Who is your go-to nation for a HOI3 game?
>Nationalist Spain
Who is your go-to nation for a HOI3 game?
> Playing HOI
I'm not autistic user.
HoI3 is dogshit, waiting for HoI4 to be good.
East Germany in the Operation Unthinkable scenario.
Bring it all on, famm.
It's not too complicated once you get used to it.
Though it is fairly overwhelming at first, I'll admit.
>waiting for HoI4 to be good
I do always do Italy when I play darkest hour though
Shut the fuck up you cuckold, a girl can dream.
France if I want a grand campaign.
Yugoslavia/Bulgaria/Romania otherwise.
>not playing darkest hour
>playing a game set after 1900
Fuck off /gsg/ I hate you niggers
How does one win unthinkable with the allies?
Playing Hungary in Darkest Hour is about as comfy as it gets.
If I want to go all-out I just fire up Kaiserreich desu.
HOI4 has features that are insanely good and have been missing in the series since it was originally created. The flexible air and naval systems, the new production model and a supply system that doesn't shit itself when it has to transport materiel over the ocean are valuable additions.
At the same time the game has bullshit like Führermana, the weird political tree and actively discourages the player from directly controlling his armies. Additionally Paradox was too lazy to make the OOB engaging, so they axed it altogether.
The game will, without doubt, produce some great mods, and will most certainly be an enjoyable experience, once it has 5+ DLCs. But until then I'm not paying a single cent.
What's wrong with Hearts of Iron 3? Never played it but so many people prefer Victoria 2 over it and other games. Is it just /gsg/?
It was Finland. I would start at 1939 and build an army in the South with a division structure of 2 inf, 1 Anti-tank brigade. Then an army corps in the North.
I would hold Helsinki and Karelia as long as I could. I think the most was two years after the SU invaded.
I haven't played properly in 3 years at least. I reinstalled it recently and lost patience with it. Games like SSI's Panzer General will continue to endure, however - they are simpler and more fun.
Help the Brits in Africa and the Aussies in Asia
>Perón leading an armor division in Asia
HOI3 was atrocious at launch. It wasn't just buggy, or lacked content, it was broken on a fundamental level. Paradox then tacked on some DLC that fixed the worst issues, but many people still consider the game inferior to HOI2 or other Paradox series.
t. Pleb
The combat system is top notch, nothing to say about that. Everything else is fucked beyond relief though.
>map looks like it was drawn by a 3 yo
>AI clinically retarded outside of combat
>many events are simply never mentioned giving stupid situations like Germany randomly attacking Yugoslavia in 1941 for no reason
I could go on and on.
That sounds pretty cool.
I don't understand why people like Vicky 2.
It fucking sucks, there is nothing to do except unite Germany and that takes like 20 minutes.
black "hitler brigade" ice
>East Germany
But they only have an HQ unit, what else is there?
Vicky undoubtedly has some of the most in-depth mechanics of any Paradox title. Some people simply prefer it over Blob-till-you-drop aka Europa Universalis. HOI meanwhile has no empire-building aspect to it.
And there are many more interesting things to do than form Germany.
git gud
Black ice is a pretty shitty mod from a gameplay perspective. It might sate the historical autist, but if you actually want to get some enjoyment out of the game itself, HPP is far better.
t. maker of HPP
Take your Edward VIII mod and fuck off
What mechanics? POPs, crises and industrialization? They are not enough to make it interesting.
I let them beat me back to Paris and then they had spread themselves so thin that my allies and I were able to do a wide encirclement. With most of their army whittled down, I was able to push through their shitty defenses and onto Moscow.
Vicky > HoI >> CK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> EU >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stellaris
>Not with Stellaris
ok paradox
This. I'm still playing HoI2. On top of that HoI3 has a bunch of micromanagement of the worst kind.
you're not a girl, sorry
>being this new
Czechoslovakia, ally with Hitler, annex the Balkans.
HOI 3 is only good with Black Ice.
>Rosa Luxemburg
wew lad
Manchildren go.
not him, but the sphere of influence minigame and clicking every province to raise your clerks
USA of course
>can annihilate Japs, Germans and Russians using pure freedom
HoI3 has great, wonderful systems of land warfare, decent systems for warfare everywhere else and absolutely horrible everything else.
Technology system that discourages focusing on certain aspects, supply system that breaks for seemingly no reason and at random, AI being macro-strategically blind...
And it was enormously fucking buggy at launch.
Playing USA in HOI games is a top tier power fantasy experience. You can skullfuck anybody on the map all at once with the only limit being your own ability to micromanage your military forces.
What I don't understand is why paradox doesn't just improve upon what they came up with in HoI3 rather than throw it straight out.
Stockpiles hit max too often
>we'll remove stockpiles entirely!
Too many HQs
>we'll remove the OOB entirely!
Battleplans are just for show
>We'll make our totally not shit AI essential to playing with these arrows!
Must be for the casuals so they can brag about how complicated it totally is.
The thing I don't like about HoI3, and you can call me a casual for this all you like, is the absolutely insane micromanagement. I can get sometimes wanting to command certain units manually but Hitler didn't sit in his bunker moving every single company on the map, he used a fucking chain of command
Republican Spain desu
Playing Darkest Hour as Ethiopia is pure torture, but I want to prove that it could be done. I joined the tail end of WWI and took Italian Africa, now I'm building up my armies to join the Entente for the Second World War.
Interwar HOI is soul crushingly boring, it can't even be considered gameplay.
are you using mods? I played through inter war using Grand Campaign mod which added bunch of events. Of course I was playing as Japan and had my hands full managing the war in China and preparing for Pacific War.
I like doing this as pathetic countries in Kaiserreich.
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on that mod for the game? (for those who have played it)
It was pretty good, imo, and I don't even like alt historic scenarios.
Played game as La Plata (Argentina) and had a blast. Commies took control over Brazil and forced me to take action. It resulted in a stalemate war that lasted for 4 years, which by that time, commies gained power in all over the world (USA went full syndicalistic, Germany was being battered by commie France and Britain with a Soviet Union breathing down the neck. Eventually USA joined the war on the Brazil's side and rekt me pretty hard. But it's surprising that even playing as a shitty 3rd world country, I got plenty of events and never felt bored, like it happens in vanilla if you play a country that isn't one of the big 5.
this, I'm hyped tbvh
hoi3 sliders were annoying as hell
>siding with the Brits
apparently HOI 4 has a coop mode, so you can bring a friend in to help you micro. sounds like a great idea for a campaign, with one player playing the atlantic and one the pacific or something of the sort
>hitler didn't command down the the brigade level
They have that in darkest hour as well
t. Johann
t. Memeth
t. Bobo
Jesus fuck, who'd have guessed the Dalai Lama allied with Japan and started a second front against China.
>tfw you mass 35 divisions of top of the technology tree mountain troops in the alps and attack France and still get decimated.
To be honest? Germany. It's entry-level I know but nothing beats the excitement of fighting a two-front war against the world and winning, and carving the world up under your new order.
USA is fun when you do something totally out of left field, like force a military coup and annex Mexico or something. One time I ended up in the Axis and "liberated" Australia with Japanese help. The Alaskan front is underrated.
I like to play as the major colonial powers, I'll liberate the other countries and then you get more choices to play as.
Also turning South Africa fascist was a neat experiment. The Boers are on the march north to link up with the Desert Fox.
The scenario itself is an unrealistic Germanywank, but no other game offers such a diverse amount of scenarios and replayability.
Have fun paying waiting 2 to 3 years and paying $100+ for a complete game.
Tits of GTFO
Germany, I also lose most of the time, I don't know how.
You Kharkoved their asses.
-t Manstein
Austria. No Anschluss, annexed Hungary and all regions taken away in 1918.
We Second Austro-Hungarian Empire now
>Why is Germany strong in the alt-history scenario where Germany wins WWI
that isn't what he said though. He's saying the alt history itself is unrealistic.`
This is literally a world where a war-ravaged Germany (remember that WWI lasted until 1920 in this timeline) goes full world-police immediately after the war. They carve out a gigantic colonial Empire, successfully intervene in the Russian civil war and even find the time to subjugate the entirety of China.
Don't tell me this is a perfectly plausible scenario. Sure, it is implied that Germany's colonial empire is slowly crumbling by the time Kaiserreich starts, but the fact that it even exists in the first place make the scenario unrealistic.
The issue here is that people buy strategy games to be able to control the countries and use strategy. So you don't play as Hitler in HOI3, you play as Germany. Hitler is represented in the game as Head of State and Head of Government. You, meanwhile, are an omnipotent God controlling all aspects of the nation that IRL were controlled by many different people.
Who /ussr/ here?
>beating Deutschland ezpz lemon squeezy with masses of troops
>moving onward to France and mowing down the Allies ezpz lemon squeezy
>uniting the world under socialism like Trotsky would have wanted
the only good commie is a dead commie
t.prussia pro
Hungary, there nothing quite like restoring rightful Hungarian Borders
t. grossgermaniums pro
That's ridiculous, china?
lol Hoi4 will be so casual and easy its almost a joke
Just admitt you are to bad for hoi3
lol black ice is way better gtfo
blackice's main issue is a mix of bloat and blatant bonuses to the AI, there was an image of the soviets having something like 2000-4000 IC to use since they were losing.
I am currently playing the sov. on hard I have 700 ic in 1941 june/july smth.
seems reasonable to me
bonus to ai seems ok since stock hoi3 is way to easy imo