Last ones like the Romans
>pre faded jeans
Would be fine if you burned the jeans
Those jeans are fucking gross.
Thrifted overshirt for cheap
H-he h-he, I p-posted it again mom!
not a fan of the jeans.
haha epic win :^)))
broken legs boi
why must you tuck your shirt into low waisted pants
why not
I'm going on a date is this ok?
because they're not intended for that purpose
looks a bit silly mate, like you have a long torso
but i like it m8
ah yeah you've noticed it, it's just the pic that made me look like this, actually it's a short jacket
still hot outside
alright my dude, if you like it you like it.
but if you ever get the chance i definitely recommend high waisted pants for the purpose of tucking in your shirt.
I like the look you are going for
yep i already have high waisted raw denim jeans, looks perfect
thx m8
Yikes get some pants that fit you
Any place you recommend for high waisted pants? cant find them much
any heritage or trad style brand will have them.
Wat dis
I agree with the other user on the shirt tuck, but otherwise this is really nice. I like the palette and the jeans fit you well.
The dark purple and black on top look muddy- maybe a plain white tee would look nicer?
The Rafs also look like they were just thrown into the fit without too much thought.
Anyway, reposting cause I'm still wearing this and I'll probably wear it again tomorrow
w2c that shirt?
is that like levis? they dont have em with skinny jeans. What other brands are heritage?
nvm found them
i guess, in a way. 501s/505s have somewhat of a high rise.
Well coordinated. Looks good on your body. Cools shoes.
goofy ass
rag and bone contrast ringer tee
I think I made a bad shoe choice
Reposting the right way up this time
i usually like your fits but not sure about this one, maybe tuck your shirt or try with shorter socks?
If you're going to rape and murder the person then yes.
Ditch the high socks, black shoes not the best choice for that fit. Also can't tell if you're chubby or muscly, if the former then lose some weight.
Also that shirt doesn't fit you very well
Fuck Liverpool
Rick Owens, CP, Engineered Garments, Southlake
New Balance*
thanks doug
glasses don't suit your face at all, you should shave, get a different haircut
rating your kitties 10/10
why do yeezys and tubulars look so shit with jeans?
doing a lift today
thin white shirts suck coz everybody will see your nipples, besides full white´s is pretty doctor core
Have you seen many of my other fits? I sailed the "everybody seeing my nipples" ship a long time back.
Thank you for not showing face. I still remember it tho, so i still hate you
not op, but please fuck off niggerfaggot. op's pic is dope
everything is sort of bad so far. special mentions
make me cringe more than the other people itt who literally don't know what they're doing
is the only semi-cool fit so far
why do I come here anymore
talk fit, post shit
u didn't expect it
Why does everyone but Dress the same?
top too long? I'm 172cm "tall" btw.
Jesus Christ why did you feel the need to post this. Get pants that fit you
Is it large? Stick to small/medium
might sell my rick
Your house is fucking gross.
you pulled off the runners, looks good
dont listen to that other user, he doesnt know shit
stereotypical fuckboy shit going on here.
get clothing right before you splurge on expensive shoes, people
998 is goat
pants mediocre
shirt basic but not fitting super
I like the cap
hmmm I like this, if only I could replicate it
can you point out how they don't fit? I'd like to know, please [spoiler]I usually don't visit Veeky Forums[/spoiler]
I can't stop laughing at your legs what the fuck
you should if you thought wearing prisoners with boots was a good idea
Those pants dont fit, not too mention they look bad in general. And those shoes are utter shit. Why are you even here?
>/thinspo/ will defend this
w2c jeans mi mann?
>pants so tight they effeminate you
>neon airmaxes
i dont know if this is a joke but you cant have an opinion here with a fit like that
Neuw brand raw jeans, really lightweight fabric. Do not reccomend...
If my posture was normal you could see they're not that tight, pic related.
that said I'm not content with them. they're okay for working in, but that's about it.
waist is two inches too wide. If I had bought them too small (do this with raw) they would have been better.
probably not perfect because from the knee down the taper is v mediocre.
fuck shit fuck shit
pic enclosed
oh and
>effeminate as an insult
it's CURRENT YEAR, try harder next time
Yo my bad for not wanting to buy APC faggot color shirts, low rise pantalones, and Nike ID Airmax. Stay mad europoor
you're surely flexing here.
Hard to say anything about your jeans other than you should cuff it. Make a picture with a shirt that fits you and better lightning if you want advice.
>hurr durr your opinion is invalid because you dress like shit
I'm not saying my style is better, I'm saying your style is bad.
I'm also not claiming to be some kind of authority, it's an opinion.
>you're surely flexing here.
yes, I am. nice one! really got me.
1. you're calling people fuckboy and spelling it wrong
2. you've cuffed your jeans
3. you are wearing nike airmax
I seriously suggest you remove yourself from this board. It'll be better for everyone, just continue to take inspiration from all the cool kids on your local shithole town.
you should just kill yourself
overweeg zelfmoord, je ziet er uit als een typische deus kneus. kanker knuppeltje
I can already tell you're a master memester my friend.
>deus kneus
oe die zit, goeie!
deus kneus zou alleen nooit kleur dragen tbqh
niet om 'zo één' te zijn, maar heb jij hier een fit gepost?
Je bent zo erg tegen de mainstream kledingstijl van je landgenoten (niet erg), dus ik vraag me af wat jij dan draagt.
>you've cuffed your jeans
>you are wearing nike airmax
I don't see how these two arguments strengthen your statement.
I hate how these jeans flare without a pinroll,
I like the silhouette of the am1.
pls rate mine. Any suggestions? not sure if its acceptable.
i see what ur going for but the socks dont really work, also not a fan of the t shirt layering
Looks like it's gonna post sideways, not so sure why
yeah I tought wool socks will fit well but on the pic they look shit.
I hate this fucking world, too many god damn fuckers in it.
Too many thoughts and different societies all wrapped up together in this fucking place called AMERICA.
Everyone has their own god damn opinion on every god damn thing,
and you may be saying 'Well what makes you so different?'.
Because I have something only me and V have; SELF AWARENESS.
Call it exortenstiolism or whatever the fuck you want.
We know what we are to this world, and what everyone else is.
We learn more than what caused the civil war and how to simplify quadratics in school.
We've been watching you people and we know what you think and how you act.
All talk and no action.
People who are said to be brave or courageous are usually just STUPID,
then they say later that they did it on purpose cause they're brave,
when they did it on fucking accident.
God everything is so corrupt and so filled with opinions and points of view,
and peoples own little agendas and schedules.
This isn't a world any more.
It's H.O.E and no one knows it.
Self awareness is a wonderful thing.
What do they look good with?
joggers /techwear pants?
shit fit, stop tripping
going for a cyberpunk look
im thinking about copping this sweater, what size did you take and whats your height ?