Why are people falling for the "Orthodox" meme?
Why are people falling for the "Orthodox" meme?
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Catholicism isn't edgy enough for the "remove kebab" crowd
because enough shit from your disguised pagan mistery cult
nice samefagging mr.heretic
Because the pope is becoming a joke, but people still want to belong to an organization they can see, hear, taste, touch and smell. Like animals.
shit-tier bait
That's funny coming from a schismatic.
>Vatican II
pick 1
Remember, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus Christ said it Himself.
>vatican II
>not catholic
i'd like to inform you of the doctrine of papal infallibility
I don't think you should be the one to talk bub
also those churches belong to one of two groups of Orthodoxy wich is oriental or eastern, they got divided up by politics and history; they all follow the Orthodox canon and the patriarchs
>Remember, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Jesus Christ said it Himself.
That's not the Roman Catholic Church, you twit.
That means that Christians do not die and go to hell.
>Two groups of "Orthodoxy" in Eastern Europe, Syria and Ethiopia
>One, Holy, Catholic (universal) and Apostolic
pick 1
you do know that even if you are OP the (you) after it appears right?
just a tip :^)
>That means that Christians do not die and go to hell.
t. biblically illiterate
Catholicism is a joke.
Since the 15th century, Christians have widely known that the Papacy is the Antichrist church.
Mystery Babylon, the Great Harlot, the Queen of Heaven of pagan fertility cults.
Christ's kingdom is not of this world.
Except there's no (You) for that first post which you think I (OP) made. Try again friendo.
Falling for the catholics meme
As an atheist, from the perspective of an outsider based on what I've seen on Veeky Forums, the Orthodox church has the most consistent and believable views on God and the afterlife.
Except the 2 groups haven't been in communion with each other for a third more time than since Rome and Constantinopole split to the current day.
>Catholicism is a joke
t. proddy
>the Papacy is the Antichrist church
Nice meme
>Mystery Babylon, the Great Harlot, the Queen of Heaven of pagan fertility cults.
hurrrrrrr, pic related
>Christ's kingdom is not of this world
His Church on Earth is not His Kingdom.
So basically, every pope that turns out to be a heretic should be ignored?
There's also a doctrine made in the 1800s stating that any declaration officially made by the Catholic Church is valid, as the papacy is infallable. Thus, the pope cannot drive the Catholic Church in the wrong direction because the Holy Spirit stops him from doing so.
If Vatican II is heresy as you say, it means this doctrine of papal infallibility is clearly incorrect, and that the Pope is just as vulnerable to heresy as any other man.
Therefore, going by the Lord's universally agreed-upon source of holy truths (the Bible), I present the case that all Papal declarations after the second council of Nicea are heresy, as the Bible in itself implies a doctrine of salvation by faith alone.
The only way to counteract said point is by saying that there is another trustworthy source of doctrine, i. e. The Pope. The only way this argument will work (why should we trust the Pope?) is with the doctrine of Papal Infallibility.
Therefore, you must either accept all official Catholic councils (including Vatican II) as holy writ, or reject the Catholic Church as a whole and become a Protestant.
Tl;dr: due to the doctrine of Papal Infallibility, a Catholic cannot pick or choose which Councils he wants to follow. It's all or nothing.
Meant for
Those groups of Orthodoxy are still connected to each other, but the absence of communication has made so that they are not congruent on problems and questions that come up when studying the Bible so there couldn't have been a Council to establish a common canon, as such they are different in that way while still staying true to the truth of God hence the orthodox name, my heretical friend.
I also find it funny that you completly ignore the fact that protestantism and every single schism that came from that are derived from the failed Catholic belief wich was used for political status than true piety
Please stop embarrassing yourself.
A complete list of the 42 antipopes in Church history:
The Catholic teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope:
It's literally what it means.
Do you think that Christians are going to storm the gates of hell, and batter them down? No, the gates prevailing would KEEP US IN, not keep us out.
It's a sick, evil, twisted joke that has enslaved a billion people.
but you obviously deleted your own (you) so what stops you from deleting the other (you)?
Yup. You cannot recognize the Holy Spirit because you are a Catholic.
>Be Catholic
>Worship Ishtar
Not orthodox.
A demonic abomination.
What you should convert to.
But maybe it should tick you off that groups that have been separated from both of us since the 400's find way more familiarity with EO than catholicism in a lot of things, including the way the primacy of the first see is manifested.
You're the only one who should be embarrassed here, papist. Your idiotic and demonic church lauded all of those men as "infallible".
Maybe you should try reading up on the doctrine of your own fucking church
Papists are never content to go to hell alone. They need a mob to go to hell with them.
Go shitpost elsewhere.
pic related
stale meme
Peter was never the lead apostle; the other apostles sent Peter and John on a mission.
Peter was sent.
The senders are greater than the sent.
Nor did Peter ever act or claim to be #1.
>he's a sedevacantist
Oh look a protestant who doesn't want to be called a protestant
>arguing with youtube links and meme images
it's like I'm really on /pol/ circa 2013
Stop insulting Saint Peter.
Awesome pic. Did laugh.
Because once you're hooked on the "Christianity" meme, your brain pathways have already been pretty well scrambled, and at that point anything can happen.
Peter was never a pope, never a bishop of Rome, so no. I insult nobody but the Whore of Babylon, those Nicolaitans whom Peter and Jesus both hated.
>arguing with youtube links
I don't feel like writing an essay here and the videos are well-made and contain information which you can verify, it's not some cretin talking out of his butt.
Well, he is still the pope and i have not seen anyone in the higer ranks doing anything about that.
Now, go and shitpost somwhere else
>I don't know what protestantism is
You're simply wrong and your protestant sect will lead you to eternal damnation.
Rome has always been the first one, as a consequence of many things, including being the first of the Petrine Sees.
Orthodoxy does not deny that.
Rome jumping the shark from that has been the issue.
Go be mad somewhere else heretic.
>I don't know what an antipope is
There should be something here on Veeky Forums to block clueless shitposters like you from shitposting about what they know nothing about.
>implying jesus hated anybody
That's funny coming from a proddy.
>i don't know what papal infallibility is
I've posted the link already and I'll post it again en.m.wikipedia.org
A complete list of the 42 antipopes in Church history:
The Catholic teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope:
>sedevacantists think they're not proddies
Apex kek
>The Catholic teaching that a heretic cannot be a valid pope
By this logic the seat is vacant since 200 AD at least
>I don't know what protestantism is
The Catholic Church (aka the Papacy) defines what is and isn't heresy, as you've implied. According to them, Vatican II is not only not heresy but is the official, infallable teaching of the Catholic Church. You can't just say "well I think it's heresy" and then reject it. According to YOUR OWN Catholic faith, you don't get to decide what heresy is. The Papacy does.
>all those demonic anti-Catholics ITT buttdevastated about the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church
Remember kids, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
You are proddies. You fags are claiming that the current church is a fake one, protestants have been claiming exactly that for centuries.
why have a pope if he is going to be anti christian and then claim he is close to god?
>a heretic cannot be a pope
Of course, but why is he still the pope then?
>is quite clearly losing the argument
>refuses to believe in his own doctrine of Papal Infallibility
>memeposts so he can feel better about being a piece of shit
Because sedevacucks are fucking retarded.
Rome is Babylon.
Jesus hated Esau.
And Jesus hates the ways and beliefs of the Nicolaitans.
>well I think it's heresy
>I think
Yes, Roman Catholicism is from satan himself.
>being this delusional
That dosen't answer my questions...
I put it in quotes. You know, the things that mean someone besides you said it. I put them there to show you were the one acting like that.
You still haven't adressed the rest of my post.
Do you not think it odd that everyone on this list has always considered Rome's claims to primacy legit, just considered it's supremacy an overstepping of that?
What a no-risk argument. Neither side can ever lose. Must be fun!
>doesn't listen to anyone else's arguments
>says "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU PROTESTANTS ARE HERETICS AND SO ARE CATHOLICS" instead of realizing he can't just choose which Popes he listens to
>resorts to insults instead of actually arguing my points
>i'm supposed to be the delusional one
Catholics are not heretics, heretics who call themselves Catholic are. By the way, are you a mormon or something?
What a no-risk post. You come in and call both sides idiots without actually participating in the argument in order to feel like you have the high ground without actually doing anything. Must be fun!
Who destroyed the Whore of Babylon? Babylon did, which was pagan Rome. Babylon is a code name for Rome, which symbolized sexual and immoral excess. Revelation 17:16 says that the ten horns (symbolizing the rulers of pagan Rome) will destroy the whore by fire, which is exactly what the Romans did to Jerusalem in 70 AD. And then Revelation 17:14 says that the Lamb will conquer them both. This happened in the 4th Century, when Constantine became the first Christian emperor of Rome, who stopped all of the religious persecutions of Christians with the Edict of Milan in 313 AD. Constantine built the Vatican directly on top of the tomb of St. Peter, on Vatican Hill, outside the city of Rome.
Sedevacantism is just the Catholic's coping mechanism with the fact that his pope is literally a cuck.
>pope is literally an antipope
Truth hurts, doesn't it?
You must have no idea what quotation marks are. Let me teach you.
Quotation marks are punctuation marks used to signify that somebody else beside you made the statement, and that you're just repeating what they said. For example, this statement would be said by me (only hypothetically of course): I am a fucking cuck and I should kill myself. This next statement, on the other hand, implies that someone other than me made this statement. For the sake of this demonstration, let's say the person who said it originally is you. Here it is: "I am a fucking cuck and I should kill myself." That statement would have been said by you in this example.
By using quotes in my other post, I implied that it was you who was acting like that, and not me. That is how quotation marks are used.
Hope that helps!
>I am a fucking cuck and I should kill myself
Out of curiosity, do you call yourself Christian?
Not knowing what basic punctuation marks do is more autistic than what I just did. Just letting you know.
They love Hitler's pope, and can't let him go. They love all the good work Hitler and Hitler's pope did to eradicate "christkillers".
Sure thing pal.
Oh low-tier b8, how I love thee
Stop shitposting.
Well? Do you call yourself Christian?
Pope Concordat with Hitler '33 legitimized the Nazi party.
Pope had read Mein Kampf.
Pope was ecstatic someone was going to kill all the Jews; he was an anti-semite himself. What am I saying. He's catholic. Of course he was an anti-semite.
Hitler wins 99% of the vote after the pope's '33 Concordat.
What the heck did I just hear you just say towards me right now, you little proddy? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in a Catholic school, and I've been involved in numerous arguments with Lutherans, and I have over 300 confirmed polite conversations. I am trained in conversing with Protestants and I'm the top arguer in the entire US Catholic forces. You are nothing to me but just another sinner. I will save you the heck out with charity and forgiveness the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my Italian words. You think you can get away with insulting the Pope to me over the Internet? Think again. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of saviors across the Vatican and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for Jesus Christ, proddy. Because he will wipe out the pathetic thing you call your denomination. You may as well already be saved, kid. I can argue anywhere, anytime, and I can convert people in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with Pascal’s Wager. Not only am I extensively trained in denying child rape accusations, but I have access to the entire arsenal of knowledge on the Church’s historical benefits to society and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable church off the face of this imageboard.
I did. It's Catholic propaganda. The pope never saved any Jews; he forced some Jews to convert to Catholicism, and then got them out of Europe.
The same way the pope smuggled thousands of Nazi war criminals through the Vatican Ratlines.
The Jews, of course, all de-converted when it was safe to do so.
Your church is evil, and you are a part of that evil.
Peter said it himself, in 1 Peter.
Greetings from Babylon.
If they didn't, they'd be murdered.
>Your church is evil
t. heretic proddy
Remember, the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
>Peter said Roman Catholicism is from satan himself
weakest bait I've ever seen on Veeky Forums
The destruction of the Whore of Babylon (and I do get sick and tired of your stale copy pasta bullshit) immediately precedes Armageddon and Jesus' 1000 year rule on earth.
Pagan Rome then is Pagan Catholic Rome now. They just changed the names on the idols.