Why has this ideology gotten hijacked by edgelords and autists?
>edgelords and autists
that's fascists for you
Fascism has nothing to do with race, neither do National Socialism
More like nationalities, even Mussolini claimed that there's no such thing as a pure race
Exactly this, but it's been sullied and destroyed so much by racist idiots and autists that it ought to be buried and forgotten about forever.
Those people are the ones who either don't got anything to lose or afraid of losing anything.
If we dropped the social stigma on Fascism we would probably see it arose to more established thinkers, just like Leninism and Maoism have (In my country)
The same could be said about marxism. Although they do have institutional support where as Fascism is a boogieman in the media and a buzzword.
Ethnicities are what most people talk about these days. It's mainly just Americans who are obsessed with whites/blacks/asians, despite them being ridiculously inaccurate classifications.
>but it's been sullied and destroyed so much by racist idiots and autists that it ought to be buried and forgotten about forever.
How about no, you prancing little faggot fuck?
Marxism the exact same thing. Instead of /po/ack stormfags, it has first-world, upper-middle class white kids who want to seem edgy and different by "going against the norm".
Would this guy look cool if it was a vintage black&white pic from the Spanish civil war? Seems like Marxists always had a thing for bad fit, shades and hats.
I don't understand their obsession with berets.
>Asians being considered "problematic"
As an Asian myself, I am so glad I don't have to pick a side.
I'm guessing its because they look military (prep. for the revolution and all that) without looking too formal/posh/burgeois
It's military headgear. They're essentially LARPing.
It's just that the traditional racial classifications are far too inaccurate even for daily use. Well, unless you just hate all niggers or something.
This guy isn't even trying with his.
Fascism was the result of edgelords and autists who wanted to be reactionaries without actually being reactionaries
>Communists have institutional support
Are you high on drugs?
Depends on whatever country and possibly state he is in I suppose.
I'm referring to colleges.
Most college professors are Democratic socialists. Very few are full blown Marxists just because they give some of Marxs ideas consideration. How many proffesors do you think actually support a violent revolution?
No. No matter what filter you add, this kid will always look like a total fucking sperglord.
>having an unshaven and unfitted beret.
I just threw up in my mouth
>why does an ideology vilified by mainstream society attract those who feel alienated by society
You are just being reactionary.
It's usually hijacked by edgy conservatives and reactionaries who pick and choose what they like from Fascism and come off my like Nazis or just plain old conservative authoritarians.
Germans destroy everything they touch.
Fuck Germany.
>edgelords and autists
thats pic related by definition
That's pretty much what happened to the Falange.
Fascists have always been edgelords and autists.
there is no such thing as a pure race
t. North african/german rapebaby mixedmeat
>colors are a spectrum
>therefore there is no such thing as color
He never said that.
Pure races don't exist =/= Races don't exist
Hitler, like always, ruined it for everyone.
Fascism is all about edgelords and autists.
Does it though?
This looks like it's in Latin America or Asia, 3rd world territory where they don't fuck around. Marxists in the western world are either pampered cretins whose parents paid for college or skinhead drug addicts.
It's in India.
>Marxists in the western world are either pampered cretins whose parents paid for college or skinhead drug addicts.
Why does that mean they shouldn't be communists? If you're a skinhead drug addict then clearly the capitalism has left you behind, so you'd have ever reason to desire an alternative.
I'm not saying those people aren't communists. They're just very poor examples of human beings that being identified with brings down the value of whatever they're with.
Why though?
That's a very prejudiced way of looking at people, so it's no surprise you're not a communist.
>If you're a skinhead drug addict then clearly the capitalism has left you behind
No, if you're a skinhead drug addict then clearly you're a fucking retard.
Which has caused capitalism to leave you behind.
No, which has caused people who don't want to associate with fucking retards to leave you behind.
Dear user,
Thank you for your post and enclosures. I have given some thought to our recent correspondence. It is always difficult to decide on how to decide on how to respond to people whose ethos is so alien and, in fact, repellant to one's own. It is not that I take exception to the general points made by you but that every ounce of my energy has been devoted to an active opposition to cruel bigotry, compulsive violence, and the sadistic persecution which has characterized the philosophy and practice of facism.
I feel obliged to say that the emotional universes we inhabit are so distinct, and in deepest ways opposed, that nothing fruitful or sincere could ever emerge from association between us.
I should like you to understand the intensity of this conviction on my part. It is not out of any attempt to be rude that I say this but because of all that I value in human experience and human achievement.
Yours sincerely,
Bertrand Russell.
>A coherent Ideology.
>Implying fascism wasn't "...an explosion against intolerable conditions, against remediable wrongs which the old world failed to remedy ... a movement to secure national renaissance by people who felt themselves threatened with decline into decadence and death and were determined to live, and live greatly" which was expressed different based on national characters and conditions
All he really did in the first place was hijack an artistic movement (futurism) and make it political
He was a super left wing commie and was named after a spic commie by his parents before he was drafted into the war and became a patriot.
Sounds to me like he never really had any real control over his thought and just went with whatever emotional atmosphere he was submerged into
You know that marxism isn't just political marxism? When somebody talks about marxist historiography they don't mean that the professor goes to lectures with a Guevara T-shirt on and gets into fights with the economics department down at the staff cafeteria.
what's a good politically neutral book about fascism? I feel me knowledge is lacking
any ideology is created and followed by edgelords and autsits