Profile photo ideas

Post Veeky Forums profile photos as an inspo or general advice

I need some inspo too


anti meme meme club :^)



Stop shopping at Zara

who is this

How you know that's Zara user? Unless you shop there too


any picture that you didn't take yourself if Veeky Forums



Nonchalance is always Veeky Forums


This is so fucking ridiculous, you all try too hard.

Who is that

see this shit way too much in toronto

that's a big cat


>social media
>Veeky Forums

I understand vanity and attention goes hand and hand with fashion but nothing is more Veeky Forums than having zero internet presence.



this whole topic is cringeworthy, really. did you ever notice how the most fun, cool, popular and confident people in real life don't give a shit about their facebooks and their pictures are old as hell?

you mean fake nonchalance?

Americas national sport is pretty Veeky Forums
(theres hardly any blacks players or fans:-) )

what the fuck? fuck this gay board jesus christ how insecure can you guys possibly be

>did you ever notice how the most fun, cool, popular and confident people in real life don't give a shit about their facebooks and their pictures are old as hell?

Quoted for truth. Fucking high schoolers.

i bet you'd never say shit like that to an actual black person and you pretend not to be racist in public

of course i fucking wouldnt, i would get beat , robbed and raped in the bathroom by one if i said that

Holy fuck I matched her on tinder a while ago

psst...u bein catfished

Wash your face

no go, greaso

please do tell us what happened, Eliza

i did
no u go
what happened?

on second thought i think i would prefer this one as profile pic
i love the lighting

shit sorry, i quoted the wrong person.i was trying to quote . what has the black people actually done to you?

also what music are you into? ive just noticed you and am kinda interested in what kind of person you are x

no go, greaso

that msg was me telling my bf about how a black kid came up to me and school and tried to ask me out on a date. i told him no thanks and he called me an ugly dyke really loud so everyone could hear him and his friends laughed at me.
i listen to death grips, iceage, opn, dean blunt and swans mostly
its nice to meet you btw!

implying Eliza the attention whore slut wouldnt enjoy being raped by a big black cock
>inb4 Im 18 you goober
Your personal information has been leaked and everyone knows youre a minor

Fuck off to reddit you beta orbiting fuck nuts

Is this your brother?

i see. i understand that it wouldve been very upsetting to you and saying you hate blacks would make you feel a bit better for a while but i dont think its fair to say you hat black people.

also death grips is good, bottomless pit was awesome and ive actually just started listening to iceage because of a friend! but if you was just playing with your boyfriend saying that you hate black people i think you should listen to kendrick lamars To Pimp a Butterfly or Kanyes College Dropout (please, if you do take my recommendations, i hope you go into it with an open mind otherwise its pointless, not to insult your intelligence though).

also its nice to meet you :)