What's the dumbest history question you've ever heard?
What's the dumbest history question you've ever heard?
>Why is Communism bad?
>were the guys who built the pyramids communist?
>Why do you deny the Egyptians were black? They were from AFRICA!
Please tell me whoever asked this was not serious.
>Was this leader a good or a bad guy
You're trying too hard
Dude, seriously shut up. Go look at black pages on Facebook, stuff like theGrio and it always has a majority of people wewuzing hard whenever Egypt is brought up.
Also most Americans really do think that African is a synonym of black.
>So I know that Romans and Greeks were really the same people, but why did they just decide to change their name after beating the Persians?
t. Person in my history class
>Where is Mexico?
To be fair they have evidence of 'black Egyptians' that would be perfectly acceptable by /pol/ standards if it happened to instead be confirming something significant for whites or Europeans. And while I'm not saying that Egyptians were at any point black, it's not THAT intrinsically unthinkable to someone with a cursory understanding of history and geography and a bias to confirm.
Let me ask you something because I don't want to be presumptuous here: did the holocaust happen?
Yes it did. I'm not a /pol/ tard. You however are a fucking retard.
>I'm not a /pol/tard!
So you went out of your way to read stupid questions black people asked on the comment section of some website or facebook, and I'm to believe you have never heard a more stupid question before when belief that eqyptians were black is again, not that farfetched if you're exposed to some sloppy circumstantial evidence? Plus you're being mad and used the 'we waz' meme, you look and quack like /pol/yard.
By the way 'how can you deny that Egyptians were black?' Is just a contrived way of making a statement into a question. The question here isn't about history, it's a question about 'you' denying something related to history. The op asked for dumb history questions, and you went out of your way to bring black assertion (not question) of black Egypt into it. That's why I'm saying you're trying too hard.
what was the color of the napoleons white horse?
>what's the capital of Eritrea??
you STUPID bitch. JESUS CHRIST i can't believe how dumb you are
I have no idea what's the capital of Eritrea either.
Literally who
>is the hyperwar just a meme?
why would a sea have a capital?
Fuck all of you.
hulachihumi bekonidomi
ānite : ke’inanite iyanidanidu net’ela weyimi āniduni yit’elali huletenyawinimi yit’elali huletenyawinimi . izīhi layi minimi negeri yets’afe sewi hulu fagot newi
What, I don't get it
>Why were the Allies and Axis fighting in North Africa
I almost went mental at that point.
I had my little brother not know who Genghis Khan was at 17 years old.
To change a bit
>who united the Abyssinian people?
I asked this to some rasta whigger faggot
That's not as bad as the people who immediately say "oil" as the answer.
I implied more of that the person was 16 years old and he did not know that there was combat in the North African theater during WORLD war 2.
Stop with the damage control please, you're looking quite pathetic.
He's mad because somebody doesn't know the capital of his country.
What's the dumbest history question you've ever heard? is the dumbest question I ever heard. I used to think only a question not asked it dumb, but OP you proved me wrong
>Eritrea still thinks it's a real country
Has nobody given them 'the talk' yet or what?
There was a thread here a few days ago asking why nobody ever tried to invade England from Ireland
That's pretty fucking pathetic
>user did humans and dinosaurs ever live together?
t. my high school girlfriend, ever the trove of retarded questions. Yet somehow with a better gpa than me.
Tbqh that's not a stupid question, the average guy is not likely to know of the attempts made.
That is unless whoever asked you this weren't implying that Ireland has a land connection with England.
Not him, but if he's talking about the thread the other day, it was in a WW2 context, and the OP of that thread was retardedly insistent that if German troops showed up, the Irish would fully mobilize to help them out and repulse any British attack, rather than say, appeal for help or try to stop an unprovoked invasion.
Well the Germans did try to deliver weapons and ammo to the Irish prior to the Easter revolt in '16 so it could happen I suppose
>lesson on the Nazis in sixth grade
>Teacher: "In 1940 Germany captured Paris, and by the end of the year controlled much of western Europe"
>Student: "What areas do the Nazis control today?"
No word of a fucking lie
You mean Italian clay?
I once heard this group of retards expecting serious debate about worldviews on fucking Veeky Forums
If it was in 6th grade then it probably was the first time those children were for lamely taught about WW2. Not a big deal if a kid doesn't understand the basics yet.
Formally not lamely
The American deep south.
Those people love capitalism though. So you're wrong.
Whats the Holocaust?
The person asking was a 18 year old girl, I don't know how you go that long without knowing what the Holocaust is
>Is it like... the natural progression... of governments to become tyrannical? Like I guess what I'm asking is that does every democracy fall or does every republic become a dictatorship?
I have never wanted to slap another student so hard in my life. This is fucking Latin American history, not fucking political science.
"Who was Ben Franklin, again?" -asked by a basic bitch in IB US History...
>Mexico is angry
Not really history, but
>Why does German sound like real words when Spanish is, like, made up?
I would excuse this if this person was in at least high school, but this was someone days away from graduating from college.
In her defense, Spanish sounds like ass. The only romantic language that sounds worse is fucking French.
>>>Why does German sound like real words when Spanish is, like, made up?
I'm trying to wrap my head around this question. What?
Every Veeky Forums thread
>person whose primary/only language is English and doesn't understand that other languages are going to sound different to somebody not used to it wonders why a language that developed from the same Germanic language base as English did sounds close to English, but a language based in Latin sounds nothing like English
Asking questions at least shows thought.
>why nobody ever tried to invade England from Ireland
Napoleon did, it just went ridiculously haywire and he gave up because the Irish are a shit
>Are we all descendants of the Suomi?
>can you believe some dumb bitch brought up hitler when were were covering ypres in wwi?
Some dumb /pol/tard that didn't even read Mein Kampf in a stupidest thing you've heard about history thread.
one of my friends told me a story from when he was in fifth grade, and a kid asked if Andrew Jackson was related to Michael Jackson
>was oswald mosley just another a nazi
>Mexico is the new China
Asking questions can also show a lack of thought.
The correct term is Germans, and they still control Germany.
T. Ancient Finnish Empire
>Why was everything before the 1950's black and white?
Sorta of related
>Sitting in Science class
>Dumb nigger behind me talking about Korean exchange student we had last year
>"I felt so bad for him when we wuz watchin them documentary's on Pearl Harbor in class."
>Whats Auschwitz
A lie
t. Hwan Empire
The sad part is that this wasn't ironic.
>Why did America go to war with New Mexico?
no joke
>question to a holocaust survivor, at a Jewish museum in Sydney, by a high-school student
"Why did the Nazis not like the jews?"
Not the dumbest question, but fuck you'd think his school would've told him why beforehand
didn't mean to reply to
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You're a faggot
I like French.
>Why did America go to war with New Mexico
Because half of it tried to join the Confederacy.
why does german sound like a real language while spanish sounds like someone talking out of their ass
Person being surprised that there are other language groups than Germanic.
>in Roman history class
>/pol/tard raises hand
>"Was Gracchus a communist?!"
>BTFO by the professor
>so... the gracchi were kind of like the kennedys of rome, right?
He was a fucking communism wanting to steal hard-earned property from hardworking people.
Why you are you commies even there after being BTFO so many times?
the overthrow of the Bastille was part of the Olympics ?
>did the suberbians really start both world wars?
>So, when do Adam and Eve show up?
Legitimate question
¡Ay caramba!
What....is the capital of Assyria?
¿Qué cosa?
Did Spanish steal the guitar from the English?
Spanish sounds decent, French and Romanian suck.
It's either and edgy question or a stupid question
Where do you live?
> if the Netherlands were so tollerant (1600's) why wheren't there any mosks. Isn't that a litte racist ?
>In high school
>Learning about French Revolution
>One kid raises his hand
>"Sir was this in, like, Robin Hood times?"