>it was about states' rights
It was about states' rights
Other urls found in this thread:
It was about slavery, duh!
It was actually the economy, stupid
Was slavery a state right?
Before we all jump on OP, his statement had a legitimate basis. Can we discuss the states' rights issue in a civilized fashion?
It was about Lincoln being elected in a brokered convention without a single Southern vote.
Daily reminder that slavery was ended without a war literally everywhere else in the world.
Why didn't they just let the Confederates go? If we formed a Union once, we could have done it again in time. There was no need for brother to kill brother. They should have dealt with the southern states as friends and equals instead of subjugating them.
Slavery would have died out in time as it did everywhere else. It should never have gotten to that point, but even after seccession war was not necessary.
>Why didn't they just let the Confederates go?
they kinda attacked Fort Sumter...
>flood the southern states with slaves
>they adopt a slave driven economy
>change your mind and cripple the economy
I'm not defending the south but they pretty much got the Mexican treatment.
Wow she's so pretty! Too bad she's bigot :(
>Daily reminder that slavery was ended without a war literally everywhere else in the world.
I fucking hate this argument so much.
The reason slavery was ended everywhere else peacefully is because there wasn't any middle class anywhere else. In Britain and it's colonies there was only high ranking nobles/viceroys who didn't NEED slaves. Take the Boers for example, they were poor/mid people who needed slaves, so they fled the Cape colony. The south was poor/mid people who needed slavery too, so they fled the Union.
>why didn't they allow half of their territory to illegally leave the country, steal thousands of dollars of federal property, and blow up a federal fort
Hmmmm, I wonder why?
>the Mexican treatment
>The southerners had slaves forced upon them.
>The south was poor/mid people who needed slavery too, so they fled the Union.
but slaves were almost entirely owned by plantation owners. even including the people who only owned one or two slaves, slave owners were a minority of the population
Sure! The State's Rights issue had nothing to do with the Civil War, and was only adopted retroactively when the South had definitively lost the argument, as well as the war.
Used, abused and then just left poor. Seriously I'm in Tennessee and I'm honestly surprised just how similar it is to Mexico.
CIA moved crack into all major cities in US. It's obviously the uneducated, poor peoples fault for doing it. Again I'm not defending the south but come on...
In a pre-Civil War context, where the states were the primary unit of government, it could be argued that Fort Sumter was located in a state the seceded and thus the garrison was obligated to abandon the fort or swear allegiance to the confederacy.
By holding the fort in land that no longer belonged to them, the garrison was like a tenant forcibly resisting eviction, and thus in the wrong.
And? The economy was still entirely slave driven. Without slaves the economy was going to fail and it did, spectacularly.
The original KKK wasn't even about racism, they killed more carpet baggers than negros.
>South fires upon a federal fort
>it was just a prank bro stop bullying us
You're lucky we even let you back into the Union instead of hanging the lot of you, fucking traitor scum
After years of studying the American Civil War on and off, and consulting various experts and literature, I came to the conclusion that it was quite more than likely about tree fiddy.
>illegally leave the country
I can't believe there are people that think this is anything resembling a valid argument.
stop being intolerant of other people's culture
Can a house stand divided?
>It was about slavery
>black eyes
>brown roots
>big lips
She's probably 20% black herself. This is why Americans and nationalism don't mix.
The North would have been fucking fine if the South had left, as Northerners never cease to point out. They didn't have a significant portion of the US population and weren't in a position to actively contest US westward expansion. Worst that happens is that the US doesn't become as big of a cultural influence.
>placing my flag anywhere near that Nazi toilet paper
You mean like North Carolina that might get its funding cut off for having a different opinion on transgender rights?
But who the fuck cares?
Like, fuck off.
This doesn't matter.
It's one tenth of one percent of the population, and it's bathrooms.
It's a shame there's no profitable industry in denying trannies the right to use whatever shitter they want or we could get another civil war.
>giving up the taxes on cash crops and freed negro citizens
>freed negro citizens
Lol obviously a long term investment
The house divided argument isn't based on the north can't function.
OK, let's say the North DOES try to allow for secession.
You mention that the South Wasn't in a position to contest the US in westward expansion.
Presumably, this means because in the vent of a military contest, the north would win. Does this mean that the South would drop all claims to westward expansion, AND actively seek to prevent westward immigration? Was it even capable of doing that?
But it does affect everyone. Once a small minority starts crying out about something theres always a knee jerk liberal reaction that affects everyone else.
They would probably just bully Mexico and Cuba instead because there would be less risk of triggering an irredentist conflict with their more powerful northern neighbor. It worked like a charm in Texas.
Also any kind of recognition of the CSA by the USA would probably have required the CSA to renounce western ambitions.
They should all be killed
Sorry Nazi those days are over and thanks to the Zion it'll never happen whilst the US exists >:p
>They would probably just bully Mexico and Cuba
Isn't that what happened anyway?
How the fuck can you illegally leave a country if you're no longer part of that country
>just ignore the Feds pulling bullshit for the umpteenth time, it's not they'll do it AGAIN, is it?
>muh nullification doctrine
TJ please, SCOTUS ruled that bullshit won't fly.
>he thinks the Declaration of Independence has any relevance in a discussion over the legality of secession
I don't have a reaction image smug enough for this.
Discussion about the legality of secession is irrelevant in the first place.
I'm sure the north thought the same after Fort Sumter
How is it not relevant? In both cases one nationality considers itself justified enough to form a separate state and so ceases to act as part of its former state. The specifications stated in the Declaration of Independence are as justifiable as those by which the South seceded.
You realize Texas v. White was post-war, right? Secession was a complete legal grey area.
>mfw Davis claimed Arizona as part of the confederacy
why didn't he just claim Mexico while he was at it?
They did
>Hilltop Hoods
Australians have the cutest girls
Trans people are mentally ill. They should be treated with love and compassion. They need professional help, not the rest of society indulging their delusions. We don't humor people who think they are the reincarnation of Napoleon or an adopted alien from Andromeda. We get them help.
I'm an NC user. There was never any problem, no incidents, no controversy at all over this. This whole bathroom bill started with liberal fuckwits lobbying for trans subsidy nonsense. So we tried to do the most neutral thing we could possibly think of to settle the issue - use the bathroom on your birth certificate. I honestly cannot think of a more reasonable position.
I thought the whole thing was silly and stupid we had to have a law in the first place. But nobody really cared about it until it became a national sensation and the feds are trying to tell us what to do now. Fuck all of this.
This is the kind of shit that keeps old grudges alive. They're tearing down Confederate war memorials, constantly calling us stupid redneck racists, dictating the most asinine shit to us like this trans crap.
Except it was a military fort, ergo a Government-owned fort. There is literally no way to justify the attack on Fort Sumter, just stop defending a rebelious, treasonous nation that failed.
It's mostly about slavery but the even bigger implication was that ultimately federal say > states' rights.
> was
Pffff hahaha was he drunk?
It was an idea by the Southern Knights of the Golden Circle to add a shitton of slave states to the Union by conquering the entire Caribbean. When the South seceded the group continued their ambitions in the context of a potential Southern victory.
>Trans people are mentally ill
This is like saying racist people are mentally ill. Just let them use the bathroom. You redneck fuck.
lol wow was Shia Lebouf on their war council?
No, it's like saying a white person who thinks he's actually black is mentally ill. And what the fuck is stopping you from just using the right bathroom? These rules exist for a reason, these people act like children because they can't just follow them.
Not him and I actually think that trannys are delusional, but bathroom segregation is stupid to start with.
Except that the Declaration of Independence is not a US government document, merely a historical document created by the 13 colonies. It cannot be used to legally justify secession. It actually concurs with the SCOTUS decision, which is that secession is only attainable through mutual consent of all the states or via violent, successful rebellion. There is no legal method for peaceful and unilateral secession.
>legal grey area
Seeing as Madison openly condemned it in 1828, and Hamilton called the union indissoluble and permanent in one of his Federalist papers, I'd say even pre-war it was a bit of a fringe theory. Shit, even Andrew Jackson thought secession was nuts. At the very least, the South shouldn't have expected the North to accept their actions as legal, given the lack of clarity on the issue.
Dude it's a bathroom. Toilet, sink and paper towels. These rules are stupid. Unisex bathrooms exist and there's no big deal.
There's perverts all over the place in society. A lot of people just aren't comfortable doing their business with the opposite sex in the room, so people just come up with the solution to make two separate bathrooms. Boom. Problem solved, no one is being restricted, no one feels uncomfortable. This solution is so utterly simple yet people love to complicate it because somehow telling someone that there's a very easy rule to follow is oppression now.
Also the separate bathrooms are quite good for both parties (sexes) involved. Men wait less, and women get a cleaner bathroom.
>Women get a cleaner bathroom
>implying men create no mess
>implying men aren't more messy than women in the bathroom
I don't know what you're implying, but you're a retard
It's more about men not giving a fuck about the toilet seat (if we are outside home) just because we don't have to sit on it (and some of us apparently are too much of a bunch of cunts to check if it's up before) but yeah. Women are messy as fuck as well, where they can, but in this occasion is more difficult for them to be.
They hover over the toilet seat because they are dumb bitches.
That's how it was explained to me anyway
Apparently some feminists wanted to remove urinals from every campus because it's sexist to have women sit while men stand.
>They need professional help, not the rest of society indulging their delusions.
What if the professional mental health community said, that the best way to help trans people would be to indulge in their delusions?
Because that's what they say.
>women get a cleaner bathroom
You have no idea what you're talking about, female bathrooms look like a fucking pigsty.
>slave owners were a minority of the population
Going by households who owned slaves more than 30% of the deep south were slave-owners. Almost 50% of households owned slaves in Mississippi & South Carolina. Technically a "minority" but a substantial one.
>hovering over the seat, pissing all over it and not bothering to clean it
>throwing tampons on the floor if there's no trash can
>clogging the toilet with the stupidest shit imaginable (underwear etc)
That's what he said dumbass
gross-dixie in its purity finally
Women create the same amount of mess, but in a different way. Which is to say, by bleeding on things.
He said the opposite you cuck.
>book exists in a physical manifestation
>book doesn't exist in your mind
>book doesn't read itself
how does it feel not being a patrician like me
damn meant to post in an entirely different thread on an entirely different board
No he implied that women's bathrooms were dirtier to begin with.
The argument is not that the war was over slavery
The argument was that the war was not primarily over slavery, and would most likely come about by other means.
Learn English
The land was sold to the federal government long before the state had seceded from the union.
If you sell someone a car, and then you decide that you don't like them anymore, it doesn't make it legal to smash it up. South talked shit and got hit.
>whining about tearing down statues of filthy traitors
>whining that states filled with redneck racists are called out for having redneck racists
get fucked
>The argument was that the war was not primarily over slavery
But it literally was.
>I'm a gurrl XDDD but I also agree with your edgy, extremist and unsustainable world view
>please give me attention
It was over slavery, but only because the north knew banning it would fuck the south far worse than the north, so would over all put them in a better position.
...so it was about slavery, but that issue was only a proxy for a larger more fundamental issue, power.
It was never about the north being altruistic.
Nice mental gymnastics, but why would northerners want to fuck over their own country? Just because they are big meanies?
Abolitionism was a huge social movement in the north, big enough to get Lincoln elected. Did everyone care? Of course not. But that's never true in any conflict.
All secessionists are fucking scum. The confederate flag should have been abolished right after the war.
See... It really is about States' Rights
states' rights
it was about slavery
read Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address
It was about a president chosen with Northern votes, without a single one Southern vote, proposing a tax that is heavy on the South and easy on the North, and saying he will go to war to enforce it if need be.
Basically your president was shit, and caused shit. You are celebrating an incompetent man who half ruined the country.
Who's this sexy lady that would want no part of my spic blood?
he kicked the shit out of the southern states
Lee surrendered (my sides!)
losers gotta keep losing I suppose
The biggest user was the USA as a whole, a big divide appeared that still hasn't closed, many lives, manufacturies, dollars and production were destroyed.
It was a dumb tribalist move by a guy who was only elected because his tribe knew he'd favor them and punish the other tribe.
>The biggest user
stopped reading right there because I was laughing too hard
Meant loser, obviously.
>haha i was worried for a moment that you might have a point, but i saw you made a spelling mistake so i win, tough luck :D