially in the middle east -- no matter how you justify it.

Trump is basically Andrew Jackson and FDR rolled into one.

Trump has never served in the military, he is not a man of letters and he is not an eloquent speaker. In short, he is nothing like either Andrew Jackson or Franklin Roosevelt.

>equating Trump to FDR

>like Jackson

- abrasive and aggressive
- oozes masculinity from every orifice
- racist undertones
- his own party hates him and he might end up destroying and outliving it

>like FDR

- comes from a rich and privileged background
- most other rich people absolutely hate him
- he's actually adored by the white working class

No, Trump is basically Franklin Pierce, Warren G Harding, and David Duke rolled into one.


Just going to throw this in here.

>Lincoln, Washington and FDR are the GOATS
>Buchanan is the worst
>Kennedy, Reagan and Jackson are overrated
>HW, Eisenhower and Truman are underrated
>Obama #18
>2/3 of scholars say FDR should be added to Rushmore

>racist undertones
How is any of Jackson's racism subdued? He was no more racist than the vast majority of white gentry in that era. He believed in white exceptionalism and their destiny to rule all the land of the continental United States.

>Their worst qualities

Oh, now I get it

>put a man on the moon
LBJ detected.

Remind me again why Jefferson is a "good" president.

His crowning achievement was Napoleon selling him land.

Well memed. Trump is actually nothing like Duke, racists are only flocking to him because he's vaguely pro-white and doesn't buy into the politically correct shit. But he's no klansman or Hitler.

congratulations, you played yourself.

agree with most of that, but Jackson is rated pretty well IMO. the good, is REALLY good (fighting corruption and the banks, being the first president of the people, generally being a great leader), and the bad is just awful.

Commissioned the Louis and Clark expedition, providing valuable geographical and scientific information.

George Washington is the only President who is officially best and will remain there.

Everybody else is subjective.

He's the only US President to actually win a war against Muslim terrorists.

first, manifest destiny is hugely important the the states' success, so don't write it off.

besides being the most intelligent president, Jefferson's dedication to limited government became the essence of the USA. If every president followed Washington & Adams' precedent, then the US would be a lot like a worse version of Britain, or even worse, Canada. All of the founding fathers were brilliant. But Jefferson was surely the most American of them all.

Built the American navy and led the first successful American war abroad. Pretty much single handedly made us relevant on the global stage.

post underrated presidents

Kenneddy died in 63, man was put on the Moon in 69.

>Never in the military
>Dainty business job all his life
>Talks like he's waiting for a dick/pacifier to fly into his mouth at any moment
>Insecure as all holy hell

>Oozes masculinity from every orifice

Because he promised it'd be done within that decade. To say it wasn't JFK's design is just ridiculous. And that's not even getting to the little thing of him saving the world from nuclear annihilation during the Cuban Missile Crisis.

He's the manliest candidate I've seen all my lifetime.


Then you must be 7, because Joe Biden is the manliest candidate in recent years

Irish people are about as manly as a pink tutu.


nu-males, everyone.

John McCain is one of the manliest candidates we've ever had, lived through torture and refused preferential treatment. he jumped off a fucking plane as a missile was headed for it. he also fought against torture which I respect an extreme amount.

whatever, there's no point in arguing with Trumposters, this is just for the lurkers.

>not an eloquent speaker
Check out his AIPAC speech and his foreign policy speech, as well as this video


>get caught
>get tortured
>become a songbird because you can't handle the pain

Some man.

Wasn't he also directly responsible for the forrestral fire that killed dozens of sailors?

Not too manly using your daddy Admiralty to avoid jail time.

>the union must survive at all costs
>Total war against the Confederates
>frees the slaves
>pushed a quick reconstruction and working with the southerners
>Historians jizz at his very name

>advocated the exact same thing
>Historians call him a racist monster


Picture of Big Daddy Cain being captured

>authored both the constitution and the bill of rights
>taught the British to fuck off once and for all

This thread is going to be filled with meme presidents though.
Any other answer is objectively wrong

That simply did not happen. What's your source?

Calvin Coolidge.

>he jumped off a fucking plane as a missile was headed for it
Ejection seats have existed since WW2.

Brought macaroni and cheese and the buffet to America.

You're arguing with cultists, honestly. They will never see errors in the cult leader's ways no matter what you say to them, and they will always assume you support another candidate.

It's like trying to reason with a brick wall.

>Built the American navy

Thought this was Adam's work during the Quasi-war.

>first, manifest destiny is hugely important the the states' success, so don't write it off.

My point was that he didn't really DO anything to bring about the Louisiana Purchase except sign on the dotted line (and he had doubts about being able to do even that). Like, if France successfully put down the Haitian Rebellion Napoleon never would have sold his new world holdings. The LP was pure happenstance.

Jefferson's main contributions to America seem to me, not his example as an executive, but his extra-presidential work. His many writings and his work in the Revolution.

James Monroe he delivered on all of his campaign promises

you misspelled Benito Mussolini

I think Grover Cleveland was a pretty cool guy

Don't fuck with ballerinas they have complete control over every whipcord toned muscle in their peak physically perfect bodies and feel no pain.

Anyone with the name Grover is going to be a cool guy


In this thread, at least


not technically a ballerina because he's a guy but this is and example and he isn't even one of the best dancers out there (in fact his technique is actually pretty awful but his athleticism is good for impressing plebs)


here's a video of him where his technique is slightly cleaner and with a girl who is awesome


Here's another video of two guys who are also super good just messing around. Keep in mind that the studio is too small for them so they can't even go fully. This is them holding back


>Not God Tier
Admit it you just hate him because of Watergate.

Not who you're responding to but you have to admit it was pretty awful. Not so much because of what he actually did but because of the trust in the government it destroyed. Also, he did do some pretty awful stuff such as sabotaging the Paris Peace Talks so he could run on a platform of ending the war. I have to admit though he is still pretty underrated imo but Watergate is far from the worst thing he did.

Source: smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/nixon-prolonged-vietnam-war-for-political-gainand-johnson-knew-about-it-newly-unclassified-tapes-suggest-3595441/?no-ist


>Harrison (B.)
Never should've been president, he won it through literal fraud. And not in some kind of screwy nebulous fraud like Dubya but straight up "people/ballots brought in from out of state and the like in order to tip New York and Indiana to Harrison".

Really a shame that Garfield was killed. After a rough beginning he was starting to pull things together, develop a vision, asserting himself against people like Conkling and the nation really seemed to love him. Then Guiteau went and ruined it.

Smart guy with good instincts, was able to pick up on things quick, great logistically (he did a great job of getting things running smoothly in the Appropriations Committee while cutting wasteful government spending), very much favored the idea of an educated electorate and especially wanted to educate blacks to keep them from living lives of "peasantry". Could've been a great president.

> All those shit-tier presidents from Jackson to T. Roosevelt, other than Lincoln

What went wrong?

Don't know if you're joking or not but if you haven't read Peskin's biography. It'll give you a great appreciation for him.

Remember friends, no matter how bad a president is they can't be any worse than Buchanan.

What is the big appeal of Jackson? I sorta just get annoyed with him the more I read about him, and the more I'm just not seeing the appeal. He stands to me as a person I wouldn't particularly like to be around, but didn't make up with extreme panache or skill or accomplishments in office.

He was brought in office because people wanted a fiery striking rebel in office. He has made huge off the wall gambles his whole career and they usually paid off so the people wanted some of that.

But in office he was surprisingly even keel on most things and the more extreme things he's done such as the infamous "trail of tears" seem like outliers. He just seems pretty good. But I don't see anything that makes me go wow, this is a stellar president.

Him making sure the states couldn't nullify the constitution was a good move and changed the course of the USA. But its not something any other president wouldn't have done.

I prefer his out-of-office life desu.

> Google Buchanan
> Secession is illegal, but that going to war to stop secession is also illegal

Haha, oh wow

Taft. No doubt about it
>Mr President, the French are attacking!
>*sends picture of how big Taft is to blockade coast*
>France surrenders like always

My rankings
1. Teddy
2. Washington
3. Lincoln
4. Eisenhower
5. FDR
6. Kennedy
7. Polk
8. Jefferson
9. Jackson
10. Coolidge

Out of curiosity, what is so popular about Washington? I've never felt as strongly towards him as other presidents like the Roosevelts

I guess it's the mythology around him that always made me interested in him. The whole demigod-like aura that historians give him is oddly mesmerizing.

I'd consider Pierce worse. The country was fucked at that point and Buchanan just watched it all burn. Pierce was a guy who was way out of his league, didn't have the mental fortitude needed to be President in that time period due to his alcoholism/having to watch his son get crushed to death,

Everybody loves a Cincinnatus.

Honestly he set a lot of precedents that prevented the nation from going to shit, in a period where it could have easily gone to shit.

Yeah, Washington is one of the main reasons the US did not turn out like every nation in South America.

A combination of not knowing a whole lot about his personal life and his larger-than-life feats as a war hero and leader. As a president he mostly just followed the lead of others in his cabinet and wasn't as dynamic as he could have been. What people up to in awe is his humility and nobility despite being given the reins of power, all but crowned king of a new nation. And he humbly steps aside.

You have that, and then you look at his diaries and he's so taciturn you get scarcely more of his personality from them than historical records. It turns him into this living myth, a person we know was real but whose humanity is obscured by his legendary accomplishments.

Thanks guys. I guess I should try and read a little more about him. Any recommended biographies?

I haven't read it myself, but Ron Chernow wrote a Washington biography a few years back that won the Pulitzer prize.


>Andrew Jackson
>best anything

>DELIBRATELY disobeying the Supreme Law of the Land by disregarding the Supreme Court's decision to let the Natives have their land
>More executive orders than any other modern day president
>His economic policies caused a recession greater than the 2008 one

>LBJ not bottom
>Eisenhower not higher
>Hoover that high

Shit list

>any POTUS before FDR is relevant to today's world

Post-WWII POTUS Power Rankings:
1. Clinton
2. Ike
3. Truman
4. Obama
5. Nixon
6. Carter
7. Reagan
8. JFK
9. Bush I
10. Ford

9001. LBJ
900000001. Bush II

>survived an assassination attempt against all odds
>coined the icon of the democratic party
>killed the indians
>killed the banks

what more do you want?

>Obama and Carter that high
>Reagan in the top 10

You sure are a complicate person

Post-WWII bruh. Carter was way ahead of his time, he shouldn't be discounted for that.

It's hard to comprehend, but sometimes you need to judge the POTUS by what he didn't do.

So what did Carter not do that impress you so much?

TRUMP 2017-2025

>1. clinton
>4. obama
>Ike not number one
>nixon not 4th


Absolute shit tier:
Reagan, Bushes, Nixon

"muh us debt" is a myth propagated by conservatives to attack social welfare.