So, tell us something about yourself, user

>so, tell us something about yourself, user

>what are your hobbies, user?

>what are you gonna do this summer, user?

oh shit delete thread, how did I manage to mistake this board for r9k

this is basically r9k with addiction to buying clothes

>I like being a living cliche

>I like to skate and make music

>I'm going to party and maybe get a real job

>and work more
mfw i make $1600 a month (not counting overtime)

tricky ricky here i come

i wish i was like you
all i want in life to are really good friends who want to hangout with me. i ask the few people on my contacts list if they want to hangout every weekend and they all say no.

>not having them constantly ask you
You didn't make it brah

thats pretty mean to tell that to someone going through loneliness

Dont listen to him user, he is a dick


Put your running shoes on right now and go for a run

I don't care what time it is, go for a run you fuck

And then when you wake up tomorrow, make your bed and do the same

And then the day after tomorrow, make your bed again and run even further

what am I running from?

your responsibilities
societal pressure to get a high pressure high paying job


user when I moved out of home a had two room mates. One who made his bed every morning and went for a run, and one who played videogames until 3am every morning and then sleeps in til 12.

Guess which one had more friends and a stable life?

I used to be a sad little faggot like you user, and then I started making my bed every morning and running.

>+20 Confidence
>+20 better sleep
>+10 better looks
>+15 focus
>-30 Anxiety

The old you

do u go to uni?
are you in a new city?
if you have no friends atm then get a fresh start go somewhere new
are you ugly?

Usually I'd be doing fuck all and wallowing in depression in a mess of a room playing video games, but this year I'm meeting some friends from the US and we're gonna be working in the Scottish countryside for 2 months. What about you, user?


i fucking love running
it's like having a faithful dog
>always there for you
>never judges
>relaxes you
>makes you happy
starting running was the best decision i ever made

this is the best description of Veeky Forums to ever happen

that is a shit salary m8
how do you even pay rent, food, utilities etc and still have money for rick?

i tried this once but i couldnt even get around the block without losing my breath...

Try harder faggot.

Start out walking one day; walk faster the next. Repeat until you're running and then run further

Start slow and get better piece by piece
When I started working out it took me 40min for 2 sets, 9 months later I did 3 in 26

I never understood this advice, what the fuck is it meant to do?

Ive been running for literally years, generally more than 5 miles per day sometimes several times a day, on prescription from a therapist

All its done is allowed me to run for longer distances

No it hasnt decreased my anxiety to a point where I can make friends

No I still have never had a girlfriend or achieved anything in my life

It has had such a minimal affect, I mean I wouldnt not recommend it, but its not a magical meme pill like people describe

I am the most powerful being on all of Veeky Forums

I don't mean to offend but you're probably beyond the average case of social anxiety/depression.

When I was depressed in the first year of uni one of the biggest problems was the huge lack of routine. When you start to wake up at midday and then spend a few hours doing nothing it makes you feel useless and does puts you in a really bad state of mind.

Routine puts you on track to actually get shit done for the day. And even if you don't get anything done, well you still went for a run, improving your overall health

and making your bed does the same thing as routine and also makes your room x10 nicer to live in. It also helps greatly with self-discipline which is something people with a lot of time lack

This is fairly accurate. Routines and goals keep you oriented towards something, whereas aimlessness can make you antsy and depressed. Some of my lowest points were when I didn't have something to do, to be honest.

These are not hard questions to remedy if you have deficient answers.

1) Go learn a new skill. Don't do something masturbatory and useless like "DJing," actually put yourself out of your comfort zone and do something in public. Martial arts, art classes, dance classes, running groups, political clubs, etc. I'd also strongly recommend taking online classes towards certifications/degrees, but that's something difficult that requires a shit ton of time and motivation.

2) There are a SHIT TON of things you can sign up to do in the summer as an adult, including adult summer camps, where you basically get free booze and outdoor activities. I'm going to two, in addition to some skydiving/escape room plans and a few trips to random locations. All are fun, reasonably affordable, and pretty summer-y. It's hard to be stereotypically Veeky Forums when douching it up with people, but who cares?

any tips? music to listen to? anything?

>adult summer camps

Running is my favorate thing in life t b h. Its effay and humans were litterally designed to be distance runners. Its also nice to know I cpukd out run any average pleb on the street.

My reaction initially as well, but it's really just an excuse to have someone else arrange for a shit ton of booze and a shit ton of stuff to do on the water. I used to arrange stuff like that with my friends on my own, and it got kinda insane - I hated having to be "the guy" who did stuff like sign all sorts of waivers and rental clauses and worry about minor shit like what happens if the ski-doo gets scratched or if my friend gets hammered and pees on the cabin carpet. This way, we sign up and externalize liability onto others. Worth the cash.

Humans were designed to be distance walkers, not distance runners. Running is still great though.

Audiobooks are good if you're walking, find one that interests you. I like history audiobooks. I don't listen to music when running since I run like a fucking Gazelle and the headphones always fall out

If you're running I recommend stretching well before AND after. My favourite time to run is first thing in the morning (in winter) or at dusk summer.

If you go to uni there might be a running club there which is how I started to run again. I've met some really cool people in mine

Damn I;m looking into this now and all I'm thinking is how can I flex and not ruin nice clothes.

I don't have beater clothes but damn this looks fun.

Finish uni next week so gunna work festivals all summer and sniff 100 litres of ket, same as my past 4 summers (bar the ket drought of 2014)

dynamic stretching before, static stretching after

I enjoy acting pretentious, but only with others who do the same. I legitimately don't understand most pop culture references and I like it that way.

I write poetry, go to readings regularly, read a large variety of stuff, but mostly poetry. I also do some calligraphy, and my work is arguably good, but my left eye is getting blurry so I have put it on hiatus until I get glasses. Otherwise, lots of hanging out with poetry friends. I find I build relationships through activities so I try and write and read with friends, discuss ideas and ways to improve ourselves/our work.

I really hate summer. I will attempt to get into as many air conditioned spaces as I can and avoid outside time. Maybe I will go on some early morning/late night hikes. Mostly just what I am doing now, but in summer. Plans to go to Toronto in October though.

To go along with where the thread has gone: I don't enjoy running, did it for a while, but I prefer to weight train. Have a kettlebell in my room and work with it for 20 min/day. I think the biggest goal is to get endorphins going, which will naturally make you more confident and reduce anxiety. Plus if you look good you will feel better.

damn daniel


How you know if a class you're beautiful taking in college is fluff:

"Okay first day we're going to go around stand up and introduce yourselves"

Real courses don't give a shit if you're beautiful there or not.....PhD sour dick needs to jam out a lecture on physics so he can buy his cup noodles this week and go work on grant money shit

>I legitimately don't understand most pop culture references

This isn't a good thing, I'm the same way but I wrote it off as me being stupid....

I don't want to repost hastags on Twitter, or follow the Kardashians on Instagram and I definitely don't want to be seen in anything kanye has designed...

I don't watch marvel movies or the cheesey summer action flick of the year (usually a marvel movie)

I hate mist HBO shows game of thrones is garbage, I changed the channel after a midget was cursing up a shitstorm during sex and the next scene was a girl training lame shit is that

Lena Dunham just uses girls as a medium to get more Twitter and Tumblr followers to post about feminism so she can monetize trends amongst women

I always listen to fast music while running, when I started it was powermetal right now its mostly stonerrock, just use something fast and motivating, whatever works for you

why do you keep saying beautiful

Because he isn't.

I really suggest just making a playlist with songs that you like where each song has a bpm the same as your steps per minute while running. Which is roughly 150 for me.

Auto correct

what did you mean to say

all of Veeky Forums is r9k with [insert interest].

>Tfw you made more than this in high school

> working in the Scottish country side
How do I do this?

>>so, tell us something about yourself, user
Well what do you want to know?
>>what are your hobbies, user?
I like lots of stuff
>>what are you gonna do this summer, user?
Probably work to save up some money then go on a trip before school starts back up

Literally easy you pathetic ants

I had my lowest state of anxiety and depression and I was substantially more endearing when I actively lifted and did cardio
Fuck it, gotta get back into that

>so, tell us something about yourself, user
I study law and currently working in the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism
>what are your hobbies, user?
Muay Thai
>what are you gonna do this summer, user?
Going to Europe as an exchange student.

I make 500€/week during my vacations and I'm in highschool.

>I am alone

>smoke a lot of L & Bs