Is Russia a failed civilization? By nearly every metric they've regressed since the soviet union...

Is Russia a failed civilization? By nearly every metric they've regressed since the soviet union, and things aren't getting better. The only reason they're still relevant in the modern world is because of their large nuclear arsenal.

What are some other recently failed civilizations? France and the UK come to mind, but aren't yet facing full on demographic collapse like Russia.

Other urls found in this thread:,_2000

>second or third most powerful nation in the world
>failed civilization

>Is Russia a failed civilization?
It is too early to tell.
Speaking of which, does Putin have a successor in mind already?

>The only reason they're still relevant in the modern world is because of their large nuclear arsenal.

Not at all, the main reason they're relevant is all the natural resources they're sitting on. Without them they'd be Ukraine level of shit.

>calling the 9th largest economy and the 2nd most powerful military a failed state

Russian's GDP alone is higher than that of the combined Soviet Union, so I don't get where you're getting this sense of total failure from.

Has Russia fallen from global military superiority? yes

Has Russia completely collapsed and failed as a basic state? hell no.


The USSR was a civilization lightyears ahead of our own, but Gorbachev threw it all away for Pizza Hut.

Russia has a homeless rate of 3.5%. Literally 3.5% of the entire population is fucking homeless.

GDP is an absolutely useless metric for measuring the success of a nation for this reason. Having lots of wealth flowing around the country means literally nothing if the overwhelming majority of the population will never see it.

How do people like you exist?

You can hate on the USSR all you want. But there's no denying it makes any post-Soviet state look like dogshit.

If that's what Eastern European shitholes can accomplish with socialism you have to wonder how far western developed nations could go.

yeah nah, with that kind of tone. it's obvious you aren't here for discussion or debate. you just want people to validate your misinformed little echo chamber and chide people who disagree.

thanks for wasting my time, c'est la vie.

Power is nothing if you don't have the power to improve yourself.

What's preventing Russia from improving itself then?

>If that's what Eastern European shitholes can accomplish with socialism

>homeless rate of 3.5%
Boo fucking hoo. Maybe that is a bad homelessness rate, but using that to place Russia in the same category as the Congo and Afghanistan is just retarded.


And this means what exactly? How does having a big dirty GDP benefit anyone?

> 3.5% homeless rate

What are your sources for this and how was this found? Here in the United States we have a pretty hard time as it is trying to determine the percentage of homeless people in the nation, so it sort of begs the question as to how this was found...

CZE had better living standards before socialism.

Maybe by having more money to go around for everyone?

Russia isn't quite on that level.

But it's still an absolute shithole. That's not just a bad homeless rate, that's an absolutely diabolical homeless rate.

But it doesn't go around for everyone. It goes around for a very small portion of the population.

Here in Northern Ireland our GDP is just barely a step above Slovenia, but we still enjoy perfectly first world living standards and other metrics. Our GDP just looks like shit because the closest thing we have to an upper-class is small business owners.

GDP really is just a measure of how rich, the rich are.

>Ireland 55,533
>Slovenia 31,007

Meme harder.

Per capita there isn't that much of a difference.

more goods plus same amount of people equals more goods on average for everybody
>ib4 only rich guys profit from this

He said north Ireland, which has about $31,100 gdp per capita in PPP

The country with the highest GDP per capita on the planet is Qatar and it is a shithole huge amounts of the population.

GDP is a mega-meme.

I went full retard and looked up Ireland instead of Northern Ireland. But you really can't compare countries to regions for obvious reasons, otherwise you're gonna end up with some weird conclusions.

Qatar is not a shithole at all.

To be fair up until very recently Slovenia was just a region of Yugoslavia in the same sense that Northern Ireland is just a region of the UK.

We are more or less a country.

>Qatar isn't a shithole
They literally have fucking slaves.

>until very recently

More like 20 years. I mean in terms of GDP per capita, Moscow is ahead of western European countries, but compare those countries to Russia as a whole and you'll get a completely different picture.

In all honesty Slovenia probably is better off than NI.

Yet it's still better than all of Eastern Europe. One con doesn't cancel out all the pros.

That's exactly my point. GDP is totally irrelevant and only really measures the wealth of the upper class.

Russia these days is massively unequal, so it's no surprise that its GDP means nothing.

Moscow is a city, NI is much larger

>It's better than all of Eastern Europe.
Why exactly is that? Because of muh gdp and muh fancy buildings?

Qatar is literally a Shariah law hellhole, there's no defending it.

We're talking per capita, not nominal GDP.

Thank god you were just baiting I thought you actually believed that for a minute.

>they've regressed since the soviet union

I know, I'm saying that GDP either way doesn't mean anything as to how good the country is.

Of course it does. Do you have a better metric?

>we still enjoy perfectly first world living standards
I wonder what makes you think that Slovenia doesn't.

>Qatar is classified by the UN as a country of very high human development and is the most advanced Arab state for human development

seems that gdp is not a mega-meme

exactly, why represent the economic output of a country with a number, i mean it would be a lot better to represent it as a feeling...

Literacy, life expectancy, employment, working conditions, average education, something that would actually be meaningfull to your average person living there.

>Literally 90% of the population aren't actually citizens.

>get rid of Tzarism, finally appoint a system in which everyone is equal and on the same ranks
>immediately start building a tzarist cult with Lenin & Stalin

>get rid of communism, finally appoint a proper presidential democracy
>immediately start building a tzarist cult with Putin

The russian people are a failed breed.

Don't know desu. They were doing pretty well until Nicholas II.

Moral of the story is they should've never got rid of tsarism.

this isnt history or humanities


US Sanctions kek


So name me a GOOD country with a Low GDP


>38th PPP

Pick one, Low would mean bottom 50% at the very least


Russia went to shit when Ivan the Terrible destroyed Novgorod and consolidated all power in his figure.

For all those historians who shit on the Holy Roman Empire and consider centralized states the pinnacle of human achievement. Russia has been centralized for more time than any other European country except maybe Portugal. Look how good they ended up.

Cuba is so shit that not even Haitians want to live there.

kek cuba is vietam tier.

It's pretty good, as far as the Caribbean goes it's top tier.

>he fell for the regime propaganda

Yeah bro, everything a communist government ever says is propaganda. Even if you go there you're not really seeing the place, that's just a film set for tourists.

Now Fox News on the other hand, that's a reliable source for what goes on in Cuba.

Communist regimes have a history of manipulating data and fooling foreigners who visit.

Okay, what does this have to do with Cuba?

Not that guy, but literally every state does this. Not saying cuba is amazing either.

More money more everything

>using GDP
Nice try, Porky. A nation's economic output is irrelevant if few of the people benefit from it.

I thought that statistic was bullshit but it isn't. Jesus Christ.


Russia has always been a shithole, but a very agressive and barbaric one, so they got lots of land. That's pretty much it.

>going from being able to theoretically defeat the combind forces of NATO in a conventional war to having a smaller GDP than fucking Brazil
seems pretty fucking failed to me

>Speaking of which, does Putin have a successor in mind already?

Its a democracy. Probably more so than the USA.
At best Putin can pick a guy, introduce him, promote him, tell his crowd that he will rule like him, etc.
But at the end of the day it is people voting, and guy being elected.

>Northern Ireland
You have the entirety of England, Scotland, and Wales supporting your high standard of living. Try again.

>Its a democracy. Probably more so than the USA.

>Russia is a civilization meme
It's an Asian country with strong European influence similar to Ottoman Empire.


>It's an Asian country

Europe ends with Tanais.

He is right though

Not with the Urals?

Urals border is a Russian meme.

Russian elections are shams, user.

We don't actually. It's a meme that everyone here lives on welfare largely spurred on by the even bigger meme of GDP meaning anything, unemployment here is actually very low.

Seriously, the romanov dynasty had more good tsars than bad ones and a good ruler will usually be better than democracy.

Is Germany a failed civilization? By nearly every metric they've regressed since Bismarck, and things aren't getting better. The only reason they're still relevant in the modern world is because of their large Population and the EU

What are some other recently failed civilizations? France and Russia come to mind, but aren't yet facing full on demographic collapse like Germany.

So are US elections.

Yes, but less so than american elections. Considerably less corporate pressure, and as much of all the other things.
Thus Russia is more of a democracy than the USA.

I posted this but I'm gonna samefag a little because I realized that I should probably provide specific examples:

-open and legalized bribery. Through loopholes in campaign finance law, corporations and special interests can essentially funnel as much money as they want into a campaign. This heavily influences elections.

-private funding of elections means that the majority of politicians are beholden to these special interests instead of their constituents, and spend vast amounts of time fundraising and trying to get re-elected.

-no national standard for elections, allowing states to make completely arbitrary rules that fuck over certain demographics. For example, the entire concept of a closed primary which prevents Independents (the largest voting bloc in the country which makes up nearly 2x the number of Repubs or Dems) from voting in either of the major party primaries.

-whatever the fuck a caucus is

-gerrymandering to manipulate districts for maximum gain by drawing them in a way that sticks areas that tend to vote a certain way altogether. this is done no matter how retarded it looks on a map.

-Winner-take-all to essentially render anything but swing states peripheral in a general election, even though some of the more heavily partisan states in the country have the largest populations (Texas, California, New York).

-Electoral college in general

-Delegate allocation is often not proportional at all.

The US has an oligarchy/plutocracy.

t. Walter Duranty

t. Propaganda D. Gulper Jr.

>the US is a shitty democracy
>that means that russia is not a corrupt dictatorship

>i watch fox news
>this means russia's democracy isnt real

Mate, read a fucking book.


t. Russia Today

Whoa whoa whoa I'm only a high-school scrub but Russia owned Alaska? How the fuck did we end up with it? Speaking of America, it is definitely number 1 on the failed civilizations list. My soc teacher is educating us on this right now. You can just tell how desperate we are to pull ourselves out of the gutter. I don't need to go into detail on this because what could a schoolboy tell you fags that you don't already know but in my personal opinion the fact that America is willing (begging) for Trump to be president goes to show that we have reached an impasse. I mean he'll get in no doubt 100%. Will he do the job? Unlikely. He will be even more of a disappointment than Obama. Maybe if our country could become accepted as the official world police then things would come good. It's just that we keep spending so much damn money on defence and pushing the WE HERE TO PROTECTZ DA EARTH agenda into everyone's face but they not listening. Nobody is taking us seriously and no matter how much we demonize Russia and China in the media it will never convince the world that we are any better. We'll never stand for the ideals that were forged through our country's inception, not the way the other two superpowers do.

This is your hourly reminder that this happened.,_2000

give it a year

Do you have something to add other than "no u"?


>The US is anywhere other than just marginally above North Korea.

Absolute propaganda.

>How the fuck did we end up with it?

Russia were worried Britain will try to take it from them with war, and that they can't afford to send armies and navies to defend it, so they just sold it away. Not like they were doing anything with it to begin with, tech level at the time made the land useless.
It cost 7 million USD, which is 120 million USD today, due to the dollar losing THAT MUCH VALUE HOLY FUCK. So a freaky small sum.