Thoughts on this guy?
Thoughts on this guy?
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distinguished as fuck
Plebs hate him.
Based as fuck
Truly the light in this Kali Yuga.
Syncretist, utilitarian faggot and not a real reactionary.
>utilitarian, not reactionary
Nigga is this real life
>Ive never read his books.
>syncretic faggotry admiring streetshitter religions and pagan shit
If you aren't a Christian you're no reactionary, period.
>Evola, of course, partly disapproved of Fascism and National Socialism even though he became very heavily implicated and/or involved in both of them, because in his view they weren’t Right-wing enough!
Pleb as fuck
Christians were the revolutionaries of the Roman Empire.
Yes he was a pleb. Evola was a pretentious retard who borrowed from every religion as long as it had "good values", completely disregarding whether said religion is actually true. Really the only thing he has in common with real reaction is the fact he's rejecting materialism, but people like de Maistre would laugh Evola out of the building.
Chesterton said that
>The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.
But by being a Christian he wasn't being consistent with his own thought. He didn't realize that in the history of humanity Christianity was a wildly innovative religious movement. Thus by defending the "Christian tradition" he was doing the exact same thing he
accused conservatives of doing:
>Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition.
Evola on the other hand was quite consistent. A true reactionary would seek to uphold values that were eternal and unchanging, which he called the perennial tradition. Now Christianity has watered-down elements of the perennial tradition but it also possesses anarchic and universalist potentialities, which we see exploding now with lliberal Protestantism, Pope Francis, etc.
Not all things are equal and deserve to be equally preserved. Christianity deserves preservation because it's the truth, unlike other religions.
Jesus was a cuckold.
True reactionaries reject Christ and embrace the natural world.
>disregarding whether said religion was true
>implying you've read Evola if you think the "truth" of some doctrine is what's at stake here
bruh you have no idea what you're talking about, stop embarrassing yourself
>muh nature
Hello modernist.
lol ok m8
Evola doesn't give a shit about the truth. He also views the course of mankind through a streetshitter Kali Yuga lens instead of Christian providence and theodicy.
Except he was a Freemason and only denounced it because it had gone the way of the revolution and not his way. He was a Martinist esotericist throughout his life as seen in his letters and called the "syncretic" esotericist Louis Claude de Saint-Martin the "most learned, wisest and most elegant of all theosophers". He only kept an external Catholic appearance so ignorant plebs like you would shut up.
you haven't read him, try again
YOU try again. And try it without sounding like a Marxist.
Oh and did I just burst your bubble? Yes I did...
What should be a motive then?
yeah lemme just sit here and take precious time out of my weekend to write an exegesis on buddhist and hindu scriptures for the fuckboy user who hasn't even bothered to read the author in question and isn't even the least bit inclined to hear me out, let alone change his mind
keep dreaming nigger
What a c uck
His ideological prejudices prevented him from seeing how the Bolsheviks were the ultimate Mannerbund.
Let him have his devotional theistic religion bro. Evola and Guenon wrote about this. The exoteric side is integral to every tradition. Milk for babes and meat for adults.
Absolutely a fucking edge lord, was an Anti-fascist in the 1920s Italy, but he was also very, very correct.
Are you the faggot that calls Marx an utilitarian too?
Preserving Dharma, of course.
>ideology predicated on coveting others material wealth
>ultimate anything
>Pope Francis
Just fuck off dumbass
He was an autistic sperg. Wrote some neat stories, though.