new day new thread

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I'm going to delete this and post a slightly lighter version so it's more viewable.

It's fucking cold

gay trainmaster roleplay

what a promising thread so far y'all look clean as fuck

w2c adidas shirt with jap on it?

w2c pant?

my pistol goes bang bang boom boom pop pop

i would fuck you in the butthole so hard

cause that has so much to do with fashion right?
and i have a bf

shut up and take it like a real nice girl


everbody knows you are not eliza,. whats the point?

you shut up and learn to respect women while your at it


u ain't no rady




w2c shirt

like this, shoes look too big for you tho man


this is so cringe.

they actually fit very well; they're new so advanced creasing hasn't yet formed on the uppers

MKI Miyuki-Zoku


*listens to grime once*

meh, try adding some color nxt time, fit is perfect tho.
id on watch, really nice job user.
cool fit breh


Skeleton crew reporting in.

Welp forgot image

the watch is a Movado, though the model I am not sure the name of

8/10 fit pretty good.
w2c jeans? Also is that hoodie DIY?

it was a gift but you can probably buy it on internet

Details, please.

That's some interesting top design you got there...what brand?

Supreme Double Weave
Undercover SS11 "Underman"
Undercover SS11 "Underman"
Vans Gilbert Crocket Old Skools

Fuck, that's really cute. i might just have to buy that for winter.
It's some no name nip brand called "Fashion" of all things.


nudie jeans thin finn organic black.

thanks! I was hoping to keep it monochrome though.

Next paycheck probably gon get it. I feel like I need skinnier pants than the ones i currently have to pull it off though

Ezio Auditore core

all of it spot on
as always
w2c being you

looks cool but I wonder what it's like in a normal setting

This is a normal setting, no person is not in motion

Please have your tripcode active at all times so the system actively filters your posts.

Thank you.

The eyes are the eyes of an 11 year old but with the body of a 35 year old


god, i called this really nice girl "Grease" one time because she had realy greasy hair and skin in middle school.
i said "waddup Grease!" real loud with an evil smile. when i walked by with all my friend
>never forgave myself
>still cringe every time i think about it.

I don't like my jeans desu

not slav enough

We had the same sort of person in my school
Greasy as hell and nobody liked her
Except as well she had a huge forehead
So big she probably paid land tax on it

Yeah man the blue on blue is a bit dull and the jeans kinda have a dad fit. Not hating but I think you got potential for better.

>mfw theres only a womens version

let me get this straight, they only sell it as women clothing but it´s called "Boys sweater" and in a "boyfriend fit"

so is it unisex or what the hell does that even mean?


couldn't think of shoes to wear

Your hair looks like a book

This is really nice, and kudos for pulling off a vest without a jacket

I don't like them either, but you look like you're on vacation so you should enjoy that rather than fussing over your pants.

Did you grow a mustache and bleached it?
What in the actual fuck

I didn't even notice, holy shit I'm dying

w2c shirt

I really need to retire these vans.

how do i get forearms like that?

youre the biggest fashion victim in this whole fucking board

Get the fuck out of here you fucking attention-fag. Either talk about fashion or get the fuck out.

Forearms R Us

jacket and jeans are too big, shirt looks like you were shooting for normcore but that doesn't change the fact that it's shit

you're a pmf though so Veeky Forums will probably eat it up

lots of masturbation. frequent.

i've got a bunch of denim jackets, this one fits me well i thought.

what is pmf meant to mean?

Is pacific rim where you work or something? Else it's not very Veeky Forums to shill for restaurants. Also the light blue denim on all black is kind of a weird contrast.

Not my style. But I'm not the arbiter of fashion so who gives a shit what I think.

pmf - pretty motherfucker

>you're a pmf though so Veeky Forums will probably eat it up
idk about this, in my experience, Veeky Forums is usually pretty good about not letting a pretty face get in the way of flaming a bad fit


i dig the vans tbqh

I think it's a food distribution company, not too sure. It's nice cotton and has good cuffs and collar. I picked it up for 50c at the same store I found the Levi's jacket I'm wearing.

Appreciate the feedback. The shirt is also a navy blue, hard to see in the image.


The sweater is unisex the tshirt is for women.

>they actually fit very well
idk what you're talking about, there is a visible gap between your foot and the shoe.


trying something new out

I have very thick thighs

best poster on Veeky Forums your fits are rad

me circa tmrw


are you for real..?

good shit


Congratulations! First decent post ITT. Consider using earbuds though, I think that wearing big headphones like those outside the house looks kinda autistic and I'm sure others would agree.

>navy and black
>not autistic

I stopped caring about what people think.

Throw some water& coconut oil up in that hair child! You would look way better with a medium haircut

Mirin the veinage man

And yet here you are posting your outfit. Which is the opposite of not caring.

you obviously care because this at least is the second time you posted this exact picture

Going for that workcore look u now

not terrible, I like what you are going for but everything seems a little off. Better fitting and higher quality pieces would make this much much better

Let me rephrase: I stopped caring what haters think.

I corrected it

Ignore dirty bathroom


w2c jacket?

lemme put a protractor on that hairline ... that bitch sittin right at 90 degrees

jacket. where.

nice feet

nice fit
