>this emotion if

>tfw you're making it in almost every way but your sense of humor is dying
How to be funny again?

>lunarcore general too I guess

Other urls found in this thread:


what a shit thread

Wait, are you saying you've forgotten how to have a sense of humor since coming on Veeky Forums and bitching about clothes so much?

Sense of humor comes with IQ. If you think your sense of humor is "dying," you're probably just an imbecile.

>le tip


Choke on a whole dick

honestly i hung out with some guy who thought he was a fucking comedian yesterday, like his jokes were kinda funny to begin with but he never fucked stopped, had to hold back my urge to fucking strangle him at one point

keep it low please

yeah i bet you get laid all the time right friendo?

Misdirection, failure to address topic at hand. -5 points.

it is addressing the topic at hand, the article you linked clearly states that there is a link between humor ability and mating success, you come in here with a condescending tone, clearly linking yourself to a higher IQ, therefore it carries that you should get laid a lot, right user-kun??

also the correct logical fallacy would have been ad hominem, it's okay though user, just keep copy pasting from your "top 20 logical fallacies" you found on reddit :)

You two are both very autistic.

You didn't make a logical fallacy, you simply didn't argue at all. If you had read the study instead of making assumptions, you would see that it is but one of many in the corpus of research indicating that IQ predicts a lot about one's personality -- such as sense of humor.

If you had a high IQ, and thus any sense of humor worth noting, perhaps you wouldn't have made it to this point in this rhetorical buttfucking.


some people take nihilism too seriously







This is all I got. Never really got into this style of dressing.