Facial aesthetics thread. Old one hit bump limit.
Facial aesthetics thread. Old one hit bump limit
r3st 1n p34ce
It's insane how aesthetic prime Johnny Depp was.
If I'm at 15-16% body fat and have decent cheekbones if I suck in my cheeks, do I have potential for when I cut down to 10% body fat?
8.5/10 my dude
Gotta fix the brows I know
I'm so sorry
when people with sharp cheek bones think they have some sort of aesthetic is this thread > most of them look like some sort of inbred Appalachian people. the latest post is pathetic, honestly you're disturbingly ugly.
adjust yours eyes so they might see straight.
who here /growingtheirhairout/
nice reddit formatting buddy
Don't let that faulty program give you any false hopes user. Youre a 6/10 at best.
You have more issues than that judging by that shitty haircut.
>looking up, pouting, and clenching your jaw so hard that your molars are shattering
wow, nice jawline bro
I know senpai
I know
it's just all in good fun
Hey man, cool to see you post again. Still lookin chill as a pill. Maybe get a touch up on your hair, it's looking a lil wild.
how can I improve
mfer doesn't like my hair
Lol turbo kid is here, guys
you look good dude
ancient japanese spirit of a woman/10
can you not make a pouting faggot face and take a picture?
Thinking of getting a new pair of glasses. What shape should I get?
heh, chill
dunno what you're talking bout
im raising my eyebrows in the first picture and frowning in the 2nd
Tear me apart
>Eminem poster in background
Boy I don't even have to say anything
You remind me of Henry Cavill.
moms spaghetti
michael cera's 14 year old brother
not enough scoops on this pic
I really do not see the Michael Cera thing. I hear it constantly.
You look like a mix between Christian Bale and Micheal Cera.
perfectly average. good eyes. 7.5-8/10
You have a rounded face, so go for rectangular frames
what era Christian Bale?
try on each type of frame, square, round, etc and ask again. it's really hard to tell how a pair works with your face until you wear it
i like your eyebrows
What should I improve?
hopefully puberty makes you white.
Worm on that lazy eye tho.
put on a wig and i'll fuck you no homo
jfc get off my board underage you underage ugly latino. just improve everything senpai get facial reconstruction
is everyone 14 on this board? your eyes are huge in comparison to your lips and nose. it's really unsettling desu
>eminem poster in background
i won't even get started on that. 6/10
all the other posters are talking about your hair but if styled right you would look fine i think. 7/10?
>looking up to accentuate your nonexistant jawline
>sucking in your cheekbones
>pout face
hair is cool and your features look fine. seriously stop with the jawline shit it's cringy as fuck and so blatantly obvious. 8/10
Its not actually, Im just too bad taking photos and dont know where to look.
Im not underage and Im from Spain ):
Ah. Okay nice double dubs nd trips too.
ew you're that ginger who i used to see post in literally every /soc/ face rate thread. insecure af bro have you not received enough ratings and attention?
also go from my board please
I'm not 14, I'm 18
well you have a child's fucking face. like a literal child. 7 year old face on an 18 year old body? it scares me.
take a normal picture then cause its obvious you're trying HARD to look like a little girl
take a pic like this in a mirror and let us /really/ see your face
wow! handsome!
stop it you
8/10: if you don't mind, what ethnicity are you?
thanks, im greek
whoa. I was continents away with my guess. You almost look Columbian/East Asian
maybe 4/10, give a straight on shot
Thats really weird, most people guess that im from the balkans or italy
Reeve Carney/10
obscure reference/10
I just knew a girl who had a similar facial structure as you and she was that combination. I haven't visited most of S.Europe except Spain and very South France if you can even count that as South EU
How do I make myself look older?
Also am I ugly?
oh lord..... Stop eating Naan and try to cut carbs if you can. Chew a lot of gum and lose weight.
Grow a mustache
i'm serious guy I know this indian dude who shaved his and made him lose ten years
Working on that, only eating one meal a day and haven't had carbs in a week
how large of meals are you eating and when? What does your diet look like?
Mostly just chicken/eggs and veggies or fruits
Godlike amounts of c'mon
That's good. Exercise?
I walk 1.3 miles home from school everyday, should I do more?
Ah okay, that makes sense. Interesting combo.
Probably. Try working on your core and cardio.
I think you would look better with a shorter crop on the sides or maybe just longer hair overall. You have a really nice face either way.
Are you a model?
Gotta burn the fat, my dude. I've got chubby cheeks myself.
Anyway, here I am 3 months overdue for a shave and a new pair of glasses. What kind of frames should I go for?
any more opinions?
here's a newer pic if that makes a difference
Your mom says you should go clean your room
Lol I live across the country from my parents, try again mang.
Make fashion , not bombs
Pic from 2/18/16
I'm not one to bring up eyebrows but you could really benefit from some threading or whatever they do to clean up your brows. You're like a 5 right now, but could probably be a 7 with neat eyebrows.
From the thumbnail I thought you were a Christian Bale lookalike. You have nice beard density but it looks very unkempt. 6.5
Lose weight, that's all you need to do. 6
How much makeup do you have on in this pic or is this a filter? Your skin looks godlike. 7
Nahh it's around 8% when the face fat gets cut
Look at kinobody and the difference his jaw line had from 10% to 8%
Why the fuck did you bomb the marathon?
How good would I lose if I lost weight??
And how do you lose face fat?
pls be in toronto
i had to reverse image search to make sure this wasn't the boston bomber