how did this madman manage to singlehandedly dismantle the catholic church?
How did this madman manage to singlehandedly dismantle the catholic church?
He's German, it's what they're best at.
People agreed that buying indulgences was fucking bullshit. Anti-establishmentism(to put it topically) gains traction among the disenfranchised. He was insane but insane for 'you' against 'them', and gained a large following.
Because the Catholic Church isn't infallible and was infiltrated by Satan.
Autist can accomplish a lot when they obsess over something
1.2 billion people today might disagree with you, bub.
>1.2 billion "people"
you forgot the quote marks bud
How was Luther insane?
Did Calvin and that other swiss guy help spread the reformation, or did they just divide it ?
They translated the Bible into different languages.
So they helped spread it.
Didn't the German princes backed his shit when they realized they could get away from the emperor's authority by doing so?
"Dismantled", in this sense, is something that really can't be applied to christian theology. It is obviously a materialistic way of seeing religious instituitions. And materialistically speaking, it was not Luther the responsible.
Luther was simply wrong, you can't dismantle the truth.
Power of constipation.
He was buddies with friends in the high up and the crescent nationalism between the German princes meant that they didn't want to keep following orders from an italian institution deemed as corrupt and incopetent which allowed Luther to continue to work with some freedom on his beliefs and dogmas.
The rift caused by Luther allowed to other sentiments of revolt to spark in other places in europe.
German Princes protected Luther because it undermined the power of an Italian institution on german lands.
The master of the Teutonic Order even backed his shit just to become a normal lord, get married and start a dynasty.
There's a lot of things that fueled it.
first is simple, the Catholic Church was in fact corrupt to its very core. From the sale of parchments of paper declaring remission for your sins to Simony, where bishop/clerical offices went off to the highest bidder, to name a few. Although the Church never officially sanctioned indulgences as 100% church canon, it was very hard to say no to the cash it bringing back to Rome.
Next was the printing press, Luther couldn't be burned at the stake as a heretic anymore because his message spread further than the heretic's local town or kingdom, now anyone who was literal could read his work, and his reasoning was honestly persuasive, making people wonder why God would forgive sins in exchange for something as artificial and worthless to Him as money.
Next was the princes of the HRE, when enticed with the idea that they could just take Church land within their republics and make it theirs, it was a pretty sweet deal to turn your back on the Catholics and use the confiscated land to pocket that cash for yourself.
In the end Luther was right to call out the rampant corruption of the Church, but the reformation, very quickly, became more than just he himself can handle, becoming splintered by people's personal agendas and more corruption off princes who wanted church money for themselves, it was a perfect storm to cause continental upheaval that wouldn't settle down until a 30 year continental war that killed millions.
There's still more Catholics than every other group of Christians put together so it's safe to say he didn't
He just got some German princes to reject the pope's authority to strengthen their own
If it hadn't been Luther, it would have been Jan Huss (had he not been burnt as a heretic while under "guarantee"of safe conduct to the Council of Constance), or Zwingli, or Calvin, or any number of others who could no longer bear the hypocrisy; who could read and note the distance between the Gospels and the Church
>supporting a autist who got funded by the jews
Martin Luther was very anti-Semitic. Thank you for your post though
He was, but he was still funded by them you idiot.
Catholicism isn't real Christianity because it deviates from the bible and has added pagan holidays and idols.
He didn't dismantle it, it's still #1. There have always been heretics.
Also, Lutheran and other mainline protestants become shittier every year. It's basically a stopping point for liberals that haven't been shamed into atheism yet.
>Bible is totally the Quran guys
>the quran
Qu'ran. It is a book of lies anyway.
Then what is Protestantism?
Do you worship an UFO?
but catholics are more liberal than atheists world wide. look at the statistics mate
What, like with socialism? Yea Catholics are anti-usury.
Polling's not the issue, doctrine and governance are. If the catholic church goes down the re-married lesbian bishops route you can start drawing comparisons.
Catholics are anti socialism and anti abortion.
The printing press
are protestants atheists?
Nope, protestants are much more faithful mainly because they read the bible and pray to god, not mary
>Pew Research aka Jew Research
>supreme court mostly catholic
>votes for gay marriage
No, but they have lesbian bishopresses. It a step towards atheism for sure. See Sweden and all Protestant European countries.
Kek, the Jews voted for that. Sotomayor is a Sephardic crypto-Jew.
>but catholics are more liberal than atheists world wide. look at the statistics mate
then why the fuck did you post a poll about protestants to make a point about atheists
Anyone have that image where it's different churches idea of the eucharist
White Catholics BTFO by superior dark-skinned Catholics. White Catholics are the absolute fucking worst.
good post thanks user
The catholic church is still standing though. Cant say the same for protestantism.
How so? The subhumans are the ones that are pro gay marriage more.
>single handedly
He did it by convincing greedy German princes follow his heresy and become the heads of their own churches while confiscating property of the Catholic Church.
>Luther later sides with the nobles who brutally slaughter a protestant influenced peasant revolt
Doubling this request real quick.
He didn't there's a Catholic Church up the street from my house
This. Luther was simply in the right place at the right time.