
What do? Sick of looking like am autist. What can I do to fix. I have a pretty odd forehead.

you have a receding hairline

I'm so sorry

Your face is cute but that hair is fucked. I think you might need to buzz it.

Honestly at this stage your best option is a buzz cut. One of my best friends was like you a few years ago and he took the jump to buzz and looks so much better for it.

Also I'm 18... Welp. Buzz cuts are cool rigggghhhhttttt?

Buzz cut.


roast me Veeky Forums

go cook me some rice already



plz no.

lol nice lesbian haircut fag

Never seen an asian bald so young so fast before.

let me guess your dad's white? lmao fuckin hapas

Receding hairlines suck. I buzzed my head last year and I've never looked back. Hair is fun, but a buzz cut adds a couple years to your face and is so much more convient to deal with as opposed to hair. Just do it.

Haven't you tried something? Meds, shampoos, whatever?

Wash ur face and buzz the hair off. You don't look nearly as bad as you think.

We are so fucked up fampai!

start hormone treatment and you'll grow hair in no time

Guess you grew it from the undercut? I think bit too long on top w/ respect to the sides that stand out. Maybe put some product on the sides to keep'em down until it grows out more

jealous of that silky smooth hair I see


Just buzz senpai.

put oil in your hair all around your hairline and have a better diet and youd be surprised how much better it will get

you look like a lesbian but your hair is fucking godly

you got me.
I've tried nothing... I honestly haven't payed much attention to it until recently. had an oh fuk moment
I don't want to do anything drastic before the school year ends. Did people tease you when you first did it? Ik I'm being a pussy faggot, but I don't want to be the class clown.
ayy, nice look
Why type of oil? Like olive oil or something?

guys I need some help too...seriously have no clue what cut to get. I have a very large weird elongated back of the head and I've always looked like shit in fresh cuts..so then I grow it out to this mess. Advice?

ya, button up your shirt

ahahah sorry this was the only pic I have at the moment showing my greasy long hair

you knew exactly what you were doing... and i like it

if you get a little more mass, you could rock the buz


are u in high school? oh Veeky Forums. do it after school then. it should grow back by august.

and not op but jamaican caster oil is what i'd suggest, people have been using it for years to stimulate hair growth thought idk how to apply it to non-african hair. a hot oil treatment?

it worked for my brows and lashes desu~

you look like a fucking rapist my dude stop

u dont have a odd forehead ur just white lol

also eat more u ugly fuckr and shave that mustach shadow it looks awful dude

i have the same long ass head dude
prob just go w undercut low fade to hide it if ur really that insecure about it


You look good bro.
Take care of your skin

you look ok bro
dont shave, grow a short beard
take care of your skin indeed

what can i do to fix my shitty hair? it's so thin and lifeless, also broken.

stop it with the dyes...

use a better shampoo

Shampoo less and dont blow dry (if you do). You can also try conditioning but itll thin your hair

i've never dyed my hair, it's my natural colour...

i try shampooing every 3-4 days or so. also what would be a good way to hydrate the hair apart from conditioner?

>what would be a good way to hydrate the hair apart from conditioner?
For me drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and using a dry shampoo once a week has done wonders. Also make sure that youre eating enough fats, as they can moisturize skin and hair. If it helps, i usually eat an avocado every other day and have a salad with olive oil and vinegar dressing every day which seems to be enough for me

you lost the genetic lottery and/ or have low testosterone breh.
however, its already to late. nothing you can do.

-eat healthy
-get enough protein (full amino profile)
-get enough zinc/ Biotin/ ...(Vitamins/Minerals)
-sleep atleast 8 hrs
-use a good shampoo (basically: organic, low ,or better no alcohol, no sodium laureth sulf. etc.)
-don't shower/ dry too hot

How can I improve my hair ?
The sides and back are alright but the top is dry and frizzy, the only way to tame the beast is to wear a hat.
>already tried no-poo= not concluding
Current hair routine: once a week
-shampoo, conditioner, argan oil (no hair dryer)

are you playing an electric viola you piece of shit

For the sole purpose of a joke sir, the piano is mine however

what does the back look like

should i buzz Veeky Forums??

Growing out an hy, not sure what to do with it. Does this look good? Should i style differently?

nah i actually love this

is this an undercut grown out

thanks, yeah it's 8 months from a standard HY

come to toronto and ill give you a good time baby


Going to the barber in a few days, no clue what would suit me. Any ideas?

buzz it

what do Veeky Forums

Do I hair good?

lol at >just buzz it
you'll look even worse than you do now with the receding hairline

you dont have the skull to pull a baldhead
few people can and everyone looks good with hair and a good hairstyle

you need to hop on fin, minox, a hair transplant

if all fails, get a wig


fix dat shoe game nigga

not bad bro

what are those pants? and black jacket

this is my goal, don't do it

why are you showing off your skinny fat body? did you post this on /soc/ or something lmao kys dumb fag

but that's not skinny fat

wearing a wig will get you crucified socially

getting a buzzcut won't.

Both H&M, both shit tier quality. The jacket is pleather

Please suggest something. As you see, I have pretty big ears and nose.
Also, I almost always go with stubble.

yea but your fit is trash

i copped a buzz and i look better than i ever have (and i've had just about every haircut in the game)

but with that being said, i don't have a receding hairline, my hairline is totally intact and i have thick dark hair. I do have a pretty big forehead though, but i have a killer jaw and thick brows sooo, i guess you're right about the skull, it's not for everyone.