Instagram changes. Discussion/Rant/Your thoughts

It seems like /g/ doesn't really care for any instagram discussion, and I know fashion is a big part of instagram, especially how a lot of us use it to stay "up to date" with a variety of fashion related things, so I thought I'd post about the subject in Veeky Forums.

If you're like me and use instagram on the computer a lot (rather than your phone) and use a 3rd party web-viewer, well they all stopped working today due to instagram changing something related to the API.

Of course, there's still instagram's official web viewer left, but it's fucking garbage. The whole company as a whole is becoming garbage. The logo design was just the beginning... and pretty soon they're switching to a fucking algorithm feed (in case you haven't heard)

I mostly use instagram from my computer and would always use a grid feed that shows 3-5 columns of photos with several rows at once. I also have a 3rd party iPhone app that shows it in a grid as well.

It's so much easier to scan through your feed and catch a glimpse at everything that way - instead of the current way, where you scroll through pics 1 by 1. Takes forever to get through everything.

Why are the people at instagram so fucking stupid? Implementing a grid feed would be such a simple solution to their bullshit "Users on average miss 70% of their feeds" statement they're using to justify their algorithm style feed which killed Facebook. Just implement a goddamn grid feed. Nobody wants the cancerous algorithm. At the very least, give people an option.

That plus the ability to sort users into lists.

It's astonishing to me how unwilling they are to implement such features that people have been wanting forever and would actually be incredibly useful.

The option to disable comments on individual pics (or entire profile) would be nice as well. Perhaps preferred mostly by celebs and athletes.


Just use it on your phone
Are you some kind of autist?

You're the brainless autist submitting to this stupid "do everything on my dinky little phone" trend.

When I have a powerful, much easier to navigate computer, why the hell would I use my tiny ass phone and flick through picture 1 by 1 at home while sitting at my desk or on the couch?

this isn't fashion related dude
nobody cares about instagram. go ask /b/

If you don't see the major connection between fashion and the use of instagram, you're disgustingly stupid.

fuck off, retard

streetwear boutiques and every reputable brand have regular newsletters why would you need to use Instagram

Guess what crybaby: instagram doesn't need you as a user. They also don't need the fraction of "power users" (wow you use a web browser so next level) who would get upset over this change, especially when they are growing by the hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of users per month.

Instagram feels no need to pander its IP to your tastes. If you don't like it, go start your own app.

What solvency do you think posting this on the fashion board of an anime forum is going to have? There's like 100 users on Veeky Forums at any given moment. Even if you got 100% of the people who read this to complain to instagram, it would make zero difference in instagram policy.

Instagram isn't user's Tendies from Burger King. You can't have it your way. Deal with it nerd.

Not this guy, but a lot easier. I don't want my Email being clogged by mindless intern written newsletters. Nobody uses Email to connect and obtain information anyways, gramps.

fkn rekt lmao

Looks like the problem here is you're a fucking child

If you have any kind of job worth anything you'd have your email linked on your phone at any time and use that for communication and content

Honestly I don't use Instagram because I don't like leaving a papertrail on the internet

>good luck im behind 7 proxies xDDD

But your username is still made available to the public on Instagram, giving anybody with a search engine the power to figure out everything about you

Wow are you new to the internet or am I just too old to be here now?

It's just a thread to discuss the objectively shitty new logo and changes, you cancerous fucking nigger.

Nowhere in my post did I even imply that people on this board should complain to instagram. What the fuck are you reading?

Hope you felt better about your shit life for a couple minutes by acting like a witty, condescending smartass over the internet. Get back in your basement.

just use google incognito/private browsing mode

>You're a child because you don't use emails as if they're new tech
Alright gramps, or I could tap on a small picture on my phone, and see everything I need to.

>cancer internet basement kys

have you ever said something that wasn't a meme? have you ever uttered your own original thought?

Oh boy lets enumerate the autistic symptoms:

• You care way too much about Instagram.

• Like user above pointed out, you believe to have a right to shit involving instagram. It's not how it works, THEY provide a service to YOU for free. If you don't like it just stop using it instead of crying.

• You think facebook is dead because you and your 2 friends stop liking it. The world is way bigger than your line of sight. Facebook is ma king a shit ton of billions as revenue each year, and growing.

• You are so pissed off that you have to ramble. To anyone, no matter how much they tell you they don't give a fuck. You are so blind that you convince yourself this is important no matter the input. Go talk to the mirror about your problems.

• Related to the point before, this shit has nothing to do with fashion.
>But instagram is related to fashion.
Yeah and fashion designers are related to fashion, doesn't mean we should fucking talk about when they eat, shit, or shower. This isn't a design board. Third party implementation and api changes aren't fucking fashion.

God me for investing 5 minutes trying to show you why you are so lost and unaware of your surroundings. I know it's most likely you have your head so up your ass that you will ignore any comments stating:
> "fucking haters, toxic cancerous"
But it's all in the hope of you gaining a so much needed self criticism.

instagram is definitely getting worse, but using instagram on a computer is borderline autistic. I think the people at instagram have the same mentality as the people who run youtube the "you have nowhere else to go that's nearly as good as this no matter how much we shit up our product, so just shut up and deal with our stupid shit." Although I don't think instagram can actually go through with that the way youtube has been able to.

gtfo cancerous faggot

He tried that but you hurt his feelings for it :(

no he spewed more hatred than anybody I've seen on this board in six months lol
he also lied about how /g/ responded to his posting

Nah, email is completely outdated. For some reason the workforce likes to keep it around but nobody in their right mind uses email for anything outside of work related purposes and signing up for amazon, netflix, and facebook.