Who is the greatest political figure of the XX century?
>pic def related
Who is the greatest political figure of the XX century?
>pic def related
General Augusto Pinochet
Hope you mean late XX century because early has some ridiculous competition.
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>It's another "I root for Castro online but would never live in Cuba because I'm comfortable in the freedom of a country not under the yoke of a stalinist dictatorship" episode!
>It's another ass-blasted class traitor on Veeky Forums episode.
Le epic helicopter meme has gotten very stale.
Le socialism really work guize !!!!!! meme has got very very stolen
He didn't fly so good.
muh 150 armenillion
>not a helicopter
Definitely this wonderful and great man.
Inb4 a storm of retarded bolshivshits.
Kim Il-Sung
This man is to bourgies what the holy water is to a demon.
These two men, Am I weird for praising Fidel and De Gaulle at the same time?
Not XX
King WeWuz
Commies are the class traitors m8.
What makes you think the intelligentsia are on our side?
I don't even know what this post is trying to convey.
Fidel was a privileged spoiled son of a wealthy plantation owner (he was even called a "Jew" by his peers, look it up), who regularly demeaned people of lower classes, punched Jesuit priests in school for fun, slacked like a motherfucker and was pretty much a nationalist populist until the US embargoed his ass and he was forced to pretend to be a communist and ally with the USSR. Not to mention he was pretty heavily racist.
To think he's some proletarian champion of the working class is the apex of retardation.
Well it's a good job he's a class-traitor then.
I don't think he was ever a communist, it's just the fault of retarded Americans who forced him to pretend to be one.
>0 results
0 results
0 results
The man formed the Partizan resistance, brought the Balkans from the brink of utter destruction, formed and somehow united a disparate nation, protected said nation from the whims and schemes of two superpowers (fucking played them both) and is still revered by a substantial majority of those who lived under his regime. He commanded respect from his peers, fear from his enemies and love from his people. He was the ultimate statesman,
It shouldn't even be a contest. Tito was the boss of bosses.
These are the only acceptable answers so far. Maybe if we're just talking about how many modern people know who he is.
Hope the Nasser pic is unrelated to this thread, because otherwise top lel.
you high as fuck
>lost literally every war he was involved in
>not a laughable failure
Not him but in fairness, he did stand up to France and UK and make them both look devastatingly foolish in the process.
He wasn't a behemoth by any stretch of the imagination but he has something.
>got bootyblasted by fucking Israel of all countries, twice
>need the US to bail you out of getting raped
>get raped again, this time the US doesn't bail you out
>country slowly regresses back into barbarism, region becomes shithole
No nation of Egypt's stature could stand up to Israel (and the US by proxy). As I say, he was no behemoth. But he was enough to make the Atlantic look very wide indeed.
Israel is a meme and the only reason their military looks so capable is because they get to beat up on retard countries like Egypt and Syria all the time.
Literally Italy tier.
They've lost ships because the entire bridge crew fell asleep and they just kept going into ASM range of the enemy.
I don't rate Nasser... I'm just saying he beat UK and France in a game of brinksmanship and that put points on the board. Not many but considering where that move left the aforementioned nations, it's worth something rather than nothing.
Besides, I suspect samefagging here so I'm out.
The Comrade
Bumping again even though it wasn't my thread.
And my strawpoll only has four votes thus far
Another bump
All these fucking commies.
There is only one answer.
Pic related.
fucking this
commies turned first-world nations into third-world nations, but lee kuan yew was the only leader who was able to turn a third-world country into a technologically sophisticated first-world nation within a single human lifetime
>implying he didn't exist in the XX century
>All these fucking commies.
>Posts a commie.
>Lee Kuan Yew
>a commie
Also assuming that you're filipino based on your name, you embarrass me, my kapatid.
Lee Kwan Jew rode communism's popularity among the students early in his career.
Seconded. Guy was a bloody lege.
He was staunchly anti-communist though.
He expelled them, plus in popular movements like these there's bound to be leftists and communists in the midst.
Even the Kuomintang and the Fascists parties in Europe had communist and leftist factions within them.
But that doesn't mean that they're communist.
He's technically a fascist.
He expelled them using the British, then wrote it into law that Singapore's history must not mention any commies or that he worked with them on pain of exile.
Also, the definition of "Third World" means "largely neutral to either the US or Russia".
Singapore qualified then during the period of the Cold War.
Singapore is only very nominally a US ally, but the PAP cuts deals with EVERYONE. Singapore has a deal with Gazprom to get cheap avgas, for instance. And has a very good relationahip with China to the point of literally teaching them how to liberalize their economy (and a few other things).
It's also rumored that Singapore also supplied guns for Milosevic. Singaporean arms smugglers are a thing.
[Citation Needed]
>It's also rumored that Singapore also supplied guns for Milosevic.
I didn't know that, do you have any sources?
And to add, Singapore, like Japan in the 1800s, had the foundations for their transformation in place already. With Japan, they knew about the Western shit from the Dutch. With Singapore, the British left their wonderful roads and infrastructure, which LKY expanded on due to Dr. Albert Winsminseus' (sic) recommendations.
And most of the rapid industrialization was done by the team of economists under him to begin with. LKY was a lawyer by training.
For the first, look up Operation Coldstore. Also read HIS FUCKING BOOKS. WHICH HE WROTE.
As for the latter, even wikipedia is sketchy. That's why I said rumored. I can't verify that one.
Based Mugabe
>set up Yugoslavia to break apart in war
>killed tens of thousands of civilans
>promoted communism while enjoying the capitalist life
The greatest indeed.
>Literally made everyone in Zimbabwe a trillionaire.
>Somehow people still hate this absolute H E R O
lmaoing @ these bluepills.
>set up Yugoslavia to break apart in war
You're confusing Tito with NATO (and their useful idiot Milo)
Tito was a narcissist who didn't really plan his sequel (for want of a better term). The disintegration of Jugoslavija was out of Titos hands and who was he to give a shit? He did his part.
>killed tens of thousands of civilans
Shit stirrers who kicked up a fuss for their own gain. Not for the benefit of their neighbours and friends. They thought either Russia or US would save them. They were grossly mistaken.
Fuck those traitors.
>promoted communism while enjoying the capitalist life
He promoted and ENACTED socialism. Tito was allowed to live like a boss because he was the boss. By the will of the majority. Any other leader would have been a puppet who couldn't have sold the citizens into slavery quick enough.
I'd certainly rather be poor in Cuba than in most Latin American countries
Hi Cuban here.
The Castro's have caused my people a great deal of suffering. With the exception of the health care system, Cuba is stuck in the 1950s.
Don't get me wrong, its a beautiful island, and if you're open minded enough to vacation in the third world, it should most definitely be one of your destinations, but there is a reason why my grandfather tried to escape 3 times (and was tortured each time he failed until 1980)and why the people of that country to to escape in makeshift rafts and deal with Los Zetas in Mexico to come to America.
Raul Castro was the only communist in the three amigos (Raul, Che, Fidel). All che cared about was starting revolutions and had it not been for America telling Fidel to go fuck himself after disposing of their puppet dictator, he would not have gone to the USSR for help and many events such as the Bay of Pigs and Cuban missile crisis would have been avoided and Cuba would be just another Caribbean country where cruises stop by and not a reminder of a God that failed miserably.
>Niggah, on the right.
this guy like every other century
>mfw bird with bloody diarrhea flies over my head
>mfw she succ
How are they a meme when they defeated the Arab coalition of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq (with varying lineups and supporting nations) in three separate wars and countless other operations? They cucked the Palestinians over and over again and invaded Lebanon multiple times (though their involvement there usually went to hell). Not to mention all the crazy shit the Mossad has done, from kidnapping Nazis in South America to possibly blowing up a train carrying Syrian nuclear scientists and fissionable material in North Korea. Just read all the operations they conducted.