What went wrong?
What went wrong?
A tribe of spear-chucking savages does not make a civilization.
Burning your children to underworld gods is not civilized.
Manlet empire.
White people happend
(also turns out sacrificing your vassals makes them unhappy...)
Why do you insult the Carthaginians?
>white people happened
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>mayans still around when the Spaniards came to central america
Shitskin detected.
They are still around to this day. Except their empire went tits up in the 900s.
>burning your children is uncivilized
Maybe the Protestants can learn from this one ;)
>cultural relativism
Nice try kid.
I don't think protestants ever burned innocents.
>inb4 witches were innocents
Faggots. Faggots everywhere.
>mayans not around even today
ok m8
Half of that statment was a joke...
They literally were innocents.
Relativism is just racism
Nope, most of them got convicted of witchcraft properly according to Mosaic laws (at least two witnesses). I think the only ones that didn't fulfill the theological requirement were those in Salem and those got hanged, not burned.
There was never a mayan empire. The mayan civilization was never an unifed polity.
>cultural relativism
C.S. Lewis destroyed that concept
>Waahhhh muh noble savage!
Stop being such a cuck you retard.
Meso-Americans were fucking barbarians, no different from the Celts or Germanics.
Atleast the European barbarians had fine iron working.
They literally were criminals.
So? That doesn't prevent people from studying them anyways. Choosing to discuss civilizations based on their value is retarded at fuck.
is that social planes thing meant as a height pun?