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What sparked your interest in history?
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So Veeky Forums
What sparked your interest in history?
Pic related
Who is /00-10/ here?
EE III was the worst sequel ever.
Same for me
This and when I when I was in the 5th grade I had a teacher who was a history buff.
He put me down to the show Mail Call on history channel and from there it just peaked.
He gave me an encyclopedia about WW2 In Spanish but he told me it was the most comprehensive WW2 book he ever read. To bad I'm half gringo and my Spanish is shit tier.
>TFW History Channel now talks about aliens and has drama series.
The first age of empires game, i used to just read the scenario history stuff over and over again
those fucking mission descriptions man, hooked me the fuck in, I also had a bunch history for kids style books from like age 5 onwards about knights and castles
my nigga, its a shame going back to it how dated AOE1 feels compared to 2 for example not being able to queue units or view your population cap
I started to get interested in Romance of the Three Kingdoms period a lot thanks to picture related. From that, I spread my interest on other periods like time of First Chinese Emperor and such.
DW2 was my first Dynasty Warriors game but DW3 made me interested in RotTK.
My first real visit to the libary in grade one. Everyone was in the fiction section and I wandered off to the nonfiction section. I especially enjoyed the illistrated books about WW2. So much s that during art time, I drew a crude picture of the Bismarck with the Swastika flags and the one painted on the deck.
I got my first detention for that one and my parents were called in.
So for the next few years I studied history by myself when in grade 4 I got this cool as fuck older British teacher. He survived the Blitz as a kid, his eldest brother died at Anzio, and frequently he would drop his lesson plan of the day to talk about the war. While every other chump in school went to a lame half assed assembly on Remembrance day he took us instead on a field trip to a gathering of war vets and we got to talk to WW1 and 2 vets on both sides of the war.
That pretty much solidified my fascination with history.
This game was gold. I played Age of Empires II before playing this but Rome: Total War really made me interested in history.
My dad and his insane lust for Americore(WW2, Civil War, Gangster, Western) films did it for me.
We then started to get the history channel back in '96 or so and it introduced me to stuff Napolean, Augustus and Attila.
And today, I am an autist.
"Once Upon A Time"
jolly french cartoons with sometimes really violent scenes and messages, like that last scene in the intro.
Still gives me the shivers.
This indeed
That's spooky, and not in the usual way for this board.
Holy shit that's so cool. I've been lucky enough to know a handful of ww2 vets. My grandfather's good friend who passed away a couple of years ago told me a lot about his experience, got injured during the battle of the bulge. This guy also claims he was American intelligence, and implied some pretty dark stuff. I know very little of what 'American intelligence' was in ww2, but I doubt he lied about it.
I also work in the hospitality industry right now, and where I am we have a pretty high concentration of ww2 vets, I'm friends with a guy who fought at Guadalcanal, he has a couple very funny and endearing stories. The not so funny stories consist of at shooting at japs they thought were in the jungle.
Watching the history channel as a wee lad
I love that series!
"Once upon a time... life" was especially fantastic
IMO it's necessary. Kids aren't that stupid. When watching normal cartoons, they're funny but don't hold anything important that you can reflect upon and take with you.
When kids see unfair treatment of the characters involved, suffering and death they will remember that and contemplate on it.
It probably was this one series of children's """"encyclopedias"""" with really cool drawings. The text is rather rushed and suffers from some propaganda, but the illustrations were cool. It went through prehistory and antiquity to the 19th century.
I had an option to have a Vietnam War History class in Junior Year of High School. The teacher was a veteran and all he did was tell stories of his time there. That, my obsession with buying guns and Hearts of Iron II is what really dragged me into the pit that is History.
I remember watching my friend play this game in... maybe second grade, and going to the store with my dad and buying it afterwards.
I wasn't making a stand against it. Spooky kids cartoons are great. I still have nightmares about this:
When I was about four years old, my dad went on a business trip to London and we went to the British Museum. I thought mummies were so incredibly cool that I fell in love with Egypt. From Egypt I stumbled into Greece and then Rome and well, the rest is history.
Holy fucking shit man, loved this as a child!
Yeah, the World War 2 vets were still relatively young at the time (it being 1998) and they were real cheerful, even the Germans who, now that I think about it were quite hammered, as were their Canadian/British counterparts. They talked about the war, but kept it light. They all agreed Hitler was a douchebag.
The World War One vets were older, and far far more spookier to talk to. They were kind enough, but they didn't pull any punches and straight out spoke in length about the creeping Artillery barrages they had to march behind, the gas attacks the filth of the no man's land. I remember that I didn't like talking to them at the time, but I'm grateful for it now.
>and well, the rest is history.
>Watching the history channel as a wee lad
This pretty much. My dad always had it on from the time I could remember, back when they did a lot of stuff but WW2 especially.
In high school I took some optional Saturday morning classes, first one I took was on the civil war and one week we watched that awesome civil war movie by the crazy lib who had captain planet made as well. No turning back after that.
I liked Lord of the Rings a lot and knew it had something to do with "medieval" but no one taught dick about it in grade school, so I went after it on my own in libraries. My grandpa also bought me some osprey - esque books which I loved.
These two exactly.
Greeks didn't evolve from Egyptians
Horrible Histories.
I don't like the person interviewing, but this old guy is fascinating to listen to.
Parsing text for Broken Crescent 1.2
The Holy Bible
Watching documentaries in history channel, reading children's ilustrated encyclopedias and playing historical games like total war.
>pic related
That was fucking awesome.
When I was 6 or 7, my father calmly pulled me aside and told me that he arranged a marriage with one of the neighbors daughters, and that when we hit 15, we'd be expected to wed.
Since the girl in question was an absolute stranger, I kind of had the "WTF?" moment, followed by wondering how the hell this sort of thing started to happen, followed by being interested in how things happen in general, which leads to the study of history.
I always had an interest in it. I was that kid who would read chapters ahead in the textbook just because it interested me.
my nigga
These bad boys.
I can't really say for sure what did it, bur I remember it happened in my junior year of high school in my lackluster US History class. Despite the teacher's uninteresting droning, I realized that these lists of dates and names were actual people who lived and had their own thoughts, feelings and worries.
I read ahead even if I wasn't interested just because people read too fuckin slow.
Also Age of Empires. I have drawings from when I was seven when I first played it still. Anyone played 0AD? Is it any good?
This. I got it in 2006 when I was but a lad (10 years old), and, while I had already been interested in history, it really made me want to look in-depth at the Roman Empire in-general. Eventually, I got Roma Surrectum II mod (if you have ever had it, you know its unit and building descriptions are some of the most autistically well-researched shit ever in a game), and that led me to get a bunch of books on the subject and to read on the Roman Empire and military history generally.
it's ok, it has this annoying system by which all units can collect any form of resources, which means you have Hoplites wandering off picking berries. It makes them really hard to collect afterwards and fight, otherwise it is just a modern AoE. I really wish they expanded map size and playing complexity, like pic-related, which actually had a food system by which your armies could actually starve to death if not supplied
To be honest it's because I am a dreamer. I build these perfect socities and places in my head and because 16-17th century Europe gives you such a good romantic setup to create a perfect fantasy world, I started studying that era (obviously the reality is much harsher).
>10 years old in 2006, man you must be like 13 or something
And then it hit me
>Perfect societies
>16th-17th Century Europe
>Not classical Greek city-states
get on my autism spectrum ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
>tfw I'm 20
>tfw I still think of the 1990's as having only been 10 years ago
This is what happens when you build your childhood watching history documentaries.
I had the Dutch version. I loved these books.
Based Toccata & Fuge
>Always liked Ireland and being irish despite living in Northern Ireland
>Live in protestant area so if irish history isn't last years 12th or 1690 it can fuck off according to everyone else
>play CSK2 and everyone tells me to play as Ireland
>look up what early Ireland was like
>look up what VERY early Ireland was like
>that's pretty cool, I wonder what else went on in the world
And that was that.
The opening cinematic was so good.
>Throughout history, few are given the power to control the destiny of their fellow man.
History Channel @ 6am before school, then more when I got home. Also reading History textbooks as a wee lad, just for fun
When I was a child I asked myself how did people make bread before. Now it expanded into history.
100% serious
reading about greek mythology and fantasy stuff when i was a kid. it just snowballed from there
mi camarada saltador de fronteras
Reading/studying literature and realizing I knew fuck all about the context of anything, then reading about authors and realizing they lead some cool lives
Dad's nationalist-separatist rant.
No, spanish.
Age of Empires or those Horrible Histories books.
American conquest and seeing clasical buildings, I have always loved them.
Horrible Histories were the shit, I probably read each of those 4 or 5 times
This game sparked my interest in european medieval history (probably my most researched topic to date) and History Channel got me into WWII, which led me to research more about moder times.
Watching Excalibur in the early 90s
are you me?
dw was like level 1 though, then I got to rotk and na and that was level 2, then the novel and then actual history books
My dad would keep the history channel on all day and I would sit down and watch a ton of documentaries with him. As I got older he would show me movies like Gladiator and Enemy at the Gates. He would teach me about certain periods as well, and from there my interest in history developed.
one of my history teachers played THIS at the start of her history lesson.
And now I am a amateur tank historian autist.
Fate series
It is about 7 magician summoning 7 servant/heroes from the past history to fight each other in the holy grail war which is a ritual to summon holy grail or wishfullfilment device to the winner
It is like anime version of game of thrones
I recommending you to watch fate zero first
Granddad always telling me awesome stuff
basically listened to some cassette about sulla on repeat growing up
>fate is game of thrones
sure if you turn feudal families and entire armies into emotionally incontinent fags in spandex with special swords and the most autistic system for magic ever created
Yea I liked Arnold's futuristic cameo too. I like the trĂ¡iler for number 2 more, but I enjoyed the first game the most.
Civilization III, IV, and V. I used to play Civ:V for hours while watching history documentaries.
The Civipedia
I think mostly my mom read a lot to us when I was little which led to me reading fantasy -> king Arthur shit -> Historical fantasy -> actual history.
I played a ton of OP and I remember specifically the El Cid campaigns (grandpa was Spanish so they sounded cool) are vividly ingrained in my mind.
Also played a fuck ton of Medieval total war (later RTW) but I was 15 when that came out so it more cemented my interests in location/era.
Also, history channel when it had actual history docs and Wishbone. Obviously wishbone was more about books but most of them were historical or period pieces.
Ironically, it was probably John Green's crash course: world history, though I've always had an interest in history and muh wargames/Grand strategy games
Watched pic related with my dad as a little kid. I always thought it was cool to find and study something that's so important to the world. As a kid, I never knew he was fighting nazis, I just knew Indie was fighting "the bad guys". It was quite a shock when I went back and rewatched them as a teenager, and it led to my ww2 love.
Also, Raiders > crusade > temple
>WW1 and 2 vets on both sides of the war
>both sides
God damn...
Played this as a 9yo kid, blew my mind.
My dad used to tape every documentary that we got on the TV, everything from science to the arts. History of course included. I used to watch these, cause I had watched all the old movies on the shelf and thought they were quite interesting. Used to wake up to interesting docus every day, and I really got interested when seeing one about the nordic bronze age, sparking my fire for knowing about history.
That, and a whole lotta vidya
My great great grandfather who fought for the Germans in east Africa.
He always spoke fondly about it. (I think)
... a German fighting for the Germans or a Namibian fighting for the Germans?
Unironically? The Bible. I used it to teach myself to read when I was a kid, read it back to back about 4 or 5 times. I also read the Greek myths voraciously. Since then I've always been fascinated by antiquity and got me really into history on the whole.
That sounds really comfy, wish I recorded more documentaries.
Total War Rome
Best game I've played till today
It was comfy as fuck desu, but our dvd-player that we used to record stuff with eventually died and the new one couldn't record shit. All good things come to pass, I s'pose...
>No Crusader King 2
At first, I wasn't interests but later on as I play this game, I startled to look up a history of major event like Charlemagne, hundreds year wars, Plantaginst Dynasty ect
Beowulf since I'm not a plebeian. Also sparked my interest in literature and I'm glad that unlike the other kids wasting my time with video games like mindless retards I was actually learning things by reading and researching history.
Ain't that some shit
Both AoE1 & 2 were great, played both a ton and so did my dad. He recently started playing 2 again (he's 63).
My parents also bought me a horrible histories subscription as a child. I'm fairly sure I still have the dozens of magazines somewhere, probably stored with all the LotR Warhammer ones.
I wonder if the great Historical Real Time and Grand strategy games in the 90's and early 00's, and the recent resurgence in quality Grand Strategy games has had any noticeable impact on history as a subject of interest.
This and horrible histories.