>so user we heard you're really interested in history, tell us about that
So user we heard you're really interested in history, tell us about that
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it happened after prehistory but before present
Temple of Ishtar.jpg
Let's start with the Crusades and how they mirror Islamist resistance movements in the Middle East
Did you know the Knights Templar were the Christian ISIS?
I have the Gospels right here with me if you'd care to hear them.
Why would I talk to women?
"Yeah, nothing too crazy, i just enjoyed it during school mostly"
Just conceal your power level
Why wouldn't you? Women are fun
>Did you know the Knights Templar were the Christian ISIS?
Sources? Sounds intriguing.
t. woman
And so the truth floweth forth.
Women aren't fun to talk to. Anytime you answer in a straightforward manner to one of their stupid questions they just shrug and giggle incessantly
Do you exclusively hang out with Valley Girls and other assorted airheads, my man?
It's nonsense. Templars were ascetic as you can get and were probably the most moral warriors of their time, far more than other knights certainly.
Real life conversations are not Veeky Forums, do you find giggling offensive? Do you see it as unfun or something? Does the conversation have to be a courtroom for you to enjoy it?
except the crusaders had the better nasheeds
Actually what the problem is, is girls like him but he doesn't know it
There is historical evidence that women shouldn't vote.
Why do you think women are fun? I've never heard any woman say anything of remote value whatsoever.
That's probably because you don't value fun.
I'm aaaa, I mean ehh... d..did you know that Syria and today's Turkey were actually Christian country?
Who is Yakub anyways?
Alright, so first you gotta remember that pretty much everybody in history was abused as a child and many had lead poisoning...
I think it's highly disrespectful and I don't understand what their thinking of. If they want to sex then why not just say it.
I don't even like to hang out with them but they are all around my workplace and in the human resources Dept.
Tell them about Theodora and her sexual practices.
Might work
Are you on the spectrum? I don't mean that in a disrespectful way, I'm asking seriously.
There's also historical evidence that no person should vote at all.
Democracy is mediocracy
I disagree. I only brought that up to refute his point.
Oh haha, no, you've got it wrong, I'm here for the humanities :)
"Palestine isn't actually a historical entity. The name 'Palestine' was first given to the area by the Romans after they expelled the Jews-"
Democracy becomes truly horrific in the modern age, because of how much entertainment and news are muddled. It might have been workable in days gone by, but now it's headed for catastrophe, I'm surprised people still have the attention span for multi-year terms.
I did grow up with OCD however im not sure where it fits on the spectrum.
So we should go back to having our leaders being chosen arbitrarily?
They dont have to know
If I'm honest I think I've only met about 2 women in their early 20s or younger who were even vaguely interesting to talk to. Not so for men of a similar young age.
Source: personal experience I had a live in GF for 4 years
>Maybe i'm just homosex
>election year
>options are a giant douche or a turd sandwich
I'd say it's pretty arbitrary as it is.
Just because a girl likes you doesn't mean she wants to sleep with you then and there, it most likely means she is interested and wants to know more.
How exactly is the choice of democracy, not an arbitrary choice?
Filip was a fag
Alexander was a fag
Ceasar was a fag
Da Vinci was a fag
also why don't you believe that a former entertainer for a seedy gang was not also a stripper/prostitute?
I'm not saying she *was* not, I'm saying the graphic descriptions of her exploits are from the same guy who said Justinian killed one trillion innocent people.
So she was a slut just not a slut who was into geese?
>fun fact: first water flushed toilets were invented in India
It's not a good year for voting. I agree on that.
At least the last two elections had a few non crazy people running.
I never said it wasn't. But I feel it is best for the citizens to have a say in their government, and not have their leaders decided because of bloodline or conquest.
You have to put your penis in them user.
Wow how's high school going?
srsly dude don't be such a faggot and get ou of the house.
>Women aren't fun to talk to. Anytime you answer in a straightforward manner to one of their stupid questions they just shrug and giggle incessantly
because women are not nihilistic like you
This is a good song but ISIS nasheeds are pretty catchy.
O how the mighty have fallen
Fun fact ladies: history has no meaning and no specific purpose
S-so yolo I guess. Haha!
There was a dude some other dude castle because of he had a rare teapot
when this other dude castle was ready to be capture he killed himself by going to the top of the his castle, filling the tea kettle with gunpowder and lighting it up killing him and destroying the tea kettle in the process.
His son later to stop the attacking dude to colect his father head then jumped out of the castle holding his father head with a sword pointing to his throat
Three words ladies.
Are they British? They look British.
>bad candidates for one term
>ok, let's bring it all down and get a hegemon in
[spoiler]mfw big buisness already is that[/spoiler]
yes I am, ladies and as the great man Cicero once said "to be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child"
I then tip my fedora and do a 360 out of there
>"yeah I know all about the siege of istanbuli and the fall of the jedi temple at the hands of the hwan-gook confederation"
in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth...
Have you heard the tragedy of plagueis the wise?
This is why you always make sure to have a few fun, universally interesting history anecdotes on tap.
Can we wait for the food to get here first? I don't like talking about genocide on an empty stomach.
>Massacre of the Latins was a bad thing and pretty justifiable for sacking Constantinople
What you have to understand is that all history is the history of class struggle
Hitler was a retard and he's the reason Europe's going to shit right now
Well let me just start by saying almost everything you've be taught in school is a lie.
Is it even possible to redpill females?
This reminds me
>school room, 3 people
>girl, guy that probably liked the girl (no one was ever sure about the two), and me
>know the girl for about 5 years, guy for about 2
>all studying for A levels
>girl and me History, guy is a physicsfag
>studying silently for about 30 minutes, when suddenly from the girl
>"Gee, Absolutionism sure was great, all that power..."
>"Sure, if you were the monarch and not some peasant"
>go on discussing the perks of being an absolutionist monarch or a member of the aristocracy and then autocracy in general
>general tone is rather favourable
>had to take the "sensible" muh people position during discussion, because she sounded like renewing the feudal system at times
>that guy's face of reevaluation
History is a pretty broad subject. Let's talk about how you can make vodka taste like candy for very little money instead.
go on
It's thousands of years worth of great stories just waiting for the right author.
Women wouldn't understand.
ChErry+vanilla vodka+dr pepper.
Tropical punch and/or berry mix vodka + Hawaiian punch. Add a little blueberry vodka for smell, not taste.
Red wine mixes well with most things, provided it's not using Dr Pepper a a mixer.
Any of the above+ ginger ale works. ANY NON citrus vodka mixes well with ginger ale, aside from weird, shit flavors like caramel. Citrus is useless. Drink it straight or not at all.
Really, find a flavored vodka you like, mix with ginger ale, and you're probably good. Now get half a dozen flavors, and experiment with various combos. Soon you'll be like me- all your friends will get laid all the time, and your woman will keep brining her friends home.
Or you'll be passed out. Vodka done right tastes like candy or juice even if the cup is only half mixer or less. I'd say 30% is the most you can pull off, but that tastes like fiery, delicious juice. I've seen normal, basic as shit women who would stop after 3 beers down 8 of these.
Is that a "refugees welcome" shirt you're wearing, dear?
"yeah I'm thinking about maybe becoming a teacher."
^my usual response
What the fuck is this person doing? Looks ominous.
The Holy Roman Empire was neither holy nor Roman nor an empire
Femanon here, some of us are actually interested in history you know.
Tell them all about the Finno-Korean hyperwar.
Fuck off whore.
>not even mentioning Pekka the Great's duel with Joseon Hwan Sung V or the battle of Siberia
If you're going to reveal the secret history of the Hyper-war at least start with the best parts
Maleanon here
You are a dumb neckbeard pretending to be a woman
Another femanon here xD!
So...um... yer guisss, I ~LUV HISTORY xDD
I luv to read histry books in bed :PPP
>oh its just a little hobby of mine, I plan on releasing my third book. Yeah, I'm kind of famous if you must know
>hey, enough about me
>how about you pretty girls?
>*giggling ensues
> what are you laughing about pinky-head?
> *further giggling, dyed hair girl blushes
> or you,you cute little ginger
how u get laid autists
> giggling ensues
Male here.
I like history too.
PS: Don't hit on me silly girls, I'm a MAN and I like HISTORY, get over it!
The first crusaders were
Let me tell you about the history of muh dick
>what are you laughing about, pinky-head?
>or you, you cute little ginger
This sounds like autism
Autism works if they're looking at you like that.
I don't want to be an appeasing bitch to turn em off so I'm kind of demeaning them, they'll think its hot.
I know this believe me,girls look at me like that.
Attractive men can say completely retarded shit and it will work.
Don't take girl advice from anybody better looking than you.
Real story:
>Hanging out with a chick
>"Hey user, me and [insert name of other chick here] was watching television the other night, and we watched some of an episode of that big historical tv-drama that's been running national tv lately"
>"Oh really?"
>"Yeah, but we honestly didn't get any of it and we both agreed that you should have been there to explain it to us, it did take place during WW2 right?"
>"Not quite, WW2 was almost a century later"
>"Then when did WW2 take place and who fought in it?"
>Proceed to explain the basics of WW2 to her with her actually remembering most of the details afterwards
Also had to explain the situation in Africa, in regards to how it's being and has been exploited, to her later on.
lead poisoning? Most were in the SPQR
But where did Varus take muh legions?
you retard if you do a 360 you dont actually turn you are back at the start point fucking autistic niglet