Is the reason for India's current situation due to 200 odd years of British colonialism + 50 something years of Nehruistic socialism? The Jewel in the crown isn't what it used to be.
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yes. Its much better now.
The elephant in India's room is the giant population boom. If India had half the number of people it currently has, it would be a far better country economically and socially.
Basically we need a lot of bloodletting or sterilization of people.
Is that why the continual open defecation thing keeps going on? To try to encourage cholera and other preventable diseases among the young to keep population counts down?
Poo in loo
>Is the reason for India's current situation
Describe the current situation - what in particular do you find so appalling?
I only ask because people who make such empty presumptives without really detailing what they are on about usually have some blanket stereotype or excessive assumptions about the place.
>Describe the current situation
>The Jewel in the crown isn't what it used to be
I've got no assumptions. By all means, India is a beautiful place, but we can't ignore the fact that the country is still in the backwards spiraling phase which Europe was in a hundred years ago. There's massive infrastructure projects going on at the moment under the Modi government, ie; The Delhi-Mumbai economic corridor, which will lead to the creation of 3 mobile, modern cities along the corridor. There is development, but I just want to know why it took so long. The country is sufficient in resources, and has some of the most fertile land in the world, but food distribution is a bitch, and the wage gap is extremely uneven between the rich and poor, but will probably change due to the arising middle class.
>India is a beautiful place
This has to be bait..
They throw dead people into rivers and live with rats, cows and shit everywhere
GEOPOLITICS (also the caste system is buttfuck retarded)
There's crack ridden ghettos in America. Doesn't mean that the entire country is like that. A lot of India is fucking shit, but don't be so dismissive. Some of the architecture is profound, along with the natural scenery in the northern provinces.
Natural scenery exists everywhere around India. I was in India a decade or so ago, it was pretty chill out in the Northern provinces for sure. Both in climate and in scenery. The southern sceneries are there, but the weather didn't bring it to life. 2hot4me
The nature of India is beautiful.
But the people, their culture and religion is disgusting.
Surely you can't bunch the hundreds, if not thousands of individual cultures of India into one basket? There's no one unified culture in India, but a tonne of individual cultures which are variations of each other. The cultures of the south are way different to the cultures of the north.
this all indians should start worshipping jebus and eating cows. that will learn them.
you literally know nothing.
Enlighten me about how the caste system is responsible of india's current problems?
the wage scales better in India than it does in the states, especially outside the tier 1 urban cities. The biggest problem in India is the food distribution system which is a cartel.
Modi is a person who is full of shit who just wants to return to a mythical past where people lived for thousands of years and were 'morally pure'.
British colonialism certainly didn't help, but even before the Brits you had the Mughuls sturing tension in India as dispossessing thousands of native Hindu's. They fundamentally changed Indian society and exploited the caste system to their benefit. Then the Brits came in and did the exact same thing to the economy, with the production of tea and cotton being heavily encouraged over grain, which coupled with the fact that Indians could only buy from Company-managed traders, meant that the price of grain skyrocketed and made India, for the first time in it's history, be reliant on an outside source for their food supply. The Brits fucked up hard in that regard, it created a lot of problems and millions died from starvation that frankly didn't need to.
The only real problems with India are the massive levels of government corruption, and too fast population growth. Indians themselves are smart and chill, and Indian expats around the world tend to do just fine.
>designated shitting streets
>roving rape gangs
>maoist insurgency
>IS mobs cutting people up with machetes
What went so wrong?
>this all indians should start worshipping jebus and eating cows. that will learn them.
They shouldn't start worshiping Jesus, maybe some incorporating random ideals into Hinduism, like worshipping rats.
>the wage scales better in India than it does in the states
Poverty and inbreeding.
No seriously. Because they believe in reincarnation and karma, they think insects and rats are sacred.
Since they believe reincarnation, they don't care about personal hygiene and cleanliness.
that is a pretty reductionist view of india's history desu.
The mughals largely intermarried with the rajputs and left outer rim provinces to their own devices for the most part. Shivaji Fucking Bhonsale started his career by bribing a mughal castellan and stealing his fort. He initially came to terms and ruled in the name of the mughal emperor before continuing his rebellion.
Casteism also varied from place to place in india, as it reinforced local divisions. Take the example of bengal for instance. Brahmins remained temple priests, but the temples were paid for by lower tier artisans and petty landlords instead of the rajas and maharajas in south or western india.
>citation needed
the entire white paper on the MNREGA?
The current prices of foodstuffs in India?
But it behoves you to think that everyone in india is starving and living from a hand to mouth existence while they go and work at the nearest call center before going to rape the next white tourist, you won't bother.
The Mughals didn't change much in terms of governing the populace that the Delhi Sultanate already didn't do. You can't just blame the Mughals, as there was a spectrum of different leaders fundamentally altering how shit was done. You had the protoliberal Akbar, who married a Hindu Rajput and wanted to appeal to the Hindu populace by banning the pilgrimage tax, and you had people like Aurangzeb who was an Islamic loon.
t. Communist Party Of India (Marxist) spokesperson.
no you retard. It has more to do with the fact that several of the cities are packed to the fucking brim with far too many people because they are looking for jobs. No indian government has plans for expanding tier 2 cities or moving jobs there because it is a long term investment that will make them lose the next election.
>But it behoves you to think that everyone in india is starving and living from a hand to mouth existence
I don't think that. Coming from a Punjabi background, I've visited Punjab a lot of times. Let's not pretend that India is some utopia wherein a majority of the population is better off. From famine in the south to 70% of the population of the youth of Punjab being addicted to some sort of narcotic. India has some serious problems.
I'll admit, my knowledge of the details are shaky. I know far more regarding the Indian Independence movement than I do the Mughal-era. What are some key points of contention?
What was the reason for the sudden spark of Indian nationalism that led to Indians wanting independence from The Raj?
the problem with the youth in punjab has to do with the rapid increase in financial resources of their parents post economic liberalization. The state is socially still stuck in the 19th century with autistic notions of purity. This is a problem in India as a whole. Politicians don't care about the changing demographics and see them as voting blocs to win the next election. Social reforms and the like are pretty much at the bottom of the priority list for our political leaders. The congress is somewhat socially progressive at the top but it's lower orders are a mess and SAD just wants it's khalistan.
Why slowly and steadily for change that comes in the next generation when you can literally tell someone that your dad was oppressed by evil brahmin shitlords and win back to back elections?
Aurangzeb had two phases in his career. He started off as a level headed ruler that spent a lot of resources trying to win back the central asian heartlands of the mughals, failed terribly and turned religious. Instead he went south to incorporate the decaying deccan sultanates and hindu petty kingdoms in the peninsula, while knocking down european traders a notch. The deccan is pretty much an expanded spanish peninsula and aurangzeb drove the mughal empire into the ground trying to expand it. He died like a depressed faggot and the marathas exploited that and created their empire.
This is pretty much a tl;dr of the last great mughal emperor. Specific details about the different southern kingdoms, and their interactions with the europeans will probably be of more interest to you.
It was largely focused on the eastern and western fringes of the country initially. And the south. The brits needed a lot of clerks to manage their ever expanding company assets. They began recruiting a lot of predominantly bengali middle and upper caste people to do this work for them. As a result they began to get influenced by european enlightenment ideals and ended up creating a syncretic version between hindu traditions (primarily vedantic and post upanishadic) and european ideals.
Look up Raja Ram Mohan Roy.
Turn of the 20th century calcutta was a pretty interesting city to be in from a cultural and social perspective. I can tell you more if you are interested.
I believe massive countries like India and China require a more authoritarian type of government.
Honestly, primarily economic concerns and a population that was growing to fast to keep up with economic growth. India needs something akin to the one child policy.
wouldn't work in India's case. Too diverse.
but muh demographic dividend?
North indians need to be chemically castrated desu. Sanjay Gandhi died too soon.
> SAD just wants it's khalistan
Really? I thought that was just western born Sikhs with a wetdream for a utopian Khalistan. Afaik, the idea of a Khalistan independent from India was pretty much dead in Punjab.
Indian PM's have actually been pretty good afaik. There were several moments where they could have collapsed but didn't because of strong leaders. The downside of this is that India has had grinding, painfully slow economic growth until recently.
I typed up a big paragraph but beat me to it.
And what sparked the tensions between the Dharmic religions and Islam? I've heard stories from a bunch of elders about how life was peaceful amongst Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs pre-partition.
They are a regional party that is focused in Punjab and based on punjabiness. Their behavior in the arrest of former khalistani sympathizers is kinda sad IMO. They know it is dead but its is like milking a dying goat to gain extra milk.
>too diverse
What does that have to do with anything? China is also quite diverse btw.
Don't think diversity is the issue.
>What sparked the tension between X and Islam?
Islam took over the rich Hindu/Buddhist kingdoms and fought its way to India. Sikhs were changed drastically as a result of Muslim leaders persecuting/torturing their Gurus. The reason Sikhs carry a knife (like a cross on neck, or jewish head thing) as a sacred item was because of protection against Muslims.
Ethnically and genetically diverse. Also the language barrier is a real thing in India. A bureaucrat becomes a polyglot by the time he retires.
The chinks also hanify their history to an obscene extent. India tried to do that early on but when non hindi speaking states protested, they wheeled that back. Now its kinda like a bigger South Africa. A rainbow nation, with all the problems that entail. I wouldn't trade us losing all our history and culture so that the next generation gets to OD themselves on drugs faster because they have more money than they can dream of.
But the main problem in India IS population management. Given India's post independence history, it is also political suicide to take steps to counter it overtly.
because people went batshit crazy during the partition. Shit's sad man. People who worked the farms with each other all their lives killing each other because of skygods is always grimdark.
Punjabi muslims differ from sindhi muslims and have more in common with their people in punjab than they have with their fellow mudslimes in sindh.
What do you mean "current situation". Stop listening to /pol/. India is doing well, poverty is dropping really fast.
They had poverty because of two big reasons
1. Huge ass population boom, this always results in mass poverty
2. I don't know all the details, but until the 90s India was almost communist and hardly traded with anyone.
Anyway in another 20 years India will be near poverty free and a wealthy place, it already is a wealthy country.
As for shitting in the streets, thats a bad cultural practice, even the wealthy people do that. Probably why there's such a strong campaign going to stop it.
the khalsa came much later desu. The earlier sikhs were a syncretic hindu-islamic faction that aurangzeb autistically persecuted because he wanted to go to heaven real bad. It is an ethnic religion for the most part, even though they accept converts.
Fun fact, they are called Sardars as a mark of respect in india because they were famous for saving girls that had been kidnapped and returning them to their villages. It was the mark of a leader (sardar) to do protect the weak, which is why sikhs began to be called Sardarjis.
All in all, sikhs = best bros.
Fuck off, commie. Your kind has ruled India for 50 years after independence and did NOTHING worthwile.
Narendra Modi will make India great again.
they started becoming part of the global economy post Indira gandhi's death.
Rajiv Gandhi invested a shit ton of money in laying down fiber wires and computerizing key government services in India. Of course communists and Mr Modi's political party protested against it because of job loss boogeymans.
the gujju is full of dogshit and gujrat was always a top tier state in india. It is ethnically homogeneous and full of industrious people. Kinda like japan
Now communism ruined bengal. Fuck the reds.
The khalsa came as a direct result of the muslim torture and killing of their various venerated gurus. One of the later gurus created this initiation where sikhs must have sword to defend the weak and justice from the unjust and strong, aka the muslims.
I always find ironic how Marxists in the West blame everything on the Western world and promote identity politics from "oppressed" groups such as blacks and indigenous peoples against the Westerners as inherently righteous and justified.
Meanwhile, in India, Marxists make apologies for Muslim imperialism and call identity politics of the oppressed Hindu majority "literally fascism".
Bunch of hypocrites. Pinochet did nothing wrong.
Sikh's are special because they were often treated as heretics by Muslims, so their hostility is more cultural.
However, the tension present in modern India harkens back to Ali Jinnah and the Muslim League's proposing the idea of Pakistan, which was built around the idea that Muslim Indians identified not with a common culture or language, but rather their religion, and that their interests were entirely separate from that of the Hindu majority. The proposed that there needed to be "Two India's", one for Hindu's, another for Muslims, to prevent sectarianism.
They were extremely influential in the INC, and despite Gandhi's calls for unity they ultimately succeeded in writing up and signing the partition, declaring their separation from India proper.
Which lead to one of the most poorly managed mass migrations of the 20th century, and perhaps ever. Hundreds of thousands died in violent clashes between Islamic Nationalists and Indian unionists, who saw the Muslims as traitors to the cause of a united India.
This sprouted the seeds of resentment and anger that had been planted centuries in the past, and fucked Muslim-Hindu relations for all eternity since.
But the whole Khalsa 'movement' is redundant now. Instead of fighting against this apparent oppression Sikhs are facing in today's India, they should be fighting against their own Badal-ran government and doing something about the cancerous drug addiction facing the people of Punjab.
>Punjabi muslims differ from sindhi muslims and have more in common with their people in punjab than they have with their fellow mudslimes in sindh.
"Nah, that's like fucking dumb and shit man, you're all Muslims, get over it"
t.Al-REEEE Jinnah
Jinnah was probably cucked by nehru.
Modi seems so based but I'm scared that he will amount to jack shit.
he talks good.
thats about it.
After a series of famines and colonial policies that resulted in India's de-industrialization, Indian society entered the Green Revolution population boom era with an economically broken society. Things are improving now as India becomes incorporated into the global economy, forcing the nation to restructure itself and cut down on uneducated, unemployed young men who join Maoist rebellions, gang rape women, or defecate in the streets and eventually end up a bloated corpse in the Ganges because there's nothing else to do.
A hindu dindu told me Modi is a hack and is just using his power to make his CEO friends rich.
Makes sense considering he's still a pajeet.
well if a person promises quick solutions to deep seated problems, the person is probably a hack.
Most likely he'll make minor changes in the right direction, but anything substantial is purely political promises. What India needs is development in the truly neglected regions in the Northwest, not more high rises in Bombay.
High rises definitely needs more attention and development though.
The cities are dirty as fuck and needs lots of infrattructure, regulations, enforcement, and oversight.