raf is so played out, cringey shit now lmao
this dude is sooo tryhard haha
raf is so played out, cringey shit now lmao
this dude is sooo tryhard haha
I feel like this outfit would really cool on someone with the right facial features and haircut. Average and boring-faced people (like that guy) look really fucking stupid in vintage Raf or Rick Owens. Literally a gabber outfit put on some lame ass American highschooler who has literally nothing to do with the scene or anything that Raf referenced in his older collections for that matter. Maybe if he buzzed his hair or got a more interesting haircut, cause this just looks sad.
you can tell he thinks he looks handsome and cool too. and this was like the 23rd photo he made his mom or sister take until he got it just "right"
>the scene
The guy from HGTV flip or flop is a model now?
imagine watching this guy walk around town in this get up scoping for photo shoot locations.
after hes done he goes into starbucks for his frappacino, sets up on 3 desks, loads up his laptop, plugs his SLR into the usb and brings up light room to start editing.
he think he is gonna stunt on everyone with this fit. his neurosis will FINALLY be validated.
he posts this turd on SZ. no one replies. he refreshes for 4 hours before finally giving up.
goes back on grailed, yahoo auctions and ebay looking for his next cop
"ill get it next time..." he thinks to himself
English is not my first language.
made me laugh and sad at the same time
When you sit down and look at it these guys are really sad...seeking out costumes to wear for attention in real life and posing for validation online...
When I first came to Veeky Forums was that I wanted to learn about better clothes, quality and fit wise....not how to dress up for attention
My first cops were designer clothes that nobody knew were designer
yet you still spend hours and hours a day here.
dont pretend you are any better dude
this guy is a totally pathetic though
Haha 2 bad being fat makes it impossible to look good no matter what u wear xd
fa shitting on a genuinely good fit. have you guys seen your waywt recently?
>this dude is sooo tryhard haha
what is mike the ruler.
Seriously I've never seen someone with so many clothes and such a lack of fashion sense
ur insane bro
I really don't understand it either.
Why do NY fashion mags support such ridiculous things?
too real
>mags? he's been in mags?
Sieg I wonder. What do you think about Knochensack? I want your opinion.
wtc boots famalam
sieg doesnt give a shit about knoch
knoch could wear a clown suit and be hotter than seig in his best fit. that just kills normies like seig who think looking good is the only point of clothing. clothes cannot compensate for shit tier genes
i dont get it
who gives a shit what he thinks? Stop giving namefags attention, namefag.
>le starbucks
everyone goes to starbucks, everyone on the planet you don't like
Isn't this girl that big shot Toronto lawyer?
Yep. Heartless but an absolute qt.
get your head out of your ass senpai
This looks like Prada