Is this the greatest love story ever?

Is this the greatest love story ever?

>God creates man
>Man rebels against God
>Man turns wicked and evil
>Sin requires punishment
>God suffers and dies for our sins
>pays our debt
>He is willing to forgive any who believe in Him

What a mighty God we serve..



Do you know what Stockholm syndrome is?

>Sin requires punishment

>God """""""""dies"""""""""

>God creates man to be curious
>God tempt man with knowledge that He forbids
>Man rebels against God
>Man is punished with death and captivity in an hostile world
>Sin requires more punishment, decrees God
>A part of God, separated from the two other parts who don't experience it, suffers and dies one (1) human death for all our sins, but is not dead
>claims to pay our debt to himself
>But still requires faith and love towards him before he is willing to forgive
>Without that He still punishes you with eternal suffering for your sins
>Also will not reveal himself or his expectations to us.

I don't love him back.

I still don't understand why sin requires punishment. Is that some rule that God has to follow? Why? He breaks the laws of physics he makes us all abide by, and he does it constantly throughout the Bible.

Why is this rule so sacred? Is it made by an even more powerful God who he must obey?

Is God just that honor-bound to his own rules? Then why did he essentially just find a loop hole like a crafty lawyer might instead of actually following the rule?

I just don't get it at all, I really can't wrap my head around this shit.

>Love story
God is a fucking genocidal maniac.

>Sin requires punishment
Why? Because god said sin is bad. He set the rules.

>God suffers and dies for our sins
A body with some incoherent form of god's essence suffers and dies. And then gets ressurected. It's literally meaningless.

>He is willing to forgive any who believe in Him
All he needs to do is provide some evidence. You're telling us a bullshit story about some petty, tribal god that fucking wrecked human society several times over, and then sacrifices himself to himself to lift rules that he himself created. This is literally the peak of idiocy. You can not find a more retarded and infantile god. Love story my ass.

Because muh divinity muh retarded rationalizations god cannot be wrong is a presupposition, everything else comes after.

>Crime should go unpunished

Anarchist detected.

What kind of crime can you possibly commit against an infinite all powerful being? There is no crime if there is no victim, dipshit.

>Allah ever dying

There's some weird ass Ghousl going on in this thread.

It's really simple.

God is Holy (it means perfect).

Any sin or blemish, cannot be in the presence of a eternal holy Creator (you will die).

God wants us to be with Him, so that's where the plan of salvation comes in.

The animal sacrifices were a temporary thing where the children of Israel could transfer their sins onto animals, so those animals would take the wrath of God instead of an individual.

Those sacrifices were a prelude to Jesus Christ, God Himself, sacrificing Himself for the collective sins of mankind.

He satisfied God the Father, because Jesus was perfect and sinless, yet He died for us.

>a father shouldn't care if his children steal and lie

Bad parent detected.

How does creating a superhuman and letting him sort of but not really die for three days absolve manking of the sins they committed? What does one even have to do with the other, regardless of the dubious nature of the sacrifice?

What can you steal from god, and how could you possibly lie to him to any effect?

That goes into Christology.

Basically, Jesus was 100% man and 100% divine.

He felt all the pain, suffering and emotions that normal humans feel.

He was divine because He performed miracles and rose from the dead.

As through Adam came death,
Life comes through the Messiah.

it's not about harming god you retard

its about doing things against the nature of god, being evil to other people and thinking wickedly

Describe what divine means, and how it's at all relevant.

>He felt all the pain, suffering and emotions that normal humans feel.
For what kind of fraction that normal humans feel?

Wow... Gets me all warm and fuzzy. Makes me wonder how many times Jesus has done this on how many planets in the last 13 billion years. Are all ETs human or does Jesus become a lizard person when providing salvation to the Lizard World.
This belongs in or .

Back to What factors have contributed to mankinds belief that there are no other sentient species in the universe AND that the salvation provided by Christisnity is applicable to Human Beings on Planet Earth only.

Further: what factors contribute to Christianities holding on to the belief that the Scriptures are infalable, when the canon could not even be agreed upon until centuries after the events took place. HOW DID GOD guide the "collector of books"? who codified the NT Canon?

There... Those are questions ALMOST worthy of Veeky Forums

It means holy/perfect.

Have you ever stolen or lied?


First off, the claim that it's against the nature of god to fuck people over is a laugh a minute. Just look up the story of Job, Exodus, Abraham, Noah and Babel. God is a dishonest prankster at best and an actively destructive monster at worst.

>its about doing things against the nature of god, being evil to other people and thinking wickedly
Why do you think god would care at all what people do to each other, and why does he get buttflustered to the point of wiping them all out and/or burning them in hell forever, which objectively puts them in worse position before he intervened?


You're not doing a good job of explaining it or its relevance.

You mean where God doubled his family, lifestock and money?

You mean where God freed a people from bondage?

You mean where God blessed one individual and gave him a nation?

You mean where God saved him and his family from the flood?

You mean where God mankind from Satan's attempt at a New World Order?

You're not really helping your case here.

>why would a father care if his children are fighting eachother

how retarded are you

>You mean where God doubled his family, lifestock and money?
>lel killing people doesn't matter if god duz it

>You mean where God freed a people from bondage?
I mean the part where the pharaoh changed his mind, i.e. was about to let the jews go, but apparently god wanted him to suffer some more for no reason and "hardened his heart".

>You mean where God blessed one individual and gave him a nation?
I mean where he lied. You seem to be having trouble catching on here. There is absolutely nothing perfect in the actions of this celestial strongman,

>You mean where God saved him and his family from the flood?
No, I mean where he genocided literally everything except a couple of animals and loons.

>You mean where God mankind from Satan's attempt at a New World Order?
I mean where God stopped mankind from working together. He can BTFO satan anytime he wants, if that's your issue, but Ze Great Shaitan doesn't even figure in the story to begin with, so you can fuck off with that nonsense rationalization.

First off, we're naught but playthings to him, if we went by any honest characterization of the bible.

>children are fighting
>throw them into an eternal pit of fire
That makes sense.

God murderd the little babies who never had a chance to grow up and make a choice. What do you tell your grandkids when they ask you why God killed the innocent little babies?

Ordered the murder of his wife's people. Sent Joshua back to murder the little boys.

Really read Job. Job whines.

Said nations are derived through INCEST.

Neither Satan nor the NWO are mentioned in Genesis' description of the Banel story.

1. God knows the deepest intentions and hearts of man, He is the perfect judge. If someone has to die, there is a very good reason for it.

People see things in the short-term, God sees it in the long-term.

2. Pharaoh had already decided to not let them go, God simply used that to show His power. That's what it means with "hardened his heart".

3. What lie? Abraham's children became great people in the land, only getting abandoned by God when they disobeyed His commandments and started doing wickedly like the degenerate pagans surrounding them.

4. The world was filled with Nephilim giants and pure evil. Beastiality, child sacrifice, genetic experiments and fallen angel tampering.

Noah was the only pure human left without corrupted DNA, hence why he was chosen. Out of him came we.

If God did not send the flood, humans wouldn't exist anymore.

5. Working together to build a tower in a symbolic attempt to challenge God. Nimrod was the ancient Antichrist and he cursed God.

The Book of Jasher says how they fired arrows into the heavens as to say "fuck God".

Stop sucking Satan's cuck so much.
He is a deceiver and liar.

But don't worry user, your precious "united mankind" will become a reality soon with the New World Order the elite are pushing for.

>no borders
>no sovereignty
>no family identity
>multiculturalist melting pot

You're getting exactly what you want, so why are you mad?

The God of the Bible is a personal and loving God.

The fact He is all-knowing and powerful means He knows everything about you, from your atoms, cells, organs, limbs to your personality.

If He didn't care, He wouldn't have sacrificed Himself for us.

Yes, those poor brainwashed ISIS children who never had a chance to grow up and make a choice.

Russia stop bombing them!

>was filled with Nephilim giants and pure evil. Beastiality, child sacrifice, genetic experiments and fallen angel tampering.
>Noah was the only pure human left without corrupted DNA, hence why he was chosen. Out of him came we.

Shut the fuck up

>Waahhhh stop BTFOing me!!

Can't handle a Christian that actually knows his book?

God sounds like a gigantic cuck to me

>it is a thinly veiled christfag's preaching episode

>god dindu nuttin
>he a good god
>need more believers for dem saviour

enjoy the flames

Please show me where in the book there's anything about DNA, and where in the book it says that the pharaoh decided not to let them go after explicitly deciding to let them go.

Your post is the definition of rationalization:
>I-i-i-it will make sense in the long term, I swear!
With literally nothing to back it up, not even your own beeble. Back to kindergarten, child.

>You mean where God doubled his family, lifestock and money?
And killed his children

Where God killed thousands of first borns from people that had zero control over the Pharoe's policies.

Fair enough

Where God destroyed 99% of the human race. Protip: God gave zero warning to these people about the flood. If you want to disagree with this find the bible quote saying they were told

>You mean where God mankind from Satan's attempt at a New World Order
There is no Satan in this story, nor a new world order, I think you should actually read the story. The stated motive for the tower was basically to test their ability to work together. Read your own book.

I'm interested in hearing more of this, any book recommendations?.

Trey Smith's channel on YT is a good starter.


>sinners are innocent


>99% of the human race

Noah was the only human left.

The rest were Nephilim offspring of the fallen angel genetic experiments.

Satan was trying to dilute the human genepool in an attempt to prevent the messiah from coming.

Carry on with what ever retardation you want you deluded spastic. I'm not even an atheist, not even mad.

You're a butthurt atheist who is going to face God and feel ashamed.

God create a man he knew and had the ability to revolt.

He killed his own son and blamed it on the Jews to forgive the sin he created.


I don't think ISIS was around during these events . Your post appears to advocate killing babies, did I miss something?

Come on Dude, Ya gotta call him on the INCEST. Dude was boning his half sister and God chose him to be a great nation.

Just golly gee whiz.
or just us?

Past the point of no return there, bub. is the place for you.

>babies are sinners
When did babies start sinning, exactly?

Poor bait.

ITT: atheists showing how retarded they are

>it goes against my evolutionist narrative therefore its wrong!!!

take your monkey myths and go back to /x/ retarded darwinites

>I don't think ISIS was around during these events . Your post appears to advocate killing babies, did I miss something?

they are born sinners because of original sin. have you not read the bible?

What the fuck is original sin? Explain to me how someone is born worthy of damnation.

awaits you, friend. Don't be ashamed.

perhaps you should have done some research before entering the argument

That depends on your denomination.

Catholics believe in original sin, hence why they practice infant baptism.

Others believe babies who die go to heaven, because they are not aware of discernment.

I'm tired.
there. No ISIS back then during this post.

Let's all go to and leave these poor Veeky Forums folks alone

He created an inferior being then punishes it in the severest way possible when it acts inferior. Literally creates humans with the duty soley being to worship and glorify him.

At best the creation of Angels is the love story

Well, with God and his infinite wisdom should of clarified that to Christians?

I mean because... If one view is right then every time a baby is aborted it goes to hell (which means god is a nasty bastard and hates babies) or it means that all dead babies go to heaven which means you should abort everyone because it guarantees that their soul will go to heaven and no be damned when they grow up to be an adult and be a degenerate.


"Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more matters of this life?"

1st Corinthians 6:3

We will be better than the angels.

Wow.. Brilliant. It's not even technically bait. It's well thought out and presently in a respectful manner. It's the baby killer thing that really turns off the grandkids. Read them Bible Stories and they righteously want to know why God would kill babies. The Midianite story in Numbers really got to my granddaughter. She pointed out, "That sounds like ISIS," without prompting.

I "know" what it is in that I see you cretinous christfags babbling on about it, what I'm asking you is to make it make sense

>Man rebels against God

No, it's a twisted and fucked up story which thankfully has nothing to do with reality.

>>posts lots and lots of idiotic made up bullshit and then posts some idiotic image when people laugh at him.


>He is the perfect judge. If someone has to die, there is a very good reason for it.
Hello I work in an pediatric oncology unit.
Can I please book you in to talk to the terminal patients to let them know that there is a good reason why they aren't going to live to see their 14th birthday?
I'll make sure their entire family is there so you can correctly inform them all.

>people seriously believe this dumb shit.

The more xtians post on Veeky Forums trying to convert people the happier I am to be an atheist I may have to be a fedora soon at this rate. This much self-satisfied smugness caused by not being a retard cannot be contained by a hatless head.

Reddit atheist defense force has arrived.

No matter what you say, you're going to hell and we're going to heaven. :)

No matter what you say or claim, when you die you cease to exist. :^)

>you're going to hell and we're going to heaven. :)
Ok but could you explain why some children deserve the miracle of terminal cancer?

Couldn't God just keep that from killing us? Is that out of his power?

>2. Pharaoh had already decided to not let them go, God simply used that to show His power. That's what it means with "hardened his heart".
God did say he would harden Pharao's heart, the reason Pharaoh decided to not let them go was that his heart got hardened, by God.

>3. What lie? Abraham's children became great people in the land, only getting abandoned by God when they disobeyed His commandments and started doing wickedly like the degenerate pagans surrounding them.
I think he is talking about God lying about him having to sacrifice his son.

A cult of Human Sacrifice and Symbolic Ritual Canabalism. You people amaze me

Yes, yes it is.

Sin entered the world, and with it sickness and death. Those children did not do anything to "deserve" to be sick. They were born into a sick world.

Those children who die of such things are taken to be with the Lord forever.

You have to die to be resurrected into an eternal body. The body you were born with is defective.

The Pharoah hardened his own heart 7 times, 7 being the number of completion.

God gave the Pharoah the staying power to stick to his decision.

Unless they are a few seconds above the magical age where they stop being babies and then go straight to hell.

Christianity is not a cult, and it is not cannibalistic. Catholicism is both.

> “But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in Egypt he will not listen to you. Then I will lay my hand on Egypt and with mighty acts of judgment I will bring out my people the Israelites.”
God don't lie.

They have to reach their own age of accountability.

I trust God to make good decisions.

He doesn't. And the Pharoah hardened his own heart 7 times. Completely hardened.

Because God made it that way.
If God says he will harden the heart of the pharaoh, and the pharaoh then does that, don't you think it was God that made it to occur that way?

When is that age of accountability? Is it set by a certain day or certain year in your age?

The pharoah's heart was hardened 20 times. 10 by himself, and 10 by God.

God also gave you the power to rebel against Him, but it does not mean God wants you to rebel against Him.

And God sees the end from the beginning; the pharoah is no victim in this. He was killing Hebrew children en masse.

It's not date certain, from what I can tell, but an understanding of right from wrong, good from evil, and not everyone reaches it. Some people try to put dates on it; 13 years, 20 years, 40 years, but if you look at the creation, absolutely everything is unique.

That's contrary to what God has revealed in His holy scriptures.

You can choose to believe such a useless lie, if you want.

You cannot choose to be free of the consequences.

Every time Pharaoh hardened his heart it was decided to be so by God, as God had said he would harden the heart of the pharaoh. Is there any other way to view it without thinking God lied about he going to harden the heart of the pharaoh?

And even if the paraoh was guilty, most of his people wasn't with none of the first born being guilty to it.

In fact, the only thing God ever did directly to pharaoh was to drench him in the sea. Everything else occurred to other people that had no say in things.

And if God would harden my heart to make me rebel against him, then he would want me to revel against him just like he wanted the Pharaoh to say no.

What if someone isn't raised to know the difference between wrong and evil? Will a Satanist who happily slaughters Christians ((Not that Satanists really do that)) Go to heaven since he was raised not to know the difference between good and evil?

Any time you come to the conclusion that God lied, know that you are in error, go back, and rethink things.

Here's a verse that will shed some light on the subject, if you're looking for light, and not for an excuse to remain in the dark:

Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is in the hand of the Lord, Like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes.

Romans 13:1 [ Submit to Government ] Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.


Drown. Kill. Dead.

God's Law is written on every human heart; God gave all men consciences to know right from wrong. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the earth shows His handiwork.

God's Spirit is a witness to all that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.

No man has an excuse before God; God considers all of us without excuse if we choose not to believe in Him.

Which he didn't do to Pharaoh for doing all those bad things to the Jews, he just did it when the Pharaoh was in the way for the collapsing sea.
Not a single one of his or his soldiers would have died if he had stayed on the Egyptian side of the red Sea. Heck, God didn't really kill him for following the Jews, just for being in the way for the red sea when its water came flowing back.

God used a sea to kill His enemies.

Pretty awesome.

So your verses is telling me that Pharaohs actions were according to the will of God, as they state he had full control over his heart and was the one to put him in power?