Is there a correlation between homosexuality and creativity/intelligence?
I don't know, but they seem to be a lot more creative than straight people such as myself.
Is there a correlation between homosexuality and creativity/intelligence?
I don't know, but they seem to be a lot more creative than straight people such as myself.
>OP is a faggot
>OP is not smart
There is no correlation for intelligence or creativity. All humans are equal. Read guns germs and steel.
Ever noticed how gay MEN create lots of cool stuff but lesbians are pretty much useless for every purpose?
This assumes that homosexuality has some social or manifest cause. Which it doesn't.
Homosexuality is a disease of both mind and brain, and has nothing to do with your perception of reality. If you have a certain imbalance in your brain, this will CAUSE a specific perception of reality, i.e homosexuality.
Just because some of your favorite writers are gay doesn't mean they are more creative or anything like that. Them being gay is completely irrelevant, and is a brilliant example of correlation not equaling causation.
It's horseshit.
>All humans are equal
Kek. No. There are smarter individuals and dumber ones, always been like that.
>The last supper
>Leonardo da Vinci
Enough with this dumb meme.
Faggot men and dykes are equally useless and should be lynched
What does this have to do with Veeky Forums? Get back to Veeky Forums you moron.
Not really, gay is a mental illness. But there is a very real and proven correlation between White European genetics, Christian Faith and creativity/intelligence.
I don't think intelligence on its own means shit and it's a pretty overrated attribute.
The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies with 121.7 IQ, even higher than Ashkenazi Jews (115 on average). And they're still suicidal, mentally ill useless people.
>The smartest demographic on average are male-to-female trannies
Turing, Wittgenstein, Wilde, Tschaikowsky, Byron, Hadrian
They are, I was just as puzzled when I discovered that.
fuck you
Even Nero was a certified faggot who dressed a guy like a girl and "married" him.
Where are the proofs
I wonder if Nero was fat as all he did was play music and watched blood sports while eating food.
>Nero was fat because he loved fun
Well, he was also a neckbeard who harbored an irrational hatred for Christians.
Probably also had two chins.
>Is there a correlation between homosexuality and creativity/intelligence?
No, it's just that for so many years only the rich could get away with buggery, and because of that they'd also get more opportunities to become artists.
Of course the lesbians' contribution begins and ends with the "original" one, Sappho.
The social and economic structure for those people to even think about doing their art hinges on a lot of non-gays.
>greatest artistic achievements by gay people
>not the entire field of philosophy
who is socrates
Yes crazy people are often creative and have interesting ideas
Eternal neckbeard
No way Wittgenstein was gay.
Speaking as a faggot: no
Are those actual gay achievements? Or achievements of the people who historians made gay?
I think Gay people tend to need to sublimate their frustrations and desires into creative outlets.
I like dick. I like art. I don't think everyone who likes dick likes art.
Does that answer your question?
More like straight "men" and man serving hetero women should be gassed.
Fuck off vagcuck subhuman.
I don't know what's more pathetic, the women or the cucks. I guess the cucks, since women are at least selfishly pursuing their own interests.
Maybe the oppressive environment gives them more reason to express their feelings in artistic form? Someone who has everything handed to him with golden spoon doesn't need to shake the status quo.
And the cuck isn't sacrificing his dignity and identity as a man to pursue his sick hedonistic fetish? No, there is no difference between the weak and degenerate ways of the cuck, woman or vagcuck. Thank God the homosexuals of this world have always been around to keep this subhumans in check otherwise humanity would still be living among the animals right now
This is a great picture.
People don't realize that the only point the picture has is to make people consciously consider for a moment that some highly acclaimed works of art were made by gay people. It is showing that gay people have been around for a while and that they have contributed to culture. It's shaking up heteronormativity.
Just because Wittgenstein liked a bit of ass-harpooning now and again doesn't make him gay
Just like Wittgenstein, I'm completely straight and I'm not afraid to acknowledge that my bros have large penises and tight buttholes.
We shower together and jerk each other off all the time because we know we're straight so just because we occasionally suck each other's cocks doesn't make us homo.
This is why neckbeards should never be in power.
The Death in June guy is gay?
>Ever noticed how MEN create lots of cool stuff but women are pretty much useless for every purpose?
I don't know how relevant this is, but left handed people have the same "tend towards artistic careers", and also have a higher prevalence for being gay as well,
Lefties and gays make up about 10% of the population by today's estimates. Perhaps there is some between them on a neurological or genetic level?
I hate it when people confuses fucking dudes with being some faggot. Sexuality in the past was not like now for starters and, even if it was, even today we have the notion of the bisexual which makes way more sense than being gay if you're gonna start sodomizing people.
Haahahaha kek'd
>Group of str8 men and one castrated fag who got less than he deserved and did nothing impressive
fuck you
>bisexual which makes way more sense than being gay
I don't get it.
Why do you think this?
>got less than he deserved
Why would you say this?
>Wittgenstein, Wilde, Tschaikowsky, Byron and Hadrian were not gay
>conceiving modern computing for what it is today is not impressive
>Alan Turing got less of a punishment than he deserved for simply being homosexual
I have homosexual urges but am not gay or homosexual. I would prefer the warm and fuzzy life of fatherhood than the sharp and passionate life of faggotry.
Haahaahaha kek'd :^)
>all those Classical Antiquity works
>modern revisionist liberals going 'look guys they totally had our completely contemporary ideology concerning sexuality being completely binary and biologically deterministic rather than a choice/cultural views
Top kek
So would I, but conceiving a child would have involve a woman and women are evil and stupid. Abortion is also pretty stupid so until we completely remove women from reproduction I won't be having kids.
>da vinci
Nice meme
no there is not but your image is more proof that music is the least advanced of all art forms
>no mishima
>no barthes
They were though.
"Gay" is an understatement when you have the balls to infuse homoerotic tendencies into religious artwork.
There are no proofs
What??? Fucking homophobic bigot!!!
Care to elaborate?
>straight people such as myself.
Yeah, I see you don't have an agenda.
There is some correlation actually. May times people who have abstract genes and such also have other rare attributes as well which sometimes is higher intelligence. So yes, there is correlation.
Go back to /pol/, you idiot.
The fact that so many books still name music "the greatest or most significant or most influential" art form ever only tells you how far music still is from becoming a serious art.
Ahhhhhhh, fuck, really?
Are bisexuals "gay?" Because there's plenty of bisexual artists in that image.
kys pham
it's cos the dumb ones kill themselves before they can be surveyed
The only bisexual I see is Witty.
Oh yeah. Douglas has even said while DiJ is not specifically for gay people he thinks gay people would get more from the music.
Read the lyrics of "Runes and Men."
I think in an interview he has even said that the song "Hallows of Devotion" is about sucking a priests cock in an airport bathroom.
My best friend doesn't post here. He's also gay. And he's been suffering from schizophrenia. He's better now. And he's gotten a scholarship to university of Chicago. The problem he is facing is, his parents are ignorant as fuck and they also have the money. He is supposed to show 34000 dollars in his account in order for him to obtain the visa. They are insisting that he marries a girl to get this money. At first they wanted me to marry him. Second choice was a girl who has been crushing on him for ages despite knowing he's gay. I suspect she's also of the mentality that Homosexuality can be cured (indian subcontinent isn't known for its open mindedness). What do I do to help him? With all of this stress his schizophrenia is resurfacing.
There are two kinds of gay:
>Being so heightened and self-conscious in your manly (that is, "human") essence that you realize women aren't even people, and more like jiggly semi-intelligent animals that you can put your dick in to make more men, so to get real companionship and intimacy you have to meet another manly dude, because only the perpetual striving and activity of another actualized soul can really excite your own in return
>Being so heightened in your feminine essence (that is, being such a huge stupid pussy) that you start to desire being the passive, receptive, dull, lifeless, ambitionless, passionless, spiritually dead essence of a woman, so you can retreat from life's dangers and exigencies and lay passively backward onto a pillow and limply and pathetically spread your legs and passively receive the active thrusting of an actual human being
99.9999% of current gays are Type 2. That's why they're all mincing hedonists, insane emotional histrionics, perpetual children, and limp whiny douches. That's why they try to imitate the lilting childishness, effeminacy, and weaknesses of women. They are failed men, men who have surrendered, in the battle of life, and who want the comfort of captivity and control by another.
It's not so much innate creativity/intelligence somehow congenitally associated with homosexuality. Rather, what's really going on is that since they don't compete for women or raise families (unless of course a closeted gay man married and bred, which happens regularly), the "free" gays have a lot of surplus mental and physical energy to pursue what they will, since evolution's not their bag.
Naturally, gays often like the softer/squishier human endeavors (the arts, music, drama), which leads them to participate in these, and in the exceptional cases (OP's pic) to create lasting works of their own. Because they just plain have the free time that breeders (using that word in its neutral, literal sense) just plain don't. Once you produce kids, you'll spend the rest of your life doing for them, making sure they are provided for as best you can.
I don't see Turing in OP's thing, since OP's thinkg is focused on the "squishy" endeavors I just mentioned. But Horse Rotorvator and Soft Cell are nice degenerate touches, kek
They are clearly not good filmmakers though, except for Murnau, who isn't included there
kill yuorselve you german bugger
fuck you
Off dome Frank Ocean is confirmed bisexual (but also a bad artist).
>Off dome
What does this mean?
Off the top of my head
Sounds a little gay m8
Let him and his kind die out.
I don't believe there is something like "homosexuality" or "heterosexuality". I think all people are both homosexual and heterosexual intrinsically, and for the most part it's cultural indoctrination or revolt. The core attributes of sexual experiences, like love/emotion, sensory experiences, stimulation until orgasm, and even intellectual connectedness, are independent of gender.
Many great people engaged in homosexual activities (as well), but it's entirely normal.
Da Vinci was accused of sodomy (with a guy) and (supposedly) never had sex with a woman.
Go figure.
> All humans are equal. Read guns germs and steel.
Have you even read the book? He's a bit of a cuck but for the most part he's arguing that it was environment that shaped cultures certain ways rather than biology. I'd be surprised if the word "gay" or "gender gap" or any in-a-single-population term was used a single time
>no Barthes
>no Mishima
>no Foucault
>no Rousseau
>no Caesar
>no Henry David Thoreau
>no Socrates
>no REM
>no Passion Pit
>no Baths
>no Burroughs
>no Ozu
>no Murnau
>no Genet
Disgusting lack of Morrissey desu
Temple of the Golden Pavilion right atop the lit section, prob should have used Confessions of a Mask since that's all anyone has read
If you're counting anyone who has sex with men as gay, then you can add in Shakeshafte as well
No, most gays are not like that, more like the ones you see on TV pushed by the Jewish media.
I think that ancient Greece should be removed from the "generally homosexual" category. It is pretty much universal in the Mediterranean cultures to fuck other mens asses for dominance, nothing more
Is Morrissey homosexual though? I don't think so. I think he is just asexual.