Can we dedicate a thread to Veeky Forums candid photos from history?
Effortless Veeky Forums Thread
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this tbqh
>effortless Veeky Forums
>all these pieces of shit care about is how they look
Read the fucking title next time asshole
took the bait
wow nice!
He just didn't give a fuck; this hedonistic fucker... I like him....
Do the Wests' dressers browse Veeky Forums for inspo?
Lmfao is kim bulking?
dubs dont lie, nice!
They should browse Walmart for bleach
fuck that's cool
How fucking dare you, lad.....
damn, nice!
Potentially good thread ruined by underage cucks....
Took me a while to realize Harrison Ford
i remember watching this video and being impressed with the fits
what video is it from?
and then feeling slightly bad because that was clearly not the point of the video
Always really liked this pic
Frank Underwoodcore
i wonder if he gets to hit that
take away the gun and this fit is trash lmao
>using cuck as an insult
I don't get it. Its a legitimate fetish. Everyone has one. Different strokes for different folks
>take away that shirt and the fit is trash
>take away those shoes and the fit is trash
"take away the gun and this fit is trash lmao"
but she has the gun. this is real life. she's wearing that outfit, and she has a gun. you're trash.
>tfw being "effortless Veeky Forums" just means being noticeably good looking
>tfw face is more important than everything
man don't try to sound deep, this outfit is garbage. In fact it's garbage even with the gun. You think you're seeing some deeper meaning or art in this but don't delude yourself my friend.
interesting how many of these are dope fits because of guns
undeniably dope fits, but definitely because of the guns
fantastic pic
So I guess guns are the key to being Veeky Forums
He's not pointing out any deeper meaning, he's just saying that in this reality, they do have guns. So why talk in hypotheticals about them not having guns?
i love butter.
fuck this one always makes me sad moreso than any other race related photo
I love these, keep it up OP
You fuckin wot
not even the best one
dude do you think she was ever actually in battle? imagine if she's fucking dead now? she was hit by a straight burner to the stomach and died crying her eyes out.
trips of truth pussy BOW DOWN
This some Axel Foley shit.
First 4 minute mile.
His shoes in this pick are worth more than my soul.
Did that dude to the left of the rifle shit his pants?
Koreans during the riots were god-tier Veeky Forums
nice fit
I'm pretty sure this is some legendary skate spot but really have no info on it. Just know that its the black cross bowl.
This man in more Veeky Forums than I will ever be. Even the animal kingdom respects his fits
not digging that fit zodiac killer
very nice broseph!
he's saying the gun is part of the outfit. Fucking moron.
is she on her way to catch the train to hogwarts? xD
Always loved this picture
Those clothes aren't fa it's just a grainy image and they look good with the dark stocks on the guns and the glasses
where do i get this haircut
wow somebody saved my picture
have another
>spot the cuck