Pre 500 AD/Kofun period Japan

Where did the Yamato and others come from Veeky Forums?

My guess is they came from here:

>b-but they're Korean
Koreans look completely different to Japanese most of the time, Japanese gene pool is definitely from somewhere else

So far I got:

Yamato - Wu, eventually some Baekje refugees
Izumo - Shilla??
Kumaso/ Hi - Emishi???
Chikushi - Gaya???
Kenu - ???
Koshi - ???

Other urls found in this thread:


Never understood why the Wa claimed Taibo and Shaokang as their ancestors. The dearth of archaeological,genetic and linguistic evidence makes it highly unlikely that Japonic originated in southern Jiangsu.

>Yayoi most likely came from Korea.
If toponym glosses are to be trusted then Jin/Sam Han may have been populated by Japonic speakers.

Genetic affinity of Koreans/Japanese(especially southwestern Korea).

Koreanic loanwords,shared mythology,technological diffusion etc.(

Japan's rice is extremely similar to Southern Chinese rice.

Japanese archies compared DNA/skull with early South Chinese peoples, its very similar

The Mumun culture of Korea engaged in wet rice agriculture as well.

3/36 is hardly definitive. afaik there are no craniofacial studies of Spring and Autumn Wu skeletons. Hemudu/Songze/Liangzhu skulls have affinities with southeast Asians.

Autosomal studies show that no matter how much animosity exists between the two ethnicities they are closely related.

House of Japanese Emperor has Y-chromosome haplogroup D1b1a2.
This means the Kings of Yamato didn't have any relativity with modern Chinese and Korean. They have been existing 30 thousand years in the archipelago.
If you want to find relatives of Japanese, Tibetan and Andamanese peoples are more competent.

Seems to be a mix of Koreans and some nomadic groups from the steppes. Thats what I remember reading anyway

Autosomal dna is a much better indicator of admixture/ancestry.

Testing an Emperor's descendant is by no means conclusive,ultimately the Yamato kings would have to be tested.


fucking weeabs


How can you tell Koreans and Japanese apart?

look especially at the mtDNA

the two groups are literally identical


I am half-Japanese, and I can easily tell them apart most of the time.

Korean grandmothers were fucked by Chinese.
This is why Koreans are separated from Japanese.

I'm chinese and its easier for me to tell asians apart than continental europeans.

Ok I have talked with legit Japanese guys in Japan who say they can't tell the difference. You are bsing

There's specific phenotypes to each region but there's plenty of overlap.

I get mistaken for Japanese by other Han Chinese.

t. chink

I get JiangsuFJ/Guangzhou Chinese mixed up with Japanese MUCH more than I get Koreans mixed up with Japanese

I'm sure most other Asians would back me up

>Koreans look completely different to Japanese most of the time, Japanese gene pool is definitely from somewhere else
That's because there were already the Jomon living in Japan and the modern Japanese are partially descended from them.
The original Yamato would have been of very similar stock to Koreans and northern Chinese.

Izumo and Chikushi were Korean.

The Yamato are clearly from somewhere else, Korean culture seemed foreign to them until the Kibi and the Baekje introduced it to them

Baekje is Japanese.

People of Jeolla-do are clearly from somewhere else, Korean culutre is desendant of the Jomon culture which immigrate from northern Kyushu from 7000 years ago (and been cooked by Liao civilization).


Baekje did not exist until 18 BC

The Yamato dominated its neighbors because they were experienced fighters from the constant wars against the Huaxia, The Japnic Korean settlers who settled Izumo, Chikushi and Kibi were focused more on culture and religion.

The bulk of Korean warfare was concentrated in the north, were Gojoseon was, there was little to no warfare in the southern part of the peninsula where those people came from. We can notice how easy it was to conquer the south when you realize that both Baekje and Silla were founded by northern invaders

>Huaxia in Japan
t. Xu Fu

There's nothing Koreanic about Gojoseon

Out of interest what is your other half?

The Huaxia in Jiangsu, before the Wu refugees migrated to Kinki.

Some Chinese from the northeast isolated themselves on an Island, slept with the natives and became inbred

Wu was never considered Huaxia,they most likely spoke a non Sinitic language(Hmong Mien?).

Wu was a barbarian state that served as a bulkwark against Chu,their leaders eventually claimed to be descended from an elder branch of the Ji family.

Yes exactly, they fought against Huaxia that spoke a Southern Asian language.

Japanese does not feel like a typical Northeast Asian language language to me, which is why I am adamant that the Yamato were descendants of the Wu

and spoke*

Wu's northern expansion was against non Sinitic polities(Xu) that emerged from the Yi Fang/Ren Fang/Huai Yi/Dong Yi that the Shang/Zhou warred against.

Wu's rivals were Chu(Sinitics that went native) and Yue neither of which is Huaxia.

I'll just repeat what I stated before "The dearth of archaeological,genetic and linguistic evidence makes it highly unlikely that Japonic originated in southern Jiangsu."


t. island korean

Korea and Japan were part of a migration of rice farmers from China, Japan racemixed with the Ainu.

Why do modern Japanese hate Koreans/reject Korean ancestry(not in the sense that the migrants were Koreanic speakers)?

Because we already know that later Korean migrants supplanted Japanese culture in the formation of the central state.

For there to be any sort of differential between the Baekje/Gaya and the Yayoi, the Yayoi would have to be another foregin race.

They literally are/were Korean though

My mother can't tell the difference and neither can I after 14 years in Japan.

Yeah... no.

If so, then with korean grills are more cute than jap ones?

2000 year long dynasty though.


Yayoi culture started before establishment of Samhan.

Through they had kept barely independence by Japanese support, how ruined small kingdoms can supplant the large empire?
If five kings of Wa hadn't fought against Goguryo, entire of Koreans would be assimilated into Tungusic people.

Nip lies.

Korean women are just naturally qt.

I convinced by your post, that comfort women are lies. XD


If anything, the Chinese origins of Japanese should be more suspect as Japanese genealogists up until the 1800's traced their lineages to meme Chinese nobility.

Take for example: the Hata clan claimed descent from the state of Qin. From the first Emperor of China himself. So did the Chosokabe.


Koreans who lived in Japanese for many generations start to look Japanese. Especially their face, head and body shape. Many Japanese don't seem to mind them assimilating in Japan, they even encourage it, as long as they don't show their Korean identity. They've lived in Japan for such a long time that Koreans in Korea don't want them and see them as Japanese. I guess this happened at a larger scale in the past during the Kofun and Asuka periods.

Then there weren't any "Korean" ethnicity on the peninsula.
People from Goguryeo called Koma-bito(高麗人, Goryeo people) and from Baekje called Kudara-bito(百濟人, Baekje people) respectively.

Geographical name "Korea" is derived from Goryeo kingdom of later times.
Goryeo itself is derived from an another name of Goguryeo.
By the way, Han(韓) is derived from ancient Japanese placename Kara-Kuni(韓國) which designate southern part of the Korean peninsula, and Joseon(朝鮮) is originaly Gija Joseon(箕氏朝鮮), a state established around today's Pyongyang by Jizi(Gija) from Shang dynasty of China.

Yes. Modern Korean culture and identity derives from Manchuria and China and pushed the Proto-Japanese/Yayoi out.

Ancient name for Jeju island was Proto-Japonic Tami-Mura => Tamura => Tamna

The Han are Proto-Japanese mixed with Manchurian. Southern Koreans are similar to Proto-Japanese, while northern Koreans have more Manchurian and Altaic blood.

>2000 year long dynasty though.
Nihon Shoki is meme tier. The historicity of early Japanese sovereigns is suspect. There's no conclusive evidence linking the Yamato with earlier Wa polities(Yamatai etc.).

>Gija Joseon
There's no evidence Gojoseon existed that far back,instead you have Guzhu,Donghu,Sushen,Lingchi etc.

There's evidence that the Shang allied Ji(㠱) polity of lower/middle Fen river valley fled to the Daling river valley. This marquis of Ji(㠱侯) was allied to the marquis of Yan(燕侯)

If 㠱=箕 then there's a historical basis for Jizi's migration,however Joseon(Luan/Daling river valley) originated in the Warring States.
