What style makes a manlet look the least retarded...

what style makes a manlet look the least retarded? please dont say 'bro just be confident' because that isnt how it works
i'm 5'3 and 95lbs but usually too self conscious to wear skinny stuff

Don't hate urself??? Gain muscle

dumb thread

Become gay.

I'm just glad there's men who weigh less than me. Somehow? Definitely don't wear skinny stuff, since I made that mistake in my youth, and it's embarrassing. Maybe just a button-up, and some normal jeans?

this dude is hilarious looking

Yeah this is the only way bro. You need to learn to be confident in yourself and your ability to do things or you won't be able to do anything, especially fashion. It's not the answer you're looking for but it's the one you need

5'3" here. I just wear basic stuff. Slim straight pants. Simple monoblack Vans. If I had to put it in Veeky Forums buzzwords a combo of slacker/loose/cuck/norm core. I found a style that I feel comfy in. Just try stuff on and see what feels good or bad.

>please dont say 'bro just be confident'
Bro just be confident.

>that isnt how it works
What is "it"? I don't know about you but I just do me and I feel fine. Maybe stop thinking so much about your height and more so on what you like to do in life.

Just roll a nat 20 on your charisma checks.

Wear boots. Youll feel gr8 and theyre pretty sexy.


I see way too many short guys wearing tims and shit like that. You end up looking disproportionate and insecure. Just own it and wear normal shoes.

>tfw love girls wearing super high heels
>tfw also manlet though

You cant let that stop you tho. Everyone wears boots. That way of thinking will keep a short man down. the whole"if i try i may look like im compinsating" thing is what taller people make u think bcuz they feel entiltled or some dumb shit. People think a shorter man shouldnt be better than them at anything, and if they are , its because they r compensating.

I meant more like casual boots

True. However you should not feel pressured to wear boots just for the sake of looking taller.

>What is "it"? I don't know about you but I just do me and I feel fine. Maybe stop thinking so much about your height and more so on what you like to do in life.

Clearly he was asking for actual fashion advice.

Anyways OP, wear pants with no break. Get them cropped right above the shoe.

True dat. Boots are also more comfy and versatile imo. I used to wear vans and converse but i cant stop wearing boots now.

Dumb poster.

Nigga, I won't say "bro just be confident", just eat something, go to the nearest McDonalds or Burger King or whatever. You're lighter than most petite qts. Soon, you won't exist anymore.


I know you are too much of a pussy to understand this, but I know a guy who is about your size that sings for a pretty brootal local band, and comes across as much larger than his real life size.

Do some man shit, and work with what you've got instead of hand wringing like a bitch.

This. I see guys much shorter than me that exude charisma like crazy are are confident and funny as fuck.
Makes me feel like a piece of shit that I'm moping about my own height while they are living life to the fullest.

Confidence is inherent, and subtle. Don't be a clown for other people to get them to like you because fuck them, who cares what they think.

Go fix some shit. Go get drunk and sleep in a gutter. Go skateboarding and eat some shit and get bloody. Go fish, an scoop the guts out of that poor little bastard. Pick your nose while making eye contact with a hot girl.

In other words, a man lives his life by his own terms without thought to what others think, and doesn't worry about what he doesn't have, but rather uses what he does to get what he wants.

Fuck off namefag

woo hamilton morris

I aspire to be as much of a druggie as this guy

wear high shoes, SLP n stuff, plenty out there

#1 must-have accessory desu

Always wear skinny stuff, it'll give you confidence so don't worry, it makes you look taller than you are.

When getting pants always taper them, having no creases and folds is effay. Try shop at Asian stores like uniqlo or muji, their sleeves fit us manlets better, topman sells xxs sizes and they aren't too bad.

That is actually a nice fit.

I aspire to be as functional a drug user as this guy

also kek


>guy on the right
>one million shirt buttons visible
Low rise pants are literally the worst meme


Consider that surgery where they break your legs and ram steel rods up them

i mean, youll probably never be a sports star but at least you wont be a manlet

This kid is a short faggot and dresses alright.

what's his name

>95lb male



lmao my girlfriend is your height. I can put her head under my armpit