Gabriel comes down from God to chat with people in both the Bible and the Qu'ran.
What are some other figures that have a more or less coherent role in multiple different world religions and stories?
Gabriel comes down from God to chat with people in both the Bible and the Qu'ran.
What are some other figures that have a more or less coherent role in multiple different world religions and stories?
The quran is a lie. Muhammad (His blood be upon him) was tricked by another demon. That's why islam is the cult of barbarians even in this age which should be more genteel. They are are as bad as sodomites. They are worse.
>Muslims are worse than sodomites
Do actually believe this?
>different world religions
Same religion. Islam is just the purification of what Saul tried to destroy.
Nazarenes are stupid.
>believing unironically that Jesus wasn't tricked by a demon and Mohammed was
How can you reconcile this in your puny brain?
I know it
Jesus loved and said turn the other cheek. The worst he did is chase some people in his father's house with a whipp and overturned nonliving tables. muhammad warred and raped his child wives and told his followers to kill people unlike them and he killed people unlike him and he didn't foretell his own death unlike Jesus did.
>“O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I know not whether after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you very carefully and TAKE THESE WORDS TO THOSE WHO COULD NOT BE PRESENT HERE TODAY.
>Isa never killed anyone.
1. They are ordered to destroy all, Without exception. They must go through the city, and smite; they must slay utterly, slay to destruction, give them their death's wound. They must make no distinction of age or sex, but cut off old and young; neither the beauty of the virgins, nor the innocency of the babes, shall secure them.
When God has gathered his wheat into his garner nothing remains but to burn up the chaff, Matthew 3:12
That was before. This is now.
>Christcuck actually talking about children
1- The Bible's Prophets, and even Roman Emperors married girls as young as 8! [1].
2- Mary got pregnant between the ages of 11 and 14.
3- Joseph was as old as 99 when he married Mary when she was in the age range above.
4- The minimum age for marriage in the US-State of Delaware in year 1880 was 7 (seven) [2].
5- According to the Jewish Talmud, Prophet Moses and his followers had sex with girls as young as 3 years old [3]. Yes, THREE years old. You read it right.
A true believer in Christ and the Bible would be just as barbaric as a Muslim.
That was then and this is now.
Age Limit in Age of Consent Laws in Selected Countries
1880 1920 2007
Austria 14 14 14
Belgium - 16 16
Bulgaria 13 13 14
Denmark 12 12 15
England & Wales 13 16 16
Finland - 12 16
France 13 13 15
Germany 14 14 14
Greece - 12 15
Italy - 16 14
Luxembourg 15 15 16
Norway - 16 16
Portugal 12 12 14
Romania 15 15 15
Russia 10 14 16
Scotland 12 12 16
Spain 12 12 13
Sweden 15 15 15
Switzerland various 16 16
Turkey 15 15 18
Argentina - 12 13
Brazil - 16 14
Chile 20 20 18
Ecuador - 14 14
Canada 12 14 14
New South Wales 12 16 16
Queensland 12 17 16
Victoria 12 16 16
Western Australia 12 14 16
United States
Alabama 10 16 16
Alaska - 16 16
Arizona 12 18 18
Arkansas 10 16 16
California 10 18 18
Colorado 10 18 15
Connecticut 10 16 16
District of Columbia 12 16 16
Delaware 7 16 16
Florida 10 18 18
Georgia 10 14 16
Hawaii - - 16
Idaho 10 18
What point are you making?
Jesus came and changed it. God allowed it because of the hardness of their hearts. And the people THEy killed were vampires and cyclops and titans and evil things made by annunaki and nephilim science experiences.
>That was then and this is now.
Here's now.
>BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) -- Human rights activists and Romanians on Tuesday condemned the arranged marriage of a 12-year-old Gypsy girl, saying it was illegal and a violation of human rights.
Ana Maria Cioaba, 12, was married off Saturday to Birita Mihai, 15. The reluctant bride once stormed out of the church during the service and later told reporters she did not consider herself to be married.
i can't make a point here because you guys are oh so convinced. I'm upset.
The revelation the Quran is full of the descriptions of Israel Prophets like Jacob, Yusuf (Joseph), Ayyub (Job) Shuaib Moses, Haroon (Aaron) Dhul-Kifl (Ezekiel) Daud (David) Solomon, Ilyas (Elijah) Alyasa (Elisha) Yunus (Jonah) Zechariah, Yahya (John the Baptist) Jesus etc. The Quran has told about their exalted person and teachings in detail in its revelation. . Muslims must have to believe in the truth of all these holy prophets of God equally and to respect them as a part of their Islamic faith.
You are reading it wrong the hebrew counted their age by moon cycles.
>when everyone ignores OP's questions and uses it as a chance to shitpost instead
There was a lot of overlap between classical pagan god stories you might already know about.
There are similar Noah and Noah-like figures in multiple mythologies.
If you don't know what I'm talking about then what empowers you to speak against me?
>“And (remember) when We took from the Prophets their covenant, and from you (O Muhammad), and from Nun (Noah), Ibraaheem (Abraham), Moosa (Moses), and ‘Eesa (Jesus) son of Maryam (Mary)”
? We do
I heard that all the people in the myths and stories that pre-date christianity had 1 head 2 arms 2 legs and strove to have children.
>Muslims must have to believe in the truth of all these holy prophets of God equally and to respect them as a part of their Islamic faith.
I once saw an Islamic club flyer at my university that said "Islam follows the teachings of all the prophets" but it's obviously all Mohammed all the time. The Quran explicitly validates the Torah, Gospel and possibly Psalms buts then muslims spend all day refuting them and swearing they were corrupted later.
Seems doubtful.
I just posted a picture of a cat
They were corrupted. The Quran is the line along which they were meant to follow, but Saul and the Rabbis curved the truth.
>They were corrupted. The Quran is the line along which they were meant to follow
The Quran doesn't say so, it speaks highly of them. It specifically tells anyone who holds the Gospel to judge by it. Why do you argue against your own scripture?
You said something without words.
No you Arab mongrel, Muhammad was merely trying to unite his fellow semites against the pagans.
>It specifically tells anyone who holds the Gospel to judge by it.
There are parts of it uncorrupted by Saul that are still pure. Those parts affirm the prophethood of Muhamed (pbuh) and thus are a stepping stone to the ultimate truth.
>There are parts of it uncorrupted by Saul that are still pure.
The Quran doesn't mention this happening. It says to stand by them. Why are you besmirching what the Quran upholds?
>Those parts affirm the prophethood of Muhamed
The parts that aren't in there then. The Quran endorses the Gospel anyway. Not some ancient secret gospel either, the Gospel as it was in Mohammed's time and now. So why are you arguing against your own religion, fag?
Not him but verses?
The main stem of Christianity who learnt and understood Christianity directly from Jesus belonged to Jewish stock. They were the primary custodians of Christianity with deeply embedded roots in the holy soil of Jesus’ instructions and way of life. It was Paul who gave Christianity a new philosophy and ideology. There were fundamental differences of opinion between Paul and James the Righteous. While James looked after the Jerusalem Church, Paul was preaching in the West, particularly to the gentiles. The Western Church evolved along Pauline doctrinal lines,whereas the Church in Jerusalem developed along monotheistic teachings.
The purpose of the prophet hood of Prophet of Islam(saw) is mentioned by God Almighty in the Holy Quran: ''We have sent to you a messenger from among you, who recites Our verses /signs to you, and purifies you, and teaches you the Book and wisdom, and teaches you that which you knew not.'' (Quran 2:152). Islam is a religion like other religions and offers its followers a complete code of life that is guidance in all those aspects of life that, directly or indirectly, belong to moral and spiritual progress of humankind. Islam is more concerns to moral and spiritual conditions of people, therefore prefers to improve their behavior and actions in all spheres of life to get righteousness than to suggest a worldly system.
Yet how will they appoint you a judge when they have the Torah with them, wherein there is Allah's judgement - and still they turn away from it The fact is, they are not believers.
(5:46) And We sent Jesus, the son of Mary, after those Prophets, confirming the truth of whatever there still remained of the Torah. And We gave him the Gospel, wherein is guidance and light, and which confirms the truth of whatever there still remained of the Torah,76
It could falsly have been said that the Qur'an confirms all those parts of the earlier divine books which are still extant in their true and original form. But the sense has been conveyed by employing the word 'the Book' rather than 'the previous Books'. This expression reveals that the Qur'an and all those Books sent down by God at various times and in different languages in reality constitute one and the same Book. Their Author is one and the same; their aim and purpose are the same; their teaching is the same; and the knowledge which they seek to impart to mankind is the same. The difference between these Books lies in their modes of expression, and this was necessarily so since they were addressed to different audiences. It is, therefore, not merely that these divine books support rather than contradict each other but that they are actually different editions of one and the same book - 'the Book'.
79. In Arabic, haymana, yuhayminu, hayamanah signify 'to protect, to witness, to keep trust, to back and to support'. The expression 'haymana al-rajul al-shay' means that the man protected and guarded the thing. Likewise, 'haymana al-ta'ir 'alafirdkhih' means that the bird took its young ones under the protection of its wings. Once 'Umar said to the people: 'Inni da'in fa hayminu' ('I am praying; support me by saying amen'). To say that the Qur'an is muhaymin of al-kitab means that it preserves all the true teachings of the earlier divine books; that it has secured them from loss. The Qur'an also confirms those Books in that the contents of the Qur'an testify to the truth of those parts which are indeed from God. The Qur'an is, further, a witness over those Books in the sense that, with its help, the elements which embody true revelations from God can be distinguished from the accretions which have corrupted them. Whatever in these Books accords with the Qur'an is from God, and whatever is not in conformity with it is from human beings.
This would make people look older, not younger. Lunar years are shorter than solar ones and therefore advance faster.
Brother I'm not even against you or islam in this thread but you're going too far if you're trying to present this people as european.
>of whatever there still remained
This clause not in the actual text.
> But the sense has been conveyed by employing the word 'the Book' rather than 'the previous Books'.
It names specific books.
Catholic Church allowed it. Catholicism is the embryo of Faustian Civilization.
What I hate about this argument is that it implies the Qur'an is safe from reform. I hear Arabs have trouble understanding EACH OTHER's Arabic across Mesopotamia and North Africa, what makes you think the Quran hasn't been modified and lost in translation like the other holy books in over 1200 years? What a ridiculous double standard.
What an incredibly intelligent question. Too bad THEY showed up to ruin your thread from the very first response. I mean look at them. My fairy tale is more real than your fairy tale. No wonder the aliens won't come visit us...
I don't think anybody answered your question.
GREEK and ROMAN mythology. Pretty much Rome usurped Greece. There! BEHOLD! An answer!
Now, if I were to make any mention of any cross cultural eschatology involving ANYTHING influencing Christianity, these people would flip out. They sit here all night waiting to argue instead of providing well thought out responses to profound questions.
Just gee whiz.
The Holy Spirit is YHWH's Sperm.
OR Mary committed adultery and the virgin birth is a Christian fairy tale so Jesus followers wouldn't get butthurt.
OR Jesus is a rape baby.
See... I can do it to and if I wanted to I could copypasta the Book of John all day long.
So there is another one. The Logos of Gnosticism and the Logos of Christianity.
(And here they come. Oh no, Christianity is perfect and we're gonna green text your ass to death)
Dare I even mention Zoroaster? The thread would dissolve instantly into the rants of the insecure. Oh no, you've attacked my religion. One wonders, did you, OP, know this would happen? It always does.
Here's my favorite:
Aisha was 16 when she had sex with Muhammad.
>and the Qu'ran
Muhammad was actually visited by a false angel of light, it was a demon, a fallen angel of deception. Satan and his workers are great mimickers and Muhammad, deceived, established a demonic cult of Allah (false-God) called Islam (meaning voluntary submission to this false-God, i.e. Satan) which he spread by the sword convinced that it was the last revelation of God Almighty.
Islam is none other than Satan's magnum opus, which now has 1.6 billion adherents (23% of the world population) and which will probably be followed by half of the world population by 2050.
>For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Muhammad was Satan's pawn, merely a man, he was easily deceived.
Jesus is the Christ prophesied in scripture, born of God, undeceivable.
Islam's deceptions are endless:
Muhammad was a gluttonous wealthy slave owner, an adulterer, a child-molesting pedophile, a murderer, a liar, he encouraged theft, rape, torture and the list goes on. He was the pawn of Satan and is now in Hell.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
>Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.
Matthew 7:15-20
>They were corrupted
No they weren't.
If you want to say that whoever has the most copies is correct you cannot use the New Testament to debunk the Quaran it would have a greater truth value.
Of course the idea of whoever has the most copies being the most true is maddness.