Style rate thread

I'll start

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nice chewing-gum 11/10

awful. can never tell if these threads are serious or not.

What's exactly awful about it?

go back to r/streetwear u fucking meme. this is incipid unoriginal garbage

w2c watch ?



Casio Α168WG-9EF like 35 euros lol

Greek actually

stop yourself

Only said Jewish since all your shit looks expensive (I know for a FACT that the shirt and shoes are)

neither are that expensive outfit / taste is horrible unless you like looking like a semi-dated hypebeast


I enjoy both hardcore music and tea from a can

fuck this is me


wtc ring lmao




if i saw you i'd assume you're trying to compensate for something there, aren't ya pal
if generic is what you're aiming for then you've got it down to a science, i'd lose you in a crowd while standing right next to you
if you're thin this is a decent look, but please don't shoot up any schools there jimmy
as soon as i see this i think mid skill level BMXer, not good enough to want to buy a dslr, but good enough to want to take shots, if you have a BMXer body the look is pretty good even if it is generic, but i'm biased on this since it's close to what i wear, except i skate

maison margiela logo ring

i can tell from what you wear that you dont actually own that ring

bmx dude here and you hit the nail on the head

seems like there's a direct correlation between people willing to make these shit images and the inability to dress at least somewhat well

i will in 3-5 business days :^)

>i'd lose you in a crowd while standing right next to you
impossibru with that shirt color


Thoughts welcome...

Here's a template if anyone wants

just ran out of that pomade, best one i have ever used


w2c jacket and comb

>asos interest me

i love harry styles too bro!! :D

Looking to mix it up, Any suggestions?

Here's the jacket

/tv/ there guys, please don't be harsch, advices and recs very welcomed.

Wrong backpack picture.


when it's cold outside



shoe id?

Good album choices

my dude, got the same parka

thanks user

Seriously, i have never been more satisfied with a purchase.

whats the parka? w2c



w2c shirt?


>mfw its made in portugal
thanks senpai

whats the jacket?

bundeswehr moleskin field jacket, most surplus stores seem to have them

i thought it looked bundeswehr, thank u so much friend

like to keep it simple and black mostly


jacket is cringeworthy
shoes and jacket are trash
pretty nice

You are a fashion victim. Not truly Veeky Forums, as you don't want to explore your own style. You just feel like you dress well but you don't dress well to impress yourself but others around you. It's toxic not only for yourself, when you see yourself as somebody who must conform to fashion "norms" and therefore you devalue yourself, but as well the entire fashion community as you encourage this mindless mob mentality of dressing "well" to impress others by dressing exactly how others are dressing.

Just be yourself. For real this time.

I like this!

I like the shoes user, what are they?

zis you?

nope, but i like his fits though.

eastern european organised crime-core

Thoughts? Anything I can improve on?

rate me

black and navy thoughts?

Please rate.

burn the shoes

Cardio interests me

>Pink Rafs
Are you somekind of a closet serial killer?

fuck off plebs

fat doggo

for your sake i hope this is a joke...


Hey, thats pretty guud

What are those rubber band things?

Nicely done Veeky Forumsm

w2c jacket

hair ties

gotta tie my hair back.... so i always have atleast 5 on me at all times

oh hi /mu/


Got that jacket to, I really like it

dope tubes senpai

dont jock my cock but hop off my reebok

only cost me 40 quid

also, i think these are a girls pair, still sick tho

damn where u shop bruh? I've been hunting for the black primeknits

got them from wellgosh

£44 if i remember right...

Thanks bruhs

Please give me suggestions on what to improve

(Vans are from latest Supreme drop)

>inb4 bro you just spend 140€ for a pair of Old Skools

that smudge hoodie is peng

Fuck, I wear this too

Top kek

What are the pants?


fuck bmx
palace fuck yes

Some in house ASOS cropped trousers with pleats.

rebellious highschool girl who smokes weed?