Alright Veeky Forums I'm already bone skinny (18 years old, 110 pounds). How do I get this?

Alright Veeky Forums I'm already bone skinny (18 years old, 110 pounds). How do I get this?

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go to the gym you fucking failure


Gain weight, eat nothing but protein, lift, then work down with cardio. My body type is about at that picture and I'm 6'2.

>bulk by eating excess
>lift weights until desired muscle
>cardio to get lean

how does anyone get this skinny?
never doing anything athletic or working out in your life?
I'm 6'0 and only fluctuate between 145-170 depending on what sports ive been into

sure that's fat for the standards here but I still look skinny

>never doing anything athletic or working out in your life?
this exactly why. also my parents raised me vegetarian for some stupid reason so i've been naturally tiny due to not having protein for the first decade of my life


Work your chest and do crunches every day and completely ignore every other part of your body. I actually have now clue how he manages to have a chest like that with those fucking birdy arms.

Went through a stage of anorexia. I'm 6'0, and looking for that body type too.

he looks super cute

Jesus crust, I weighed 150~ when I was 18.

I severely recommend just eating more, taking some multi vitamin's, and get a gym membership, start browsing reddits /r/fitness and /r/bodybuilding. 4chans Veeky Forums is shit

Anyone know his name?

>tfw 5'7' at 150lbs
>tfw still ribs more visible than the OP pic

I'm jealous of skeletons who can hide them properly

how tall are you for starters?
eat protein and a slight cal surplus
do a lot of pushups and situps
boom there you go

this is b8 carbs are just as important to building muscle

are you fucking kidding me? if not kys you fucking imbecile

senpai u must be mental lmao

sorry my man

Clearly hes roiding...that body is achievable naturally

You forgot the best part; I'm Dutch

Any suicidecore around?

bodyweight exercise, don't listen to Veeky Forums they are huge retards. Do tons of sit ups.

No they're not you need carbs for energy but it's best to cut out as much as you can bc they're the most fattening macro

>taking fitness advice from a fashion fourm instead of an actual fitness fourm
really, whos the retard here

lel me too mate, me too
I'm Iberian though so I still see smaller guys than me
I considered studying in the Netherlands, but I'd look like a hobbit desu

haven't you heard of a high carb low fat vegan diet. That shit literally strips away your body fat but also allows you to build muscle as long as you stay active and not a lazy fuck. I have pretty much the same body as the OP pic and thats my diet. I run 3 to 4 times a week, about 2 to 3 miles each time, then I do body weight exercises/calisthenics every day for like 45 mins

If you have OP's build you haven't built any muscle you retard.

yeah OP pic has a built up chest

I have slightly bigger arms too

but i have the same core skinny core chest region

>I have pretty much the same body as the OP pic

bold claim. show us.

post a pic pls?

Im in class right now. I'll post a pic after track practice later ;)

do bench and sit ups and nothing else. Get plenty of protein but not many calories.

Start by hitting the gym you dumb fucking retard.

Besides you won't get the "same body", all bodies are different and everyone got slightly different insertions, let alone genetics.

So shut the fuck up, hit the gym, and not once every decade it requires regularity, and you will get results. Now fuck off kid. Damn this board is ruined by underrages.

l m a o
Enjoy nogains retardo

eating less?


lol shut up dude

kek, that body is literally worth 3 months of lifting + not being a fat fuck.

i pity you Veeky Forums.

>Do tons of sit ups

Are you twelve?

i've been a veggie since birth and am 5'11 150lbs with an ottermode/glamour athletic body

Sorry to burst your normie bubble op, but anything less than pic related looks shit.

lol the jealously haha chill
still looks better than yours + gets hired to model for high end fashion.

Much better to listen to a name fag on a fashion forum when he tells you to only work one muscle group with one exercise

>jealous of someone who has 80 pounds less muscle mass than me
>jealous because im not smaller and weaker than the average girl

Yes im totally jealous.

You're so embarrassing hahahah
Then you wonder why you don't have a qt3.14 gf and only attract sonority old hags. its k dude keep the good work! you're so manly, the world seriously cares, beard memes ftw!

absolutely disgusting senpai

whoever posts ! and ftw on Veeky Forums is underage, no matter is it ironic

you call it disgusting, yet he fucks your gf.
And then your gf comes crawling to you and asks for mercy.
You are beta enough to forgive here and think it wont happen again.

2 months later she fucks this guy again.

>qt3.14 gf
>only attract old hags
>beard memes ftw

I swear only girls can talk so much gibberish in a single sentence.

I'm a grill and bulgy muscles like that look nasty.

Its easy to judge when you are looking at pictures.

Yet you would suck his dick because someone like this would be too charming and masculine for you to ingore him.

You cant fight your biological desires

only if your a fucking faggot, most women are okay with skinnyfat if you have atleast a 6/10 face. Anything else is just a bonus.

i think you should take some advice from your own name and killy yourself

Nice evasion. Clearly you can intuit all the deepest desires of women from behind a computer screen.

Are all Veeky Forumspillers this retarded?

You seem like a dumbass red piller. You do realize women are people and not some animal that you can predict the behaviour of the group. You literally have no concept of basic human behaviour. Is it that hard for you to see women as regular people? "you can't fight biological desires" You're a fucking retard who needs to be euthanized.

No only the wannabee Veeky Forumsizen.

The guys who are are actually jacked and shredded are based anons.
Heck one of the nicest tripfags there is a 100kg monster.
Not him btw.

Is that the burberry model that jumped off a roof and died like 6 years ago? Tom *insert last name here*?

nigga what im 5'7 115 on a good day and im auschwitz tier, how are you 150 and can still see ribs

I'm the guy who posted first. Idk what routine you do, but I can guarantee I look better than you.

i literally googled "tom burberry model died" and found the answer was no

Tom Nicon was the guy
he was also ugly kinda

yup they're that retarded.

how do i get a body achievable to pic related

hit the gym faggot

bullshit tyler never went to a gym in his life

have low body fat and go to the gym once a month, my dick is wider than this fucbois chest

k then be black dipshit. whites have to work harder for muscle.

lol waiting...

Since nobody is answering seriously,
Gym 2-6 days a week depending on your availability but 2 is the minimum, i'd recommend a 3 day routine start monday-rest-wednesday-rest-friday-rest-rest-
Your muscles need 48 at the least and 72 hours and the most needed for recovery. Each muscle group needs to be hit twice a week for good growth. For a routine just google or make a JEFIT account and for a routine that looks fun, seeing how youre skinny as fuck, basically any routine after awhile is going to work.
In terms of eating, you could try google a plan or just get Myfitnesspal and just set your goals and weight gain per week and just log your meals for like a week just to set a base.

TLDR: Eat and lift for like 6 months and congrats you look like a 15 year old swimmer faggot

stomach exercises every day boiii

tyler is REALLY fucking skinny, remember that. look at his arms. the elbow is wider than his upper arm.

much love user- and yes tyler has a similar body to mine, just more toned, that is why hes my inspo

This is what we in Finland call a "voimafantasia" which roughly translates to "power fantasy"

It's more common on dumbasses than you think...

I looked like this about a week ago, and I was 170 @ 6'0-6'1. Now around 165.

Mind, I'm depleted so I'm a bit more muscular than this pic shows. And I'm very strong for my weight.

110lbs says nothing. Also, that was my underweight ex's weight. You must be tiny... Are you like 5'6?

If you're over 5'10, gain weight slowly. 1lbs/week. Visit Veeky Forums for a routine. Go slow but steady and after 6 months you cut, lose weight while you keep on lifting. And you should be close.

You WILL notice when you get "too big" this takes time. You won't suddenly wake up big.

For athletic/ottermode at my height you'd need 145-155lbs, bench 220, squat 400 and be able to do weighted pullups with +- 65lbs around your waist.

Aim for that, at some point you'll hit your goal and realize it's not enough.

I... Have to say that something does look off about him. He looks too wide/short. And his chest is.. well.. ew.

He's out of proportion.

Pic related is 6'0 and 145lbs. But when not dehydrated its closer to 155. And without the excessive lighting and posing and tanning? Its suddenly not bulgy anymore but just athletic.

I'll be at that level before July. I'm too pale now but only have 10lbs left to lose. That's doable in 2-3 weeks.

It's the cut off point of looking good in a suit or dress shirt or anything formal. Much bigger and you'll look "off" in a suit.

No is just plan disgusting, bulgy, deformed and looks +10 years older than his actual age.

Ewwww gtfo dadcore

>people still fall for the protein meme

i do loads of cardio
would this interfere? (probably a retarded question)

saved. great body

>>unlike you im losing weight (ive lost 16kgs currently) and the threads and some people there are quite helpful

nice memeing m8

post more qt

Ok. I'm not attracted to that body either, but do you really need my affirmation to feel secure about yourself? Just do you, you'll find somebody whose "type" you are.

old, ugly straight males are insecure af.

But why would you not want to have that? You can be fairly attractive and be just about healthy, or you can be attractive have awesome strength, maybe some girls won't like your bulging muscles. But shit you can do more. Life is better when you can do more things.
Go get fucking strong and see if you don't fall in love with that shit

very easily as long as you aren't short

We're all gonna make it brah
I'm happy for you man, I've gained about that and that shit feels great, no more hungry skele for me. Keep it up brother

The Japanese who are skinny4life live way longer than any of the weight lifters you like. Both longevity world records male 115 yo and female 116 yo are Japanese. So go impress other big men or gay bar bears with your strength and gains, I couldn't care less.

Wide ribcage I suppose

Really don't know

Low carb is a scam

You're not wrong, and I don't even disagree with you man. I am very aware that this shit does wear down the body over time, and I might not live as long as I could. But shit life is so much fun right now. Even just to try it for a few years to reach your athletic peak. It's something I'd be really kicking myself for never having tried.

To each his own, there is no right way in life, its about making it worthwhile how you like.

Bruh that guy probably isn't less than 175 at 6'0.

I like being skinny, it suits my personality and aesthetic better. There's never been a task in my life for which I wished I was more muscular, so I'm not sure how this is limiting me in any way. I'm not a competitive athlete nor do I work physically-demanding jobs. I'm not interested in attracting "most" women, only the ones who are my type and don't want to use me as a meathead trophy - most women are pretty boring, same with men.

>inb4 Veeky Forums: I could beat u and cuck your gf bruhh
No need to project your insecurities on other people.

Measured before and after 45lbs or so lost as part of a contest. 180-200 to 140-150.

Honestly, it's pretty believable. Get fatter/more bloat and you'll look smaller for a bit. Lean looks bigger.

I'm depleted now tho. Very much so.

There's definitely a difference between bad skinny, skeleskinny and good skinny.

Bad skinny is skinnyfat. No muscle at all but still fairly fat.

Skeleskinny? Bulimia patients.

Good skinny? Having enough muscle to not feel tired from, say, walking uphill for half a day or something like cleaning your house. If that gets you sore... You're a weak skelly.

Apart from that anything is fine between a bmi of 21 and 27 for men. As long as fat stays low.

Read the Veeky Forums sticky you fucking retard. And I swear to god if you open a thread on Veeky Forums I will permaban you on sight.

you just have to eat more. when building muscle you want a slight surplus. but yeah lifting weights + cardio + being young is a recipe for a caloric deficit, unless you really make an effort to eat.

>For athletic/ottermode at my height you'd need 145-155lbs, bench 220, squat 400 and be able to do weighted pullups with +- 65lbs around your waist.

lol what? seems like people have completely lost sight of what "ottermode" is. it's based off of a swimmer's body. it's much more about being lean than being strong. you don't need to be benching 1.5x your body weight and squatting 4plates to be ottermode. you're gonna have some big ass fucking legs if you're squatting 400 pounds. that's not ottermode and no one here on Veeky Forums wants that.

something really off about your body... maybe you just look like you're 45 years old. did you used to be fat? I'd rather have twinkbod than your bod.
