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Collar says kiddie toucher.
The amount of mental gymnastics people will go through to keep a bronze age belief system relevant to modern-day life is amazing.
well spoken and intelligent
I watch his videos often and I'm a godless pinko bastard.
>and I'm a godless pinko bastard.
Why exactly do you watch him then? Do you just watch his videos to disagree with him?
I think some people may actually endeavor to consider multiple viewpoints,
including those which may conflict with their own.
I'm a different godless pinko bastard, but I can still agree with some tenants of Catholicism, and I honestly find apologetics very interesting, even if I completely disagree with it on a fundamental level.
>mental gymnastics
nice buzzword athecuck
>bronze age
The Word became flesh during the Iron Age.
>Maybe if I insulate myself within an Aristotelian framework I can keep masturbating to a doomsday cult figure from ancient Israel whom I am deeply invested in psychologically, dedicated years of my life to, and to whom my belief in is necessary for my income and status.
>Not Fr. Mike Schmitz
What a beautiful man. The fact God called him to the priesthood and not allowed him to spread his beautful genes tells me god isnt benevolent.
Is your disagreement irrational or do you view your outlook as more valid than the Aristotlean one>?
>The fact God called him to the priesthood and not allowed him to spread his beautful genes tells me god isnt benevolent.
Schmitz tries to hard to be funny and hip, but besides that he has some interesting stuff to say.
Blessed be the Church for placing Bishop Barron in Los Angeles. I eagerly await his mainstream television productions. He's going to be our new Fulton Sheen.
He's also right about nearly everything.
If he was the worlds most notorious atheist how come I never heard of him? was he the guy who accepted some minimalist from of deism?
>shitposts an atheistic comment with no real argument
>gets a meme in reply, without an argument
>complains about an argument not being presented
He'd make an excellent pope
Because notoriety shifted to a new faggot with smug sophomoric opinions.
>Elvis is one of the most rebound musicians ever, why hasn't my 9 year old niece hear of him?
come on, she's at least heard the name Elvis
he actually was a very famous atheist
Because you aren't the bar upon which fame is measured
protestacucks on suicide watch
It seems as though this study is missing a very relevant fact.
That is, any available statistics of sexual misconduct within the Catholic church are going to be inherently flawed due to missing those instances which have been systematically covered up by the church itself.
Protestant preachers do not have the luxury of being a member of a sprawling organization which has proven itself willing and able in numerous instances to shield them from public & legal scrutiny for their predatory sexual practices.
>Protestant preachers do not have the luxury of being a member of a sprawling organization which has proven itself willing and able in numerous instances to shield them from public & legal scrutiny for their predatory sexual practices.
You're right, they have the luxury of using the money they make to bribe officials. They also have the advantage of home field, where no one can touch them.
>You're right, they have the luxury of using the money they make to bribe officials
Surely you jest.
Look at those fucking massive churches with fucking capitalistic greed inside of them. Are you telling me they aren't rich? That they have no money? At least the fucking Catholic Churches have art, not greed inside of them.
He's good but not as good as the theologians he leans on.
He'd probably agree.
Read Hans Urs von Balthasar and Rene Girard.
why is it always weeaboos that have the most pleb opinions? There should be a way to filter anyone who posts an anime picture, because they literally never say anything of worth
>inb4 triggered weeaboos posting anime pictures acting smug whie they tremble and shit themselves irl
>Are you telling me they aren't rich?
No. I'm saying those megachurches are less than 1 in 100.
Yet they still exist, with degeneracy and greed inside of it. Why do you support Jesus yet want to fucking sell goods in a house of worship?
>>The Word became flesh
Nonsensical statement about an event that didn't happen in the first place.
>>during the Iron Age
Parts of the bible were probably written during the bronze age.
>>pleb opinions
Amusing stuff coming from somebody with the most pleb opinion of all.
>>Still taking fairy tales seriously
>Parts of the bible were probably written during the bronze age.
You mean the old testament?
>still uses the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ as the starting point
What a fucking cuck.
Maybe you should ask them that. It's not something I care about.
You've only shifted this discussion from my claim that statistics concerning pedophilia among the clergy is going to be inherently incomplete due to the Catholic Church's proclivity for systematically covering up sex abuse scandals to your hang up about megachurches.
10 P E R C E N T
>>You mean the old testament?
Yeah, probably. Although I'm not precisely sure when the canaanite tribe known as the hebrews stopped using bronze and started using iron and honesty I don't really care.
Nice meme word.
The days of our week are largely named after the Norse Pantheon, are you cucked by them then?
>Catholic Church's proclivity for systematically covering up sex abuse scandals
Because the fucking faggot priests don't have any money to bribe. So the Catholic Church has to defend itself by trying to systematically purge and or move the fucker away from the area and try to pay for the damages.
His post was of a considerably higher quality than yours.
>The days of our week are largely named after the Norse Pantheon, are you cucked by them then?
It's all about getting faggots to convert.
>Because the fucking faggot priests don't have any money to bribe
Neither does your typical preacher. The difference between them is the priests have the resources of an international organization at their backs.
They make more money than the fucking Catholic priests. Plus again, the thing you're missing the most is, it's fucking in the homeland and they can get away with it because it's a protestant country.
Yeah right, nice dodge. I have no interest in converting and frankly I consider abrahamic monotheism to be poison to sensible decent human beings.
Call me a faggot all you please, at the end of the day you are still the idiot seriously buying into not just made up bullshit but reprehensible made up bullshit.
>Nonsensical statement
John chapter 1.
>In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
>There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.
>The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made through him, yet the world did not know him. He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God, who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God.
>And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. (John bore witness about him, and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks before me, because he was before me.’”) For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father's side, he has made him known.
John 1:1-18
>said the westerner
>he also endorses the fall of the west by degeneracy and decay
He's one of those people that looks better older than younger.
>The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him, and said, “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is he of whom I said, ‘After me comes a man who ranks before me, because he was before me.’ I myself did not know him, but for this purpose I came baptizing with water, that he might be revealed to Israel.” And John bore witness: “I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him. I myself did not know him, but he who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘He on whom you see the Spirit descend and remain, this is he who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ And I have seen and have borne witness that this is the Son of God.
John 1:29-34
That looks like a Catholic monk or priest.
Because he is.
Oh boy it's this autist again. Bible quotes mean nothing to people like myself who don't consider the bible to be a reliable source for anything. Why is this such a hard thing for you to understand?
Uh oh.
>muh degeneracy.
We've got another /pol/ weirdo on our hands, lads.
Oh look more meme words.
>he supports the falling of moral support in the west
Why do you hate the west user?
>All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
>They make more money than the fucking Catholic priests
And? It's the not the priests paying the families of victims hush money. It comes from the Church itself.
Seems like the celibacy shit is a catholic invention. But I might be wrong.
proddies BTFO
This means nothing to me as I do not regard the bible to be worthwhile for anything.
What is so hard about this for you? I don't believe in your religion so your religious text means nothing to me.
>>falling of moral support in the west
nice meme
It sounds I like it more than you. Afghanistan or Saudi Arabia is more up your street. Just look at how much extreme religious shrieking about "degeneracy" helps a nation to develop!
The Word became flesh.
What don't you understand?
>It comes from the Church itself.
To pay for the fucking damages caused by the tumorist lout that is trying to corrupt them.
>Sunni shit
Yeah no, Iran is "better"
Iran is pretty shit mate and so is your vision of society.
The primary reason for the venom spewed at the Catholic church is that they covered up the crimes. I'm sure the Proddies are plenty scummy on they're own but since they aren't centralized it's a more individual church problem rather than a problem with a global organization.
I would agree though that dragging Priests through the mud over the issue is unfair. In particular because a lot of high level clergy, such as Benedict (who is also unfairly characterized as malicious and creepy because he looks like lord palpatine), were wholly disgusted with the scandal and worked hard to persecute those responsible.
If the women are cute, it's all I care about desu.
I don't believe that happened because there is no reliable evidence to suggest and even less so to prove that it did happen.
What don't you understand?
>Benedict (who is also unfairly characterized as malicious and creepy because he looks like lord palpatine)
this, he aged like milk
>What don't you understand?
That you're blind to the truth.
They'd be cuter if they could wear yoga pants and a tank top T B H
Not my fault the socialists had no balls and couldn't fight the Islamic faggots.
But it all happened actually and there is evidence.
Well it's not your personal fault but if you live in the UK or the US then the country you live is has rather a lot of the responsibility for overthrowing the democratic government of Iran.
They're actually based on the 7 classical planets: dies Solis, dies Lunae, dies Martis, dies Mercurii, etc. The Germanic names are based on their equivalent deity.
Shah a good boy, literally dindu nuffin, should of sent more money to aid him and put down the armed Shia shitheads.
Isn't English, Germanic kinda.
What truth? That the bible is made up horseshit? I'm well aware of this.
No there isn't actually.
Interesting information, thanks user.
No shit, and we should of supported the Shah and we could of gotten qt Persian girls.
>That the bible is made up horseshit?
>Parts of the bible were probably written during the bronze age.
No. They weren't.
It's ok to mock beliefs, but you better stick to a language related to your knowledge. Using the edgy fedora expression "bronze age" it's ok if you know what the bronze age was, and if you're using to emphazise the temporal aspect of the belief you're mocking, you should know when it ended. Green text proves you obviously don't.
Protip: Reading History books helps.
We did support the shah.
Complete and utter lack of any sort of reliable non-biblical evidence. Especially when you're talking about this supposed resurrection and the supernatural events surrounding it, there would have been some mention from say Pontius Pilate that survived until now.
Dude, it doesn't matter whether the OT of the bible was written when the hebrews were using bronze or not. And honestly I don't really care when jews first figured out iron.
Then we didn't do enough to keep the fuckers that were revolting down.
>Complete and utter lack of any sort of reliable non-biblical evidence
>No there isn't actually.
There is plenty and even actual physical evidence that you could touch, but as always, you atheists just deny everything.
>resurrection and the supernatural events surrounding it
There's evidence from non-Christian sources, dimwit.
>There's evidence from non-Christian sources, dimwit.
And what would those be?
The lack of evidence is the proof.
No there is not.
>The lack of evidence is the proof.
The lack of what evidence? The evidence is in the bible.
Nothing reliable, sorry. The most you have is stuff where the original doesn't exist anymore and the copies were made by a christian scribe. That isn't reliable.
>>Complete and utter lack of any sort of reliable non-biblical evidence
>The lack of what evidence? The evidence is in the bible.
>mfw christcucks really don't see why people consider them morons
>said the moron that wants to see the west fall
Firstly, this is circular logic, secondly I specifically mentioned reliable non-biblical evidence. I know reading is difficult for the mentally challenged such as yourself but try and read the fucking posts you dolt.
>No there is not.
There is.
>secondly I specifically mentioned reliable non-biblical evidence
And specifically mentioned that it doesn't matter, what country you from?