Are scars/cuts on forearms aesthetic? Genuinely curious what you fags think, have some scars I've never been ashamed of.
No. Its disgusting
Do you mean self harm, or accidental scars?
Have burn marks on forearm that I think look pretty cool. I think its fa not to be ashamed.
facial scars are effay
kind of disgusting
No, stop fetischizing mental weaknesses and sickness.
Are dueling scars effay?
>mental weakness
i bet you're the kinda guy who shitposts in /adv/ threads about how depression is a meme.
I've got a scar on my forearm and people seem to be attracted to it. Guys wanna hear the story; girls wanna touch it and hear the story.
it's not disgusting or anything, it's just plainly visible. I don't think a deforming scar or self inflicted cuts have the same effect though.
pity and disgust aren't fa
Mine are gross and are awkward as fuck when someone notices them
I have a bunch of scars on my face and chin from scratching pimples untill they bleed and then ripping off the scabs
As a general rule of thumb, intentional scars - like the cuts girls tend to put on their thighs - are nasty and those sorts of people should be avoided like the plague.
All other scars? IDGAF.
Depression isn't a meme, but being an edgy self-harming emo autist is.
cutting scars tell a little too much about you to be effay - remember being a little mysterious is cool
but other scars are only as cool as the story you tell about them [notice i didn't say the real story ;^)]
No it is not, I've got many scars on my stomach to my chest and from my right shoulder to my lower back.
I've got a Veeky Forums body but whenever the shirt comes off I'm met with gasps and looks.
It is not 'cute' it is not 'mysterious', got it right. Stop making looking like a leper palpable.
all people who self harm aren't attention seeking mall goths user.
i wish everyone realized this
I have a few facial scars, but weirdly enough they are symmetrical. Underneath each eyebrow a cut on exactly the same spot, and a horizontal cut on my nose from when I broke it. People are always saying it is somehow weirdly aesthetically pleasing. On my arms I have a few very large scars from when I fell through a glass door, those are just ugly
I think accepting your mental illnesses and not discouraging who you are and expressing your scares are effay. Not showing them off like how people on tumblr do it saying #depressed #killmeironically, but just looking back to the past and smiling at the bad things in life.
I know i've got self harmed scars on my chest, forearm and thigh and I look at them not with disgust or sadness, but I reminisce about them a bit. I look at them and think of how i've passed on in some ways and in other ways I havent.
Most are. Cutting is pretty much just a cry for attention.
it varies from person to person.
Kek this is the opposite of what the other user talked about nice b8 m8.
It mostly is a addiction to feel something that is self indicated and kind of releasibg.
dont care what you think
Can we see pls?
show me pics of your asshole
Nice generalisation. You ever thing about how you would never notice the people who don't do it for attention? Nobody has seen or ever will see my scars.
I had two stitches on my forearm after an accident, the scar looks like this.
Slit your wrist
>It's a high school thread
Can we please get some goddamn mods on this board?
No they are not aesthetic at all and they never will be.
Shows less on camera.
Women like it. Just wish I had a better story to tell them for how I got it.
KYS you fucking attention whore. You are so fucking sad. Find your self worth somewhere else.
Say you were thrown out of a motorboat.
That's what my dad used to tell me about a cluster of tiny faded scars under his chin, found out after he was gone that it was actually from his older sister carving her initials into his neck when he was a baby.
How do you know?
She told me herself a few weeks after he passed away, I guess she could have been lying but it isn't really consistent with her character these days. She used to live in the middle of the wilderness and skip between manic breakdowns but last I heard she was on heavy anti-psychotics and was staying at my cousin's house.
He also had a really crude tattoo of his first initial on his wrist which she admitted to me she'd done when he was still a kid by stabbing him repeatedly with a ballpoint pen. I figured that she wouldn't have remembered a detail as small as a little blue smudge vaguely resembling an initial unless she'd had some involvement with it.
Some user busted 'her' as some user that's reposting old pics
That's why I said nice bait cause it was amusing
there are people who do everything they can to hide it, buying expensive products to make the scars less visible. its an addiction in those cases