This man wakes up today in FSU and wanders into campus

>this man wakes up today in FSU and wanders into campus.
>after initial amnesia he remembers who he is and what he was trying to accomplish before his death
>the first person he encounters is wearing a t shirt with his face on it.
>he is also on his iPhone7, wearing ray bans and toms

How does Che Guevara go after he sees this hipster?

He kills himself

He goes 360 degrees and walks away

He high fives him and says "oh, you're a hypocrite commie like me, with my Rolex and my Coke!".

He would strangle and kill that person for being such a fag.

>tee hee silly bourgeois
then he goes to an impoverished wartorn country and makes it worse by being a murderous socialist thug again

Joke's on you, I'm wearing topsiders and aviators

How come this douche bag is idolised forever in the T-shirt of every college kid in America?

Ray Bans aren't a style douche bag. You're probably wearing Ray Ban aviators.

>During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the 'consolation' of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it.

-Vladimir Lenin, 'The State and Revolution' (1917)

There's no ethical consumption under capitalism.

>Cuba is worse now than it was under Batista

I don't agree with Lenin on a lot of things but this hits the nail on the head. The commodification of revolution isn't new.

A lot of college students, ecspecially those not in hard science courses, are idiots.


Cuba's like a 4/10
It would be like a 7 out of 10 with no communism.

>Che shirt

Hipsters haven't been into Che in years breh.

>There's no ethical consumption under capitalism.

Also that.

Nigga I was in wynwood yesterday and seen 2 with the shirt.

It might be better if only because without a nominally communist government (and, by extension, strong ties to the USSR), Cuba wouldn't have gotten embargoed. That's hardly Che's fault, though.

Source for comic?

>Cuba is worse now than it was under Batista

It's certainly worse than it was under Socarras

Why do people say he was handsome? He looks like a fucking neanderthal and a neckbeard on top of that.

Action Philosophers.

You're confusing cause and effect. Castro became a communist because Cuba got embargoed.

i get where you're coming from, however, what else are they supposed to wear? there are no socialist businesses that produce shit that we can buy.

there's actually a zapatista themed burrito shop

I don't think any communist leader would begrudge anyone living in a capitalist country for buying commodities produced in other capitalist countries.

But I'm pretty sure they'd take offense that self proclaimed communists spend their days doing nothing instead of joining the revolution

What revolution?

The proletarian one?

Revolutions are spontaneous, m8.

Yes, but why are they not the spark that starts the fire?
If you're going to wait and do nothing until a savior comes you're worse than useless

Because communists don't believe in Great Man Theory. They believe that mass social movements from the people are what's necessary for a revolution to take hold. As Che said
>I'm not a liberator, liberators don't exist. The people liberate themselves.

The iPhone 7 isn't released yet. I'm sorry, but this scenario is just too far-fetched

And again, they're only strengthening the system by engaging with it.
For all that talk of the horrors of capitalism they sure do seem to revel in it.
Seems to me they're a bunch of hypocritical cowards

So they should just not buy anything? And quit work?

That's retarded.

Nice job strawmanning.
Never said they shouldn't buy anything, but do they really need the newest iPhone, or the latest fashion accessories, or going out clubbing every week?

>Seems to me they're a bunch of hypocritical cowards
More or less the functional definition of commie. Show me one commie scum "leader" which isn't swimming in money and nice evil capitalist goods.

The idea that commies don't enjoy the fruits of labour is ridiculous.

Labour and its products are good, exploitation is bad. Simply not contributing to the system as though that's a solution of any kind is retarded and furthermore communism isn't a moral struggle.

Why shouldn't they do that?

Because by engaging in those activities and by buying those products they're not only strengthening the system, but they're contributing to the exploitation of foreign workers.

Not him, but last time I checked they believed that bullshit about exploitation.
Aren't they further supporting "exploitation" the more new expensive shit they buy? Or is it okay to participate in the process if you're communist?

Anything you do will do that. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

There's no way out of this process, by doing any work or spending any money you are strengthening the bourgeoisie. You cannot escape it, only by having a global communist revolution is that possible.

Nigga Che wasn't a Communist. He just enjoyed starting revolutions.

As stated before, the only reason Cuba is Communist is because of the sanctions.

So the answer to that is to shamelessly revel in it?
Your logic is retarded.
>I'm already strengthening the bourgeois, might as well strengthen them all the way
You guys are hilarious

They could, you know, buy a used phone instead of the latest, most expensive flashy new device right from the factory that they themselves say "exploits" people.
But hey, I would never really expect them to do that, for in reality all they want is the wealth of others to be given to them, through the use violence if necessary.

>Your logic is retarded.
Well, he is explaining commie scum logic, so it is to be expected.

Fuck off, this is stupid. If you want to stop exploitation you actually try to stop it instead of signalling how virtuous you are for not engaging in it.

You don't need to yell it out from the building tops, just simply not engaging in Conspicuous consumption is enough

He asks why this post isn't in or maybe even If he turns 360 deg he is facing in the same direction.

First of all, hello newfag.
Second, turning 360 degrees and then walking away is completely doable

Che was defo a communist. Castro was a bit more pragmatic though.

No, my answer is it doesn't matter how much you participate as you still need to consume and everything you do will still empower the bourgeoisie.

You're still giving money to the phone-shop that buys phones made in sweat shops.

>No, my answer is it doesn't matter how much you participate as you still need to consume and everything you do will still empower the bourgeoisie.
I must drink to survive.
Therefore, I will drink the expensive liquors and alcohols.
Do you see the holes in your logic?
>You're still giving money to the phone-shop that buys phones made in sweat shops.
If you buy a used phone you're not increasing the exploitation of sweat shop workers.
But if you buy an iPhone 7 you're increasing the demand, therefore increasing the exploitation

Don't even try it, user. They're impregnable, as much as any other religious cult. But at least most other religions are happy with just getting together and "praying" to their deities and stuff and don't lead to mass poverty and death.

What's the problem with buying expensive liquors and alcohols?

What would you accomplish by doing what you're suggesting.

>But if you buy an iPhone 7 you're increasing the demand, therefore increasing the exploitation
But all work is exploitation, my friend. And even once you've bought a second hand phone it's undoubted that, that money will go towards someone buying an iPhone 7 or otherwise contributing to sweatshop labour assuming you haven't done so yourself (somehow).

The only way to not contribute to that is to hoarde all your money and never spend it.

Not to mention your argument seems to be predicated on communism being ideologically opposed to capitalism. It isn't, it's just the evolution of capitalism.

I like the story of Che about how he became the head of the Cuban treasury. They were having a meeting and Che wasn't paying attention when Castro asked for a good economist (economista). Che raised his hand because he thought they were asking for a good communist (comunista). Some people where a little annoyed with him after he signed the money as simply Che and not his full legal name.

>What's the problem with buying expensive liquors and alcohols?
By itself?
But if buying alcohol depended upon the exploitation of the work force, and you are opposed to this exploitation, it's hypocritical to buy alcohol and liqour if water would suffice
>But all work is exploitation, my friend. And even once you've bought a second hand phone it's undoubted that, that money will go towards someone buying an iPhone 7 or otherwise contributing to sweatshop labour assuming you haven't done so yourself (somehow).. The only way to not contribute to that is to hoarde all your money and never spend it.
Correct, which is why, if you were a real communist, you'd become self sufficient.
Is your comfort worth more to you than your ideals, I wonder?

Ah, but water also contributes to the exploitation of the workforce.

Everything does, there is no ethical consumption under capitalism.

>Is your comfort worth more to you than your ideals, I wonder?
You don't seem to understand communism very well. It's like saying 500 years ago
>If you're a real republican you'd stop working and buying in the kings land and become self sufficient.

It looks cool.

That's literally it.

Again, you're saying there's no ethical consumption under capitalism, but if you feel that way, you should either overthrow the system or disconnect yourself from it, NOT just keep on consuming, satisfied that you have simply acknowledged the problem.
You end up sounding like a hypocritical coward otherwise

It's the bearded guy Marx or Slavoj Zizek? I can't tell.

As said earlier, the only way to disconnect from it is to stop buying things and stop working. In other words to die.

>But be self sufficient
One, self-sufficiency isn't really possible.
Two, that still requires you to buy things and spend time preparing yourself. It would be much more valuable and ideological consistent to not to that, but continue to buy things and prepare yourself for a revolution as opposed to semi-self sufficiency.

It's Marx.

>tfw no hairy, radical feminist, braless, fanny pack wearing gf

>Che t-shirt

terrifyingly accurate

No 360 degrees would put him facing the opposite direction. Read a book for gods sake

Well here in Northern Ireland it's either IRA supporters or smelly commies who fly Che's face.

Yeah just like the Bahamas and every other tin-shack American tourist colony amirite

>Being Northern Irish.
>Not being a communist AND and IRA supporter.

...Ok, I read a book but it was the wrong book I think.

I'm going to go look for the Egoists' Union now.

Bingo ;).

I have family from Cuba and plan to go soon. I've gone to Costa Rica and Ecuador as well. From my understanding, Cuba, with the exception of its poverty , is beautiful. If heard that despite the poverty, there is a minimal amount of crime and misery over there. Still a lot of it, but not as much as one would think.

Plus I have like 40 cousins over in Cuba.
Cuba Libre mis amigos.