are latinos the least Veeky Forums race next to abbos?
I've never seen any latinos walking runways, unless they're from spain.
are latinos the least Veeky Forums race next to abbos?
I've never seen any latinos walking runways, unless they're from spain.
most latinos look like mulatto blacks so it's hard to distinguish them
No, I think latinos can be Veeky Forums but not in a model level, it is possible for latinos to have nice facial aesthetics and nice body.
most of the ones i see are like in the op pic, or they dress in abercrombie, and hollister.
>most latinos look like mulatto blacks
that's the dumbest thing i've heard today
Depends on their skin tone, height and facial aesthetics. If they 5'10 + and look like Ricky Martin then they can pass for Veeky Forums
well most of the ones I've seen do
you're probably too dumb to realize who's latino and who's not. latino is not a race
>I've never seen any latinos walking runways, unless they're from spain.
Oh, this is THAT kind of thread
yes considering most of them are manlets
flips are in the same league, maybe only because they look like mexicans.
Spaniards and Latinos are two different things
Latinos are the product of Spaniard and Indigenous interbreeding when the Conquistadors showed up.
What is Latino then? Would you consider Caucasian or Asian races?
You're not from America are you?
Latino is an ethnicity not a race. You can be Asian and Latino, black and Latino etc. Also lots of Latino in the Caribbean are mulattos while the ones in South America are mestizos. Get your facts right faggots.
that's mestizo you retard
latinos/hispanics can be white, black, asian, but a good number in areas like mexico have different mixes native and european blood
>not realizing that Brazilian models revolutionized modeling
>not considering Brazilians Latinos
>being this retarded
please take your stupidity somewhere else
Latinos are the French, Spanish, Romanians, and Italians. All of the subhuman shit skins that call themselves Latin are full of shit, and they have brainwashed us through media to automatically assume a Mexican/PuertoRican when we hear Latino.
they probably are, but from new york
new york has afro-latinos
go be retarded somewhere else
Go be a cuck and prep your bull on reddit or tumblr.
lol latino is a term used to group people of latin america
this includes central america, south america, cuba, puerto rico, the dominican republic, and by technicality, haiti
latinos have french, spanish, romanian, and italian ancestry through mixing with indigenous and africans in these areas
you're an idiot who doesn't know the difference between being latin and being latino
Not him, but I bet no one in South America has Romanian ancestry
Being "latino" is sufferring.
>from spain
You really are retarded, aren't you?
>Latinos are the product of Spaniard and Indigenous interbreeding when the Conquistadors showed up.
Latinos are central and south americans who themselves are a mix of europeans and sometimes african like in brazil, and sometimes not like in paraguay who had nazi dictatorships dedicated to whitening the latinos. Hispanics are spain more european.
>Latinos are the French, Spanish, Romanians, and Italians
See above.
>All of the subhuman shit skins that call themselves Latin are full of shit
If you meant hispanic that would kind of be correct, except for the other non-hispanic races your threw into the start of your post.
>and they have brainwashed us through media to automatically assume a Mexican/PuertoRican when we hear Latino.
This is where you're not just wrong, but insultingly accusing them of dumbing you down when it's clear by your own post that people don't care enough to learn more than one kind of "mexican". No, we're not interchangeable with blacks, and i bet you belive in the asian model minority as well.
And their media is also run by the jews, look at Don Francisco. At least be right about your accusations.
You're making /pol/ look bad.
Mexican here, 6'2, dirty blonde hair, green eyes
>Hispanics are spain more european.
what does this mean?
from how i'm reading that sentence, i'd just like to point out that hispanics are latinos that speak spanish
Americans being stupid and ignorant as usual, everything in order
And criminally racist too. My feelings have been cut.
Unless you're a neo-nazi, I'm going to remove some Veeky Forums points from you assholes.
By your definition "Dominicans" aren't latino because we killed all of our native population, also Haitians are not latinos nor Hispanic.
haitians are by technicality latino because they have french roots
>through mixing with indigenous and africans in these areas
should i have put indigenous or africans?
>>Hispanics are spain more european.
>what does this mean?
whoops, latinos are latinos, they had their own culture before they mixed with the european hispanics. Hispanics are originally europeans, just spanish, but veryone uses latino and hispanic so incorrectly that they have lost their meaning.
>I'd just like to point out that hispanics are latinos that speak spanish
Latino (central and south Americans) speak different languages but also spanish.
>And criminally racist too. My feelings have been cut.
No one is "racist" for no reason, latin american immigrants cause problems for the job market value in America. A large majority of those who immigrate proceed into latino ghetto gang culture.
Other countries have drug trade and gang problems like meth, heroin in the US or the Yakuza in japan, why can't latin america recover or use the drug money to help it's own people?
Do you know how little of french Haitians have in their blood? Little to none, they aren't like Dominicans where you can see some European features on some people, I know how Haitians look.
latinos didn't exist until after they mixed with europeans, though
hispanics are from places that were colonized by the spaniards-- there's an entire argument about filipinos being hispanic and blah blah blah
> Latino (central and south Americans) speak different languages but also spanish
anyone in latin america is latino
anyone who speaks spanish in latin america is hispanic
i wasn't saying all latinos are spanish speakers/hispanic
Race is a social construct and full of holes in definitions. These definitions of race fall apart especially when considering the peoples of the western hemisphere. Stop arguing over something which A) doesn't exist and B) is fundamentally flawed in the first place
Kek these fucking wetbacks thinking they are white, the only white countries in latin america are Costa Rica, Uruguay and Argentina even tho they are manlets
That's a word for illegal immigrants, not for latinos. Countries are more diverse than you think, I've known white mexicans and brown mexicans. Most poor latinos are brown so I think you've only met brown latinos because you probably live in the us and have only met illegal immigrants.
>be at work today
>nothing to do so i sit on my phone
>hear a "hey wey"
>look around for a second
>"wey, down here"
>finally i look down at my counter to see a 5'2 mexican, wearing gold rings and chain and has tattoos, also wearing a black wife beater a black new era cap that says the area code on it and levi jeans with a gucci belt
>ask him what he needs
>"you got any sticks wey"?
>say "sure" and ask the little mexilet for his ID
>pulls out a mexico ID
>tell him I can't take those
>tries to argue with me
>finally gets mad and leaves
>hops in his white chevy tahoe, with 24 inch chrome wheels, that he has to use a step stool to get in
>does some donuts in our parking lot, then drives off flipping me off.
yep, those mexilets are sure Veeky Forums
>implying working at a gas station mart is Veeky Forums
not even mexican but wow i bet you have sick cops on that minimum wage budget
Mixed race is always master race b/c it combines aesthetically pleasing genetic traits
Yes there are ugly Latinos and ugly mixed people, but honestly in the same ratio as ugly whites
People who generalize race, and esp. such a diverse race of people as Veeky Forums or un/fa/ are literally retarded, it's obviously on a case by case basis
There's a grip of whites in Northern Mexico.
>Kek these fucking wetbacks thinking they are white.
>Proceeds to name 'white' countries in latin american.
I don't know if your contradicting the first part of your own post, but you're technically correct. No one should be saying they're white, but they're a mix between original latinos, hispanic europeans and africans.
w2c pants?
ITT: ignorant americans
You can easily tell who is american just based on their stupid and uncultured posts.
pls kys
>this thread triggered Pablo
Go to /pol/
build wall pendejo.
>calling us uncultured when your culture is mostly drug cartels and beheadings.
top kek
De Jalisco o Sonora?
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Unsupervised internet time.
You can report that you know?..
Its global to keep /pol/ in /pol/. So do some cleaning...