/thinspo/ - Thinspo General

Comfy /thinspo/ thread!

Looking Good in Anything Edition

Thread Theme Song:
**I'm facing the bottle, for all of my problems, these Instagram models, are nothing but trouble..**

Last Thread: Comfy Rules:
>post thinspo
>love lizzie and her llamas
>make america thin again

>MyFitnessPal: "Veeky Forums friends"
>Lose It!: "Veeky Forums friends"
loseit.com/#Community:GroupProfile!id=b74af47e37c14232ba6405f03df6f670^/fa/ friends

Bridges are the best

the fuck is wrong with her lower lip?

but yeah I agree. bridges are essential. pic related is sucking in but still very impressive.



the fact that it's her tongue


oohhh kek


5' 3'', 90lb femanon reporting in

Nice legs


I fly you to my country and make you rich, how does that sound?

fucking gross

fuck off eliza

als-s-so um will u g-g-go on a d-date with m-m-me? you are t-t-top qtp2t


Who here /fasting/?

I just started my 2 day fast since i can't go to the gym today and tomorrow.

I'm only 10lbs away from my 170lbs goal.

how tall are you?


I'm trying to stay within a healthy BMI.

Any skinnybois here with large head? How do you cope with this?

I shouldn't but daaaaamn that's perf.

holy shit.

never thought i'd need a babe my height in my life


My head isn't huge but w/e, its better than small head lmao

i'm fasting until i shit my constipation out

reporting in. I have my hair pretty long to cover up most of my face, it's thick and curly so it works ok.

Do you just stop eating or what do you do? I am cutting at a 500kcal deficit right now

Yeah my sis said I should not go buzzcut as it would make my large head even more obvious.

I'm thinking of getting a shorter haircut but man idk.

Instead of starving yourselves go to the gym. Fucking idiots.

i'm just cutting at 500kcal deficit

I despise fatties, but having no functional strength doesn't appeal to my utilitarian sensibilities.

yeah but skinny bitches > fat bitches and not everyone gets the thicc
>implying most people in these threads are even women

what's the shape of your head, oblong or wide? do you have a 5head? I would say grow it personally


Oblong and 5head. Everyone did say I look better with long hair.

where can I find more about this girl. Can't find source. I look exactly like left side. Please dont be a photoshop

It's a random pic I got from a thinspo tumblr page

>I look exactly like left side


What's your goal weight?

damn u fine

So a few weeks ago I post about going to the desert to build a village and doing some heavy cutting. Well I was there for ten days and I did extremely well, I felt in good health and my spirits were up but then I went back to civilization and gained it all back.

When I'm around food and I have nothing to do my cravings to eat kick in severely whereas if I'm busy and no where near food I can go without much. Too bad I'm kind of a neet still :-/

how do I deal with the weakness and dizziness? does it get better with time?

a bit of orange juice, a bit of almonds. tinker to see what quantities work, it doesn't take much

Good luck to you and your repulsive, gluttonous heffer.

>tfw the fat girl gets more love than I ever will


dear god, which lumps of tumorous flesh used to be her legs?

yea after a while you start blacking out a bit but soon you'll just black out forever and you won't have to worry any more

>how do I deal with the weakness and dizziness?

I gotten used to it now but it used to be really bad when I started cutting.

I would feel dizzy like every other hour.

helo daly remindar to say hidratted tanks bye

tfw 5'5 95lbs and flabby stomach and big thighs
when will i actually be thin and not just underweight

dawg you know she's 17, right?
/r9k/ doxxed her like a month or two ago

Even better

Why are your calves so huge?

I think that Stella Lucia is my new muse.

when you exercise instead of binging and purging


damm she thicc tho

I'm having some water right now

Thanks froggy

in 10 days unless you fasted you didn't lose shit.

I'm assuming you don't know how calories works so I suggest reading the Veeky Forums sticky.

So I'm about to go drink with some friends and later hit the Chinese buffet which will be my first meal after 2 days of fasting.

I'm gonna try to just eat fish chicken and lots of vegetables.

This fucking sucks, familia

5'1-5'2 inspo PLEASE

Is mild diarrhoea good or bad for weight loss? Accidentally ate too many mints but my stomach seemed way flatter after shitting.


yeah diarrehoa speeds up your metabolism due to increased fiber usage so I like to drink green tea, take a cold shower and then eat laxatives so my metabolism is super duper fast, I dont eat protein or GMOs because those might slow down my matabolsim, im still obese but i swear this will all work out, if i got 3 days i can kickstart my metabolism into super drive.

You just emptied your bowels and lost water weight because diarrhea dehydrates you.

6'5 and 170 lbs. Should i go any lower?

>tfw ate 2 cans of pringles and drank 2l of orange juice and now i cant eat for the rest of the day

I know that feel.

i did that with ice cream once.

still 57kgs (175cms), d-d-did I do good?

I envy your overall physique. But your height is a joke.

175 cm is 5''8, how is that a joke?

I am 200cm. Which is 6'5.

Forgive me. Fell for the manlet meme. Probably cause i'm jealous. You look fine, Veeky Forumsnon.

yeah :(

father is 6'1, lifes unfair sometimes

What is your workout? I really need a body like this.

you're not 6''5 you fucking liar.

Dude, i am. I am fucked genetics-wise.
>shoe size EU 47.5

I post on thinspo threads quite alot about my 'workout' but whatever. I rarely actually workout but since my gf got rid of me like 2 months ago I have now focused on my body.

Basically heres the run down;

I work a full times trades job (Signage) so i'm constantly dong something physical
I grew up into sports (athletics, soccer, swimming, basketball etc)
When I do work out I do light weight work and calisthenics.
Usually do workouts now everyday
Diet is whatever because I cbf to diet, Just eat rice and meat, but having like 4 small meals a day

If you want more details about actual workout I can tell you


You kinda look like me before I started lifting, now at 66kgs. By the way totally not a Veeky Forumsg but those threads are amazing, it's nice knowing there is place that hates fat people as much as I do.

>it's nice knowing there is place that hates fat people as much as I do.
hate bringing people together. that's what I like to see.

I haven't eaten in 2 days but i know it'll be worth it ;/

my head feels like it is pounding, like that feeling when you fall really hard.

Drink two cups of broth. Take multivitamins.

Monday - rock climbing for my forearms and wrists (I mostly do bouldering, or nostop climbing)
Tuesday - abdominal and chest (abs - crunches, hanging crunches, planks, chest - pushups-> raised leg wide arms, dips on this retarded seat thing without a base)
Wednesday - biceps and shoulders (biceps- curling or hammer curling 7kgs/15reps/40 rest/ see how many you can do, shoulders - lateral raises and shoulder presses)
Thursday - triceps and back (tricep - extensions and kickbacks, back - back fly)
Friday - abdominal and legs/calves (legs just squats and calf raises)

I dont have a set amount of reps or sets with anything except biceps but usually keep record of how many until I get sore then beat that the next time

looking good man :) whats your goals? I'm hopefully trying to get to 63kgs (no reason) , I don't hate fat people just their excuses for not being able to lose weight, which is most of them and they give me flak for being 'underweight' lol don't really care at all desu, means I can eat hotcakes from mcdonalds all the time

tbf I don't have any specific goals, but probably something around 70-72kg with 10%bf would be great.

It's ok. You are only human. Don't feel bad.

try voat fatpeoplehate

thank u peep

That should be fine, mane

Unless you want to look like the slender man

make me thin~

leave this thread please
u can go attentionwhoring in waywt or whatever but this is my safe space pls


Give up on food and lots of water

You'll be skinny in no time

Thank you, kind user.

I basically only at enough to withstand the work out deficit.

f, 5'2, ~85 lbs (= bmi 15.6)
ideal weight/how much should i lose? what body part needs most work? am i skinnyfat?
pardon the shit in bg and retarded outfit

profile pic?

hard to tell with whatever you are wearing on, I can't tell how far apart your legs are. They seem pretty skinny though. I can't see your collar bones but pretty sure that's because of your potato cam. obviously can't see your hip bones because you are wearing a farmer joe outfit.

so basically you should take another picture and try again

aight didnt want to use these pics bc they're a bit old but i havent lost that much since these so
(feet are together in 2nd pic)

here ya go ^^ also farmer joe rip me lmao

improvement although we need to talk about your photo quality.

chollar bones look great, arms seem to be very skinny, you need to get some bras that fit, hips are very defined, tummy looks good, you have a nice gap but could be more defined, legs are good but could be more stick like.

I'd say you could try dropping another 5lbs and see how you look then.

as far as skinnyfat that's a Veeky Forums meme for beef boys, you don't want a bunch of muscle - you want to look soft and feminine.

overall you look great though. but, fuck, get a new phone.

Second thought try 2.5lbs and see how you look, 5 might be too much. better to go slow anyways. See if when you drop the 2.5lbs your lower body is looking more stick like and long. if it is moving in the right direction and you are feeling good, then drop another 2.5. hope that helps get a new phone.