Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
Can't kill what didn't exist.
Really? The Shitposting begins... Blah blah blah, Jesus blah God, Logos, blah blah blah
Don't be stupid. Even if he was fictional, as you are implying, fictional characters can still die on their canon.
The sign on his cross has his crime on it. He was a political enemy.
Don't the Eastern Orthodox consider Pilate a saint or something
Have you read the bible man
Pilate literally washed his hands of all that mess
The Jews were relentless in their badgering of him and he had no other choice really
So they Jews
>he still hasn't come back
How long are christurds going to wait for this asshole?
The Roman government.
You can't just say
>Welp, not my problem. Anyway yeah death penalty for you but don't blame me.
That's retarded. Like lmao Pilate could just shove his fingers in his ears if he was so against killing Jesus.
But he wasn't, Pilate didn't give a fuck yet killed him anyway. Which is even worse than doing it for any ideological motivation.
The Jew and Pilate's guilt changes based on the Gospel. Christians, escpially anti-semetic Christians, love John's Gospel because Pilate washes his hand and the Jews say "let the blood be on our children".
We get completely different things from the other canonical gospels. In other words each Gospel has a different agenda, it's interested in spreading an ideology not recording what historically happened.
The Jews were going to cause more revolts and get Pilate killed
Jesus is also responsible for his death because he could have talk to Pilate as a man but he decided to die as the king of the Jews rather than live as a man
The Jews held held the trail
The Romans were executioners
Jesus was the criminal
Pilate didn't give a fuck about the jews or their theological squabbles. The idea that he'd bend to their whim is ludicrous. It's likely Jesus was executed for stirring up shit in a contentious province and potentially inciting rebellion.
So what are some other viewpoints from the bible regarding Pilate
He gave the Jews what the wanted
Do you think killing someone is really that big of a deal to someone like Pilate
He just wanted to make sure he did his job and if the Jews really wanted Jesus dead then so be it
>The Romans were executioners
Thus the Romans killed Jesus.
The other Gospels put more guilt on Pilate and less on the Jews. It's sort of a 50/50 thing in some of them.
What's interesting is that the older Gospels you get the more Pilate seems to be ok with it and the less the Jews the force him.
The Jews did it
Luke is pretty anti-Jew as well. Which is ironic given that it's by far and away the most universalist gospel with the most cuddly representation of Jesus.
If you think the man who pulls the lever on the electric chair is a murder then yeah I guess the Romans miles Jesus
I can only see him doing that if it benefited him in some way. Giving the jews what they wanted was never what Pilate was known for.
Not having another revolt on his hands in exchange for killing some nobody who speaks in riddles seemed like a good idea
>Giving the jews what they wanted was never what Pilate was known for.
Pilate isn't known for anything except what is written in the Bible. What are your sources?
Murder is different from killing someone.
Executioners kill people. But they don't murder people as that's a legal term.
Agreed, what I don't like is the idea that Pilate reluctantly killed Jesus because of Jewish demands. He probably just saw Jesus as an unstable element and wanted him out of the picture, Judea being enough of a headache as is.
Did Jesus not undergo a trial
Was he not judged by his peers
He got literally what he was asking for
Okay, say you get the death penalty. Who of the following killed you.
a. The judge
b. The jury
c. The executioner.
The Jewish religious authority, and their choice of weapon was the Roman government.
Both Philo and Josephus describe Pilate as a brutal prefect who repeatedly offended the jews with his insensitivity for their customs.
If I understand the basics of the legal system which I probably dont
>the judge determines your punishment
>the jury determines if your guilty
>the executioner pulls the trigger (metaphorically)
I would say the judge and the criminal
Jesus was a criminal acording to the Pharisees
He was also a criminal according to the Romans. By this point he already had his trial befor the Sanhedrin (which wasn't legally binding). This was his trial before Pilate, and Pilate ruled he was guilty.
Maybe I've been thinking about this wrong
You can't really blame anyone but the criminal for their actions and the punishment they receive
Jesus knew these things would happen and he chose to continue
It wasn't the Jews or the Romans fault
>Who killed Jesus, the Jews or the Romans?
If we talk about religion Jesus WE all killed him because he had to die to cleanse our sins.
If we talk abut historical Jesus, he was probably killed by the Pharisees.
>WE all killed him because he had to die to cleanse our sins.
Finally someone gets it.
You forgot the one, actually correct choice in this scenario:
d. Society