dear Veeky Forums
please post female inspo in this thread
what can girls with very large feet wear?
a lot of boots and memeshoes like converse just make me look like im wearing clown shoes
life is suffering
dear Veeky Forums
please post female inspo in this thread
what can girls with very large feet wear?
a lot of boots and memeshoes like converse just make me look like im wearing clown shoes
life is suffering
Post leg/feet pics, I'm sure you're just very self concsious abour your feet and overestimate their size.
>Post leg/feet pics
you tryna trick me
i'm a size 10/11, can vary depending on the brand and shoe itself though. have fit 9s and 12s before. my feet are fairly wide is seems like more of a problem than their length.
shoe shopping is hell and i want out
I'm not trying to trick you, just post a pic like pic related (I drew it in paint), wear pants and socks so I can tell the proportions from the pic. Are you size 11/10 US or what?
There's no way you can make your feet smaller but just make it look more proportionate by wearing relatively loose pants that are not too color contrasting with the shoe.
alright alright, here.
i'm thinking of getting some blundstone boots at some point. need a good pair of waterproof boots. just worried of looking clownish
i love how these threads always end up softporn
/cgl/ can help you a lot better than Veeky Forums with your shoe size problem, Veeky Forums can help you adopt an androgynous style later on through. Boyish clothes are awesome.
yeah, i had gold nailpolish on them and now it's chipping off and looking awful. but i hate my feet anyway so fuck it
oh and btw, you got sexy feet babygirl i wish i could sniff em
>tfw you can't look at women's clothes without objectifying the woman wearing them most of the time
Life is suffering
But at the same time...
>the clothes are accentuating the woman's physical features therefore the designer must have the idea in mind that the woman will be objectified wearing the piece
Thanks, ignore the other shiposters. Your feet look wide but if I saw you walking irl I wouldn't notice it. Avoid skinny jeans, get something looser if your feet size really concerns you.
Like said, /cgl/ can help.
Stop shitposting, that has nothing to do with fashion. They're just women with not interesting clothes.
>not interesting clothes
yer a hobbit, fuccgirl
i have a hard time imagining your shoes/feet looking clownish, or so out of place it's genuinely noticeable, regardless of the fit
I see clothes like that everyday irl so they're not interesting to me, I didn't say they're ugly or anything like that but it doesn't contribute to the thread.
thanks for the tip... so would straight leg, slim leg and girlfriend/boyfriend be ok (going off of pic related)? i really like how skinny jeans fit but i'm looking to improve my fashion so i'm willing to change.
Boyfriend, Girlfriend and relaxed skinny are the best. You don't have to stop wearing skinny jeans, I think most people don't notice your feet. I can't really decide for you and a infographic like that is just a guide, the best you can do is go to a store and try different cuts.
Try to make a more elaborate impression next time, makes no sense.
I have better feet: size 6 why would I request pics? I mean I'm a gay seagull so I also like girls if they are pretty enough but I'm not hungry all the time and I don't flirt like that.
thanks man. appreciate it.
when are you going to post yourself in some clg outfit?
For jeans? No. Jegging and skinny are the best.
Straight if you want to do normcore or palewave for X reason.
i think he meant for making larger feet less noticeable, otherwise yes, skinny is in favour these days
Yes, I suggested that because looser pants work better for larger feet but I actually like both skinny and relaxed cuts.
My test level just exploded
Take. Webm of you squaring down pissing on concrete bare foot and let the camera run as you spread your pussy and let your urine puddle around your feet
Caption it "here, get off to it you sick fuck... don't tell mom"- sis
you alright sieg?
le kek no i not ok thank
drenk h2o ok frinds
I'd be fine when this foot slut tease finishes what she started
Lol these faggots
kek sorry man u ok rite friendo? i lov u
no thank me ok rly arigatou
is thet a boy
woooahhhhh killy those are some nice quads there maaann
Let's get this back on track eh?
This girl stopped posting on reddit a month ago after her fits made it to best of teenmfa. About the same time, her pictures were posted on Veeky Forums everywhere, hmmm, coincidence? she's qt as fug though
i'd love her to fry my rice
God I fucking hate girls with tacky bags with a burning passion
I basically dress like this except I'm female
is this acceptable Veeky Forums?
only if you're a qt
qt af
post more of her if you have any
not enough memes itt
Only a total of 5 pics from her reddit. You can find the rest yourself. her reddit is "gnarlykitten"
ty ;)
uniqlo singapore site has lots of inspos but you need to upscale them bit. I have some.
sometimes it makes me sad how much more widely acceptable variety girls have than men
.. and finally, my dreamgirl on the left, if anyone has a name please tell me it. This fit is amazing too.
> both wearing shit shoes
i dont know dude, it would be pretty fashionabl to have the girl on the right sit on my dick
heels make feet look shorter.
Isn't that madonnas daughter?
>tfw no gf
anyone has some inspo with short girls? Sucks being as short as an average 13yr old boy
Nao is 153 cm
Left is Taylor Hill. Not sure about the girl on the right.
That feel when you finally find out your dreamgirl's (based off one photo) real name, google her, and she's no longer your Veeky Forums dreamgirl.
who is she?
info of the girl on the right please
Why not? Barbara Palvin is still my waifu and second is Taylor Hill
Nails excluded your feet are very nice! Don't feel bad about your feet.
I can def relate to this, but maybe try looking at andro and avant garde shit first to appreciate the forms and seperate them from sexuality. People will always sexualize shit, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to remove unhealthy objectification from your life.