If you prefer Christian or other life-negating morals over Nietzschean life affirmation then you're an objectively inferior person.
Also Goethe and his conversations with Eckermann are the best work in German.
If you prefer Christian or other life-negating morals over Nietzschean life affirmation then you're an objectively inferior person.
Also Goethe and his conversations with Eckermann are the best work in German.
>supporting a degenerate life-style
How about you have gay sex.
Nothing wrong with that.
>wanting to be a faggot
>christian is life negating
top meme
The central project of Nietzsche is destroy objectivity. He laments the death of God (in a way), but he still wishes to depose of the body in acid, and make men free of truth.
Nietzsche is just too stupid to comprehend that Christianity has been thinking about what he wrote for like a millenia
It's absurd that the fucking answer for the root question of Nietzsche is like the most basic tenet of christianity, he is seriously stupid
This isn't the central concept of Nietzsche' work. Objectivity had already been BTFO by Hume and several other epidemiologists.
I thought you said Heraclitus, Nietzsche, and Kierkegaard were the 3 greatest philosophers. All 3 of them that understood reality to be subjective. Not that I would expect anything less than being completly two-faced on every opinion from you.
>life-negating morals
What does this mean?
Science shows we are less than remotely negligible momentary blips in an effective eternity of space-time. If that.
To say that we are utterly irrelevant in a gigantic and ancient universe - and that's just the observable one - is to hugely overstate our importance.
Nietzsche wasn't stupid at all. I strongly disagree with his project and values, and I think he completely misunderstood where it would lead, and I also know a lot of his ideas were not produced by him, but simply floating around in his age, but he is without a doubt an extremely capable intellect.
>it's BIG
>we are not nearly as BIG
>therefore we are not remotely relevant to anything
>The central project of Nietzsche is destroy objectivity
Or bring to light its self-referential and self-overcoming nature, whichever you prefer.
The many gods lead to the one God which leads to the many gods which lead to the one God etc. etc.
The pattern will remain forever, because they are intertwined. They need and define each other, like yin and yang.
This waifu agrees.
Relativism is not at all the same as polytheism. Real polytheism, of the ancients, is extremely ordered and structured and conservative. Relativism manifests a constant pursuit of what is new and exciting.
Do you mind clarifying what you mean by that? I don't mean that in a critical way just not certain.
>The central project of Nietzsche is destroy objectivity.
Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong.
Take this from a Nietzsche scholar: you don't fucking understand Nietzsche.
>Relativism manifests a constant pursuit of what is new and exciting.
kek what is it about christians that always produces the most ridiculous metaphysical beliefs?
fucking weebs
Why should I care about whether some neckbeard Pollack views me as inferior?
It's objectively true.
>t. some retard on the internet
But if the afterlife is real, isn't it ultimately Nietzsche that is life-negating?
How's that? Nietzsche is concerned with the current life. Almost none of his ideas require atheism to work.
depends on the afterlife
Nietzsche is for kids too dumb to understand Heidegger and Hegel.
Max Scheler already destroyed Nietzsche anyway.
>being so assblasted about the truth you start slinging offensive words
Kek but nobody knows anything about the afterlife
Kek I read Scheler and he hardly had a leg to stand on
Don't get why people value his "criticism" desu lad
Nietzsche had valid points but was too much of an edgelord. Read Scheler.
I have, Scheler is not that good, IDK why every anti-Nietzsche edge lord cites him into oblivion